2020 Records

The Sightings Page features records of any interesting sightings, scarce & rare visitors, migrant arrivals and high counts etc. It does not attempt to include every species present.
All records subject to acceptance.

Please email/Tweet your sightings, Emails/Tweets for 2020 =480
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December 31st

No records for today.

December 30th

Great Northern Diver, Red-necked Grebe, 30+ Goosander, 88 Wigeon and 35+ Goldeneye. In the roost just 4 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont T Marlow S McAusland I and R Sansom)
Little EgretGrey WagtailGoldeneye and Weasel---Ivan Sansom---

December 29th

Great Northern DiverRed-necked Grebe, 2 Shag, 31 GoosanderCommon Sandpiper, 4 Grey Wagtail, 4 Pochard, 90 Wigeon, c40 Teal, 306 Great Crested Grebe, c55 Little Grebe and Egyptian Goose. (T Clermont)
Great Northern DiverPochard and Teal---Theo de Clermont---

December 28th

Great Northern DiverRed-necked Grebe, 3 Shag, possible Siberian Chiffchaff and 139 Wigeon. In the roost second winter and 2 first winter Caspian Gull, adult and new first winter Med Gull and 4+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont J Judge T Marlow)

December 27th

Great Northern Diver. (D Cox)

December 26th

No records for today.

December 25th

***Site Closed***

December 24th

Great Northern Diver, 1+ Shag and 2+ Goosander. In the roost adult and first winter Med Gull. (T Clermont Jonathan J Judge T Marlow)
ShagGoosandersGoldeneyeTufted Duck and Coot---Jonathan---

December 23rd

Great Northern DiverRed-necked Grebe, 2 Shag and 11 Shelduck. (P Cashmore D Cox)

December 22nd

Great Northern DiverRed-necked Grebe, 3 ShagCommon Sandpiper, 4 Grey Wagtail, 34 Goosander, 2 Pochard, c35 Goldeneye, 5 Shoveler, 12 Wigeon, 82 Linnet, 74 Lapwing and Chiffchaff. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, adult and second winter Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull and 4+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont)
Glaucous Gull---John Judge---
Goldeneyes---Theo de Clermont---

December 21st

No records for today.

December 20th

Great Northern Diver and Shag. (D Cox)

December 19th

Great Northern Diver and Shag. In the roost adult Med gull and 2+ Yellow-legged Gull. (K Barnsley D Cox J Judge T Marlow)

December 18th

No records for today.

December 17th

Great Northern DiverShag and 6 Redpoll. (D Cox)

December 16th

No records for today.

December 15th

Great Northern DiverRed-necked Grebe, 3 Shag, 2 Pintail (one drake) 46 GoosanderCommon Sandpiper, 7+ Raven, 3 Redpoll, 3 Grey Wagtail, 4 Chiffchaff and Egyptian Goose. (T Clermont)
Great Northern DiverShag and Goosander---Theo de Clermont---
Common Sandpiper---Neil Jarvis---

December 14th

Great Northern DiverRed-necked GrebeShag, 3 Pintail (2 drake) Common Sandpiper, 3 Pochard and 2 Egyptian Goose. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, sub-adult Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull and 5+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Cox C & J Timms)
Glaucous Gull---Video---Theo de Clermont---
Great Northern Diver---James Timms---

December 13th

Great Northern Diver and Shag. (D Cox)

December 12th

2 Great Northern Diver and Shag. (D Cox)

December 11th

Great Northern Diver and 3 Shag. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, 2 adult, second winter and first winter Caspian Gull and adult Med Gull. December counts were c6850 Common Gull, c13000 Black-headed Gull, c4600 Herring Gull, c7800 Lesser Black-backed Gull and 432 Great Black-backed Gull. (T Clermont D Cox)
Glaucous Gull---Video---Theo de Clermont---

December 10th

Great Northern Diver. (B Bishop)
Great Northern DiverGoosanderGoldeneye and Little Grebe---Bev Bishop---

December 9th

2 Great Northern DiverRed-necked Grebe, 3 Shag, 4 Little Egret, 38 Goosander, 2 Grey WagtailPeregrineEgyptian GooseRaven,4 Pochard12 Shoveler27 Wigeonc70 Teal,   c25 Goldeneye and 154 Lapwing. (T Clermont D Cox B Hazell )
Great Northern Diver---Bob Hazell---
Great Northern DiverRaven and Goldeneyes---T Clermont---

December 8th

Great Northern DiverRed-necked Grebe, 3 Shag, 6 White-fronted Geese, 26+ Goosander, Little Egret, 9 Shoveler, 5+ Teal, 18+ GoldeneyeEgyptian GooseRaven and Treecreeper. (S Allen P Cashmore D Woodward)

December 7th

Great Northern DiverRed-necked Grebe, 3 ShagCommon Sandpiper, c25 GoosanderPochardEgyptian Goose. In the roost adult Med Gull and 2+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont J Coakley C & J Timms)
Red-necked Grebe---Theo de Clermont---
Red-necked Grebe---John Coakley---

December 6th

Red-necked Grebe. In the roost third winter Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull and 4+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont T Marlow)
Red-necked Grebe---Theo de Clermont---

December 5th

Great Northern Diver, 3 Shag and Raven. (D Cox)

December 4th

No records for today.

December 3rd

No redords for today.

December 2nd

Great Northern Diver, 2 Shag and 4 Wigeon. In the roost adult Caspian Gull and 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Cox R Harvey)
Great Northern Divers---Theo de Clermont---

December 1st

Great Northern Diver, 2+ Shag, probable Siberian Chiffchaff, 20 Goosander, 27 Goldeneye, 298 Great Crested Grebe, 58 Little Grebe, c24 Goldeneye, Egyptian Goose, Pochard, Wigeon and c110 Lapwing. (T Clermont)
ShagGreat Crested Grebes and Little Grebe---Theo de Clermont---
November 30th

No records for today.

November 29th

Great Northern Diver and Shag. (D Cox)

November 28th

2+ Shag and Common Sandpiper. In the roost first winter Caspian Gull and 5+ Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge)

November 27th

Great Northern Diver, 4 Shag, 3 Common Scoter, 23 Goosander, 7 Little Egret, 2+ Grey Wagtail, 2 RavenShoveler and 15 Grey Heron. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, second winter Mediterranean Gull and 5+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont)
Glaucous Gull---Video---Theo de Clermont---
Great Northern Diver and Goosander---Theo de Clermont---
Great Northern DiversGoosanders and Goldeneyes---Andrew M---

November 26th

No records for today.

November 25th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Shag and 3 Common Scoter. (D Cox)

November 24th

Great Northern Diver, 4 Shag, 3 Common Scoter, 18 Goosander, 2 Kingfisher, 2 Grey WagtailShoveler and 5 Wigeon. In the roost adult and 3 first winter Caspian Gull, adult Mediterranean Gull, 7+ Yellow-legged Gull and 5000+ Common Gull. (T Clermont J Judge C Matthews)
Great Northern Diver---Theo de Clermont---
Great Northern Diver and Shag---Chris Matthews---

November 23rd

Great Northern Diver, 4 Shag, 3 Common Scoter, 3+ Little Egret, 12+ GoosanderGreen SandpiperKingfisher, 10+ SiskinEgyptian Goose, 18 Goldeneye, 80+ Golden Plover and 200+ Lapwing. (P Harvey J Kenny)
Shag and Egyptian Goose---James Kenny---

November 22nd

Great Northern DiverCommon Scoter, 21 Goosander, 2 Little EgretRaven and 2+ Chiffchaff. In the roost second winter and first winter Caspian Gull, adult and first winter Mediterranean Gull and 5 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Cox R Strong)
Common Scoters---Video---Theo de Clermont---

November 21st

Great Northern Diver, 4 ShagLittle Egret and 10 Goosander. (D Cox J Wesson)

November 20th

Great White Egret, 2 Great Northern Diver, 5+ Shag, 4 Common Scoter, 17 Goosander, 3+ Grey WagtailWigeon, c50 Skylark, c100 Golden Plover and c250 Lapwing. (T Clermont)
Shag and Common Scoters---Theo de Clermont---

November 19th

No records for today.

November 18th

Great Northern Diver and 3 Shag. (D Cox)

November 17th

Great Northern Diver and Shag. (D Cox)

November 16th

Great Northern Diver, 5+ Shag, 30 Goosander, 2 Grey Wagtail, 10 Redpoll, 2 RavenWigeon and 80 Lapwing(L Astle T Clermont)
Shag and Goosanders---Theo de Clermont---

November 15th

Great Northern Diver, 5 Shag and 30+ Golden Plover. (D Cox)

November 14th

Great Northern Diver and 3 Shag. (D Cox)

November 13th

No records for today.

November 12th

Great Northern Diver, Shag and 20 Golden Plover. (T Clermont D Cox)

November 11th

Great Northern Diver and 4 Shag. (D Cox)

November 10th

Great Northern Diver, 4+ Shag, 10 Goosander and c10 Goldeneye. In the roost second winter Caspian Gull and first winter Med Gull. (T Clermont D Woodward)

November 9th

Great Northern Diver and 4 Shag. (T Clermont J Galletly)
Great Northern Diver---John Galletly---

November 8th

Great Northern Diver, 5 Shag, Knot, Brambling, 8 Pochard, 10 Shoveler, 10 Wigeon, 10+ Goldeneye, 6+ Grey WagtailYellow-legged Gull, c100 Chaffinch and 18 Lapwing. (T Clermont)
Great Northern Diver and Pochards---Theo de Clermont---

November 7th

Great Northern Diver, 5 Shag10+ Little Egret, 8 GoosanderPochard and Kingfisher. In the roost 2 adult, second winter and first winter Caspian Gull, 3 first winter Med Gull, 4 Yellow-legged Gull and 578 Great Black-backed Gull. (S Allen T Clermont D Cox J Judge T Marlow)

November 6th

Great Northern Diver, 5 ShagFirecrestBramblingRed-crested PochardPintail, 5 Pochard, 7 Shoveler, 7 Wigeon and 9 Goldeneye. In the roost 1+ adult, sun-adult and first winter Caspian Gull and 8+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont J Oates M Phillips M Pollard)
Shags, Red-crested Pochards and Yellow-legged Gull---Theo de Clermont---
Great Northern Diver---John Oates---
FirecrestGreat Northern Divers and Shags---Mike Pollard---

November 5th

Great Northern Diver, 3 Shag and 10+ Little Egret. (P Cashmore J Galletly M Phillips)
Great Northern Diver---Mark Phillips---
Shag---John Galletly---
Shag---John Galletly---
Little Egret---Mark Phillips---

November 4th

Great Northern Diver, 2 ShagWheatear, c10 Little Egret, 12 Goosander, 2 Grey WagtailSparrowhawk and c50 Lapwing. (D Cox T Best B Hazell G Hobbs C Matthews S Nikols.)
Great Northern Diver---Terry Best---
Wheatear---Bob Hazell---
Great Northern Divers and Wheatear---Chris Matthews---
Great Northern Diver---Steve Nikols---
Great Northern Diver, Wheatear and Goosanders---Steve Nikols---
November 3rd

Great Northern DiverShagRed Kite, 10+ Little Egret, c15 GoosanderCommon Sandpiper, 70+ Golden Plover and 2 Grey Wagtail. (A and S Gibbons B Hazell J Judge I and R Sansom)
Great Northern Divers---Bob Hazell---
Great Northern Divers---John Judge---
Great Northern Divers---Ivan Sansom---
Common Sandpiper---Ivan Sansom---
GoosanderLittle GrebeSiskin and Redwing---Ivan Sansom---

November 2nd

Great Northern DiverShag, 10+ Little Egret, 14+ GoosanderGrey Wagtail, 600+ Tufted Duck, 30+ Gadwall, 60+ Teal, 70+ Little Grebe, 110+ Great Crested Grebe, 7+ Goldeneye 430+ Coot, 27 Golden Plover, 31 Lapwing, 50+ CormorantYellow-legged Gull and 10+ Siskin. (T Clermont D Cox P Harvey J Kenny C Matthews K Neal T Marlow)
Great Northern Divers---Theo de Clermont---
Great Northern Divers---Chris Matthews---
Great Northern Divers---Tim Marlow---

November 1st

Great Northern DiverShag, 10+ Little Egret, 8 GoosanderKingfisher and 12 Grey Heron. (S Allen D Cox CPP)


October 31st

Great Northern Diver, 12+ Little Egret, 8+ Goosander, 3 RedpollGrey WagtailKingfisher and 5+ Goldeneye. In the roost first winter Caspian Gull and 5+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont J Judge K Neal M Phillips T Marlow)
Great Northern Diver---Video---Theo de Clermont---

October 30th

Great Northern Diver, 10+ Little Egret and 30+ Redpoll. (B Hazell J Judge S McAusland T Marlow)
Great Northern Diver---Steve McAusland---
Great Northern Diver---Tim Marlow---

October 29th

First winter Med Gull in the roost. (T Marlow)

October 28th

No records for today.

October 27th

No records for today.

October 26th

Shag and 15+ Little Egret. In the roost 2 first winter Caspian Gull. (K Foster J Judge T Marlow)

October 25th

No records for today.

October 24th

No records for today.

October 23rd

No records for today.

October 22nd

20+ Little Egret, 10 Goosander, 19 Oystercatcher, 2 Grey Wagtail and 4 Shoveler. (S Allen T Best)
GoosanderGrey Wagtail and Cormorant---Terry Best---

October 21st

No records for today.

October 20th

Shag. (T Clermont)

October 19th

ShagGreen Sandpiper, 14+ Little Egret, 7 GoosanderKingfisher, 40+ Teal, 380+ Tufted Duck, 30+ Skylark, 10+ Meadow Pipit, 3+ Chiffchaff and 10+ Lapwing. (J Kenny P Harvey)

October 18th

No records for today.

October 17th

No records for today.

October 16th

Shag, 25+ Little EgretDunlinWigeon, 2 Goldeneye and 4 Raven. (B Hazell)
Dunlin---Bob Hazell---

October 15th

13 Little EgretGoosander, 2 Grey Wagtail, 7 PochardShoveler and Wigeon. (B Hazell)

October 14th

16+ Little Egret, 12 GoosanderCommon Sandpiper, 2 Grey WgtailKingfisher, 2 Raven, 10 Pochard, 4 Wigeon, c10 Yellowhammer and c30 Linnet. (B Hazell)
Pied Wagtail---Bob hazell---

October 13th

17 Little Egret, 9+ Goosander, 3 Grey Wagtail, 2 KingfisherLapwing, Shoveler and 2 Wigeon. (T Best B Hazell)
Little EgretGoosanderGrey Wagtail and Shoveler---Terry Best---
Goosander---Bob Hazell---

October 12th

Shag and 4 Red-crested Pochard (3 drake)

October 11th

No records for today.

October 10th

No records for today.

October 9th

Shag, Common Sandpiper, c15 Little Egret, 2 Goosander, 4 Grey Wagtail, Kingfisher, 4 Raven, 5 Shoveler, Yellow-legged Gull, Egyptian Goose and 40+ Meadow Pipit. (T Clermont B Hazell)

October 8th

ShagCommon SandpiperStonechat, 14 Little Egret, 2 GoosanderKingfisher, 4 ShovelerWigeonLapwing and 2 Chiffchaff. (B Hazell)

October 7th

Shag, 20+ Little Egret, 2 DunlinCommon SandpiperWheatear, 5 GoosanderGrey WagtailKingfisher, 3 ShovelerLapwing, 2 Jay and 30+ Little Grebe. (T Best K Foster, B Hazell S McAusland S Nikols )
Shag and Cormorants---Steve Nikols---
Wheatear and Goosander---Terry Best---
Little Grebes---Bob Hazell---

October 6th

Shag, 20+ Little Egret, 5 Goosander, 2 Shoveler, 2 Grey WagtailYellow-legged Gull and Lapwing. (B Hazell)
Shag and Lapwing---Bob Hazell---

October 5th

ShagCommon SandpiperRinged Plover, 3 Grey Wagtail, 1+ Goosander, 2 Pintail with vis mig 10 Redpoll97 Siskin, 52 Skylark, 54 Chaffinch, 16 Greenfinch, 60 Meadow Pipit and 29 Swallow. (T Clermont C Matthews)
Pintail and Tufted Duck---Theo de Clermont---

October 4th

Shag, 5 Brent Goose, 15 Common Scoter (5+ Drake)  Rock Pipit, 3 Grey Wagtail, 4 Ringed Plover, GreenshankGolden Plover, 3 Goosander, 6 Shoveler, 7 Wigeon and 2 Redwing. (D Cox T Clermont)
Brent Geese---Theo de Clermont---

October 3rd

Shag. (T Clermont)

October 2nd

Shag and Common Sandpiper. (T Clermont)

October 1st

Shag, 24+ Little Egret, 2 Dunlin, 4+ Grey WagtailCaspian Gull,  Raven, Peregrine, 2 Yellow-legged Gull, 4 Shoveler and c35 Linnet. (P Cashmore B Hazell)
Caspian Gull---Joe Owen---
Yellow-legged Gull---Joe Owen---
Dunlin---Joe Owen---
Little Egret---Bob Hazell---


September 30th

Shag, DunlinCommon Sandpiper, 15+ Little EgretGrey WagtailRaven, 5 GoosanderYellow-legged GullKingfisherPochard and Shoveler. Vis mig this morning (T Clermont) had Snipe, 14 Golden Plover, 12 Siskin, 29 Skylark, 12 Siskin, 34 Chaffinch and 44 Meadow Pipit. (T Clermont B Hazell J Judge)
Raven and Teal---Theo de Clermont---
GoosanderCommon Gull and Great Crested Grebe---Bob Hazell---
Dunlin---John Judge---

September 29th

Shag, 3 Common Scoter (2 drake) 4 DunlinCommon Sandpiper, 22+ Little Egret, 3+ Grey Wagtail, 5+ Raven, 5 Goosander, 2 Yellow-legged Gull, 4 ShovelerEgyptian Goose and Wigeon. (T Best B Hazell J Judge)
Common Scoters and Dunlin---Bob Hazell---

September 28th

Shag, 32+ Little EgretCommon Sandpiper, 5 Goosander, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Raven, 4+ Shoveler and Wigeon. (P Cashmore B Hazell D Hicklin)
Shoveler and Wigeon---Bob Hazell---

September 27th

Rock Pipit, 2 Dunlin, 8+ Little EgretShoveler and Wigeon. (I Genge Kevivn)
Rock PipitGrey WagtailLittle Egret and Willow Warbler---Kevin---
Dunlin and Wren---Kevin---
Little EgretsShoveler and Grebes---Ian Genge---
GoosanderTufted Ducks and Gadwall---Ian Genge---
Little EgretWigeonGadwall and Grebes---Ian Genge---

September 26th

Knot, 2 Dunlin and Common Sandpiper---D Ludlow K Smith)
Little EgretGoosanderGrey Wagtail and Grey Herons---Kyle Smith---
Jay---Kyle Smith---

September 25th

3 Pink-footed GooseShag, 43+ Little EgretRuff, 2 Common Sandpiper, 6 Shoveler, 2 Goosander, 5 Grey WagtailYellow-legged GullRavenSparrowhawk and Egyptian Goose. (T Clermont B Hazell N Jarvis J Judge)
Pink-footed Geese---Theo de Clermont---
Pink-footed GeeseRuff and Egyptian Goose---John Judge---
Pink-footed Geese---Bob Hazell---
Egyptian Goose---Neil Jarvis---

September 24th

Shag, 47+ Little EgretRuffWheatear, 2+ Common Sandpiper, 2 GoosanderGrey WagtailRaven, 4 ShovelerWigeonYellow-legged GullEgyptian Goose and 500+ Tufted Duck. (B Hazell)

September 23rd

Great White EgretShagSnipe, c46 Little Egret, 3 Common Sandpiper, 2 GoosanderRavenPochard, c26 Teal, 4 Shoveler, 2 Wigeon and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont N Jarvis)
ShagSnipe and Raven---Theo de Clermont---
Great White Egret---Neil Jarvis---

September 22nd

Great White EgretShagRuff, c50 Little Egret, 2 Common Sandpiper, 2 Kingfisher, 4 Grey Wagtail, 2 GoosanderShoveler and "Dusky" Canada Goose. (B Hazell)
Shag and Ruff---Bob Hazell---

September 21st

Great White EgretShag, c45 Little EgretRuffDunlinCommon Sandpiper, Wheatear, 2 Yellow-legged Gull, Grey Wagtail, Goosander, Egyptian Goose, Shoveler and c160 Great Crested Grebe. (D Cox B Hazell J Judge)
Great White Egret and Ruff---Bob Hazell---
Great White Egret---John Judge---

September 20th

Great White Egret, 2 Shag, 18+ Little Egret, 2 Wheatear, 2 Common Sandpiper, Yellow-legged Gull and Grey Wagtail. ( Kevin D Loveard S Nikols)
Wheatears---Steve Nikols---
WheatearLittle Egret and Grey Wagtail---Kevin---
Wheatear and Little Grebe---Neil Jarvis---

September 19th

No records for today.

September 18th

ShagRuffStonechatWheatear, c45 Little Egret, 2 Yellow-legged Gull and Sparrowhawk. (T Clermont B Hazell J Judge)
Wheatear---Bob Hazell---
September 17th

1+ Shag, 39+ Little Egret, Wheatear, 2 Grey Wagtail, 3 Common Sandpiper, 2 Pochard, 4 Shoveler, 2 WigeonGoosanderYellow-legged Gull and Raven. (B Hazell)

September 16th

2+ Shag, 52+ Little Egret, Wheatear, 2+ Yellow Wagtail, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2+ Common SandpiperPochardYellow-legged Gull and Sparrowhawk. (D Cox B Hazell J Judge)
WheatearGrey Wagtail and Lapwing---John Judge---
Wheatear---Bob Hazell---

September 15th

Shag, 44+ Little Egret, 2 WheatearDunlinKingfisher, 3 Shoveler, 2 Yellow-legged Gull and Sparrowhawk. (D Cox S Deeming B Hazell)
Wheatear---Bob Hazell---

September 14th

Shag, 39+ Little Egret, 1+ Common SandpiperKingfisher, 6 Shoveler and 3+ Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell K Foster J Judge)

September 13th

No records for today.

September 12th

No records for today.

September 11th

3 Shag, 36+ Little EgretRinged Plover, 7+ Dunlin, 5 Common SandpiperKingfisher and 2 Shoveler. (B Hazell)
Dunlin---Bob Hazell---

September 10th

3 Shag, 32+ Little EgretDunlin, 2 Common SandpiperGrey WagtailKingfisherCaspian Gull, 2 Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Shoveler and "Dusky" Canada Goose. (B Hazell)
Dunlin---Bob Hazell---

September 9th

5 Shag, 36+ Little Egret, 3 Dunlin, 2 Common Sandpiper, 3+ Yellow WagtailCommon TernKingfisher, 7+ SiskinGrey WagtailYellow-legged Gull, 2 Goosander and 2 Shoveler. (B Hazell J Judge)
Yellow-legged Gull---Bob Hazell---

September 8th

4+ Shag, 37+ Little Egret, 4 DunlinCommon SandpiperHobbyCommon Tern, 3 KingfisherGrey Wagtail, 4 Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Goosander, 2 Wigeon, c30 Gadwall and Egyptian Goose. (T Best P Cashmore B Hazell)
Gadwall---Bob Hazell---

September 7th

4+ Shag, 31+ Little Egret, 4+ DunlinCommon SandpiperYellow WagtailGrey Wagtail, 2 GoosanderKingfisherCommon TernEgyptian Goose and "Dusky " Canada Goose. (B Hazell N Jarvis)
Little Egret and Kingfisher---Neil Jarvis---

September 6th

7+ Shag, 38+ Little Egret20+ Little Egret, 2 Redshank, 3 DunlinRinged Plover, 4 Yellow Wagtail, 1+ Kingfisher and Egyptian Goose. (S Allen D Cox)

September 5th

7+ Shag, 38+ Little EgretRedstartRedshankDunlin, 3 Ringed Plover, 2+ Common SandpiperHobbyPeregrineCaspian Gull, 4+ Yellow Wagtail, 5 Common TernRaven, 3 Kingfisher, 2+ Grey Wagtail, 5+ Yellow-legged Gull, Egyptian Goose and "Dusky" Canada Goose. (D Cox B Hazell J Judge Kevin T Marlow)
------A total of 61 species seen at the site today------
Yellow-legged Gull---Kevin---

September 4th

5+ Shag, 28+ Little EgretDunlinCommon Sandpiper, 5 Common Tern, 4 KingfisherRavenShovelerEgyptian Goose and "Dusky" Canada Goose. (B Hazell)
Dunlin and Common Terns---Bob Hazell---

September 3rd

6+ juv Shag, 29+ Little Egret, 2 Ringed Plover, 3 Common Sandpiper, 2 WheatearHobby, 5 Common TernCaspian Gull, 4 KingfisherRaven, 2 Goosander, 2 ShovelerYellow-legged Gull and Egyptian Goose. (D Cox B Hazell J Judge Kevin)
Shag---Bob Hazell---
Shag and Cormorant---John Judge---
Caspian Gull---Bob Hazell---
Goosander---Bob Hazell---

September 2nd

6+ juv Shag, 42+ Little Egret, 5 Common Tern, 4 Common Sandpiper, 2 Goosander, juv Caspian Gull, 2 Shoveler, 3 Wigeon, 2 Kingfisher, 4 Swift and Egyptian Goose. (P Cashmore D Cox B Hazell J Judge)
Shag---Bob Hazell---

September 1st

7+ juv Shag, c20 Little Egret, 2 Goosander, 3 Common TernKingfisherRaven, 13 Shoveler, 3 SwiftYellow-legged GullEgyptian Goose and "Dusky" Canada Goose. (T Crawford B Hazell S Nikols)
Shag---Steve Nikols---
Egyptian Goose---Bob Hazell---

August 31st

20+ juv Shag, 30 Little Egret, 4 Yellow WagtailGrey Wagtail and 2+ Kingfisher. (D Cox T Crawford J Judge C Pudge)

August 30th

No records for today.

August 29th

1+ juv ShagOspreyTurnstoneRuff, 1+ Little Egret and 4 Kingfisher. (S Allen D Cox P Forbes C Pudge K Smith)
OspreyTurnstoneRuff, Yellow Wagtail and Kingfishers---Callum Pudge---
Kingfishers---Kyle Smith---
Cormorant---Kyle Smith---

August 28th

25 juv ShagOsprey, 36+ Little EgretRuffOystercatcherCommon SandpiperArctic Tern, 3 Common Tern, juv Caspian Gull, 4+ Yellow-legged Gull, 2 KingfisherYellow Wagtail, 60+ Linnet and Egyptian Goose. (T Clermont P Cashmore D Cox B Hazell J Judge T Marlow C & J Timms)
Shags---John Judge---
Shag---James Timms---
Osprey---John Judge---
Ruff and Osprey---Paul Cashmore---
Ruff---John Judge---

August 27th

28 juv Shag (site and regional record) Osprey, female Common ScoterTree PipitRuffTurnstoneDunlin, 5+ Common Sandpiper, 27+ Little EgretWheatear, 7+ Yellow Wagtail, 4+ Yellow-legged Gull and Egyptian Goose. (F Cooper D Cox B Hazell J Judge T Marlow J Owen K Rees)
Osprey---John Judge---
Shags---Tim Marlow---
Shag---Bob Hazell---
Ruff---Bob Hazell---
Turnstone and Ruff---Joe Owen---

August 26th

4+ juv Shag, 1+ Yellow Wagtail, 23 Little Egret, juv Caspian Gull, 4+ Yellow-legged GullCommon Tern, 1+ Common Sandpiper, 2 GoosanderRaven and Egyptian Goose. (B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)

August 25th

5+ juv Shag, 3 Dunlin, c15 Little Egret, 2 Common SandpiperPeregrineHobby, juv Caspian Gull, 4+ Yellow-legged Gull, 4 Common TernYellow Wagtail, 2 Grey WagtailKingfisherEgyptian Goose and c5 Swift. (T Clermont D Cox P Cashmore B Hazell J Judge T Marlow D Woodward)
Shags---Video---Theo de Clermont---
Caspian Gull---Paul Cashmore---

August 24th

6 juv ShagOsprey, 2 TurnstoneGreenshank, 2 Redshank, 10 Ringed Plover, 1+ Common Sandpiper, 23 Little EgretTree SparrowPeregrineHobby, 3+ Yellow Wagtail, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 GoosanderShovelerKingfisher, 4 Common TernRaven, juv and first summer Caspian Gull, 30 Yellow-legged Gull (4 juv, first summer and 25 adult) Snow Goose and Egyptian Goose. (P Anastasi T Clermont J Coakley B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
ShagOspreyTurnstones and Redshank---John Judge---
TurnstonesCaspian Gull and Snow Goose---Bob Hazell---
Osprey---Tim Marlow---
Shag---Bob Hazell---
Shag---Tim Marlow---
Turnstones---Tim Marlow---
Shag and Snow Goose---John Coakley---
Caspian Gull---Tim Marlow---
Ringed Plovers---Video---Theo de Clermont---
Snow Goose---John Judge---

August 23rd

4 juv Shag, 6 TurnstoneLittle Ringed PloverWheatear, 3 Common Sandpiper, 3 Grey WagtailCommon Tern, 4 Yellow-legged Gull, Bullfinch and Egyptian Goose. (S Bosher T Clermont)
Shags---Simon Bosher---
Shag and Turnstones---Theo de Clermont---

August 22nd

No records for today.

August 21st

11+ Little EgretYellow Wagtail, 2+ Common SandpiperYellow Wagtail, 5 Common Tern, 2 Kingfisher, imm PeregrineSparrowhawk, 6+ Yellow-legged Gull, 20+ Swift and Egyptian Goose. (T Clermont J Judge)

August 20th

2+ Little Egret. (E Barson)
Little EgretsGrey Heron and Cormorant---E Barson---

August 19th

No records for today.

August 18th

c14 Little EgretCommon SandpiperYellow Wagtail, 5 Common Tern, 2 Raven and Sparrowhawk. (T Crawford B Hazell)
Yellow Wagtail---Bob Hazell---

August 17th

17+ Little EgretDunlin, 2 Common SandpiperGolden Plover, 7 Yellow WagtailGrey Wagtail, 12+ Common Tern, 2 Raven, 6 Teal and 3+ Yellow-legged Gull. (E Barson T Clermont B Hazell J Judge)
DunlinKingfisherCommon Terns and Black-headed Gulls---John Judge---
Lesser Whitethroat---Bob Hazell---
MoorhensCommon Terns and Black-headed Gulls---Theo de Clermont---
Pied Wagtail---E Barson---

August 16th

Little Egret. (E Barson)
Little Egret---E Barson---

August 15th

Black-tailed Godwit. (D Cox)

August 14th

Imm Little Gull, imm Black TernTurnstone, 3 RedshankRinged Plover, 2+ Common Sandpiper, 14 Little Egret, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 10+ Common Tern, 2 KingfisherGrey Wagtail, 3 Shoveler, 3 Teal and 8+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell J Judge)
Little Gull and Black Tern---John Judge---
Turnstone and Ringed Plover---Theo de Clermont---
Moorhen---Bob Hazell---

August 13th

10+ Little EgretHobby, 5 Yellow WagtailCommon Sandpiper, 4 Common Tern, 5 Yellow-legged Gull, 3 Shoveler and Egyptian Goose. (B Durman B Hazell J Judge)
Yellow-legged GullBlack-headed Gull and Common Tern---John Judge---
Weasels---John Judge---
Weasel---Bob Hazell---

August 12th

11+ Little Egret, 5 Common Tern, 5+ Yellow-legged Gull and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell)
Yellow-legged Gull---Bob Hazell---

August 11th

10+ Little Egret, 2 Hobby, 5 Common Tern, 4+ Yellow-legged Gull and 2 Teal. (B Hazell J Judge)

August 10th

10+ Little Egret, 11 Common TernYellow WagtailKingfisher, 2 Raven, 5 Yellow-legged GullEgyptian Goose and "Dusky" Canada Goose. (T Clermont P Harvey B Hazell J Kenny)
Whitethroat---Bob Hazell---

August 9th

No records for today.

August 8th

No records for today.

August 7th

14 Little EgretOystercatcherYellow Wagtail, 8+ Common Tern, 4 Yellow-legged Gull and Raven.
Yellow Wagtail---Bob Hazell---

August 6th

14+ Little Egret, 1+ Common Sandpiper, 8+ Common Tern , juv Mediterranean Gull and "Dusky" Canada Goose. In the roost juv Caspian Gull and 17+ Yellow-legged Gull (7+ adult, 5 second summer, first summer and 4 juv)(T Clermont B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Mediterranean Gull---John Judge---
"Dusky" Canada Goose---Bob Hazell---

August 5th

14 Little Egret, 2 Common SandpiperYellow Wagtail, 8 Common Tern, 3 Yellow-legged Gull and Egyptian Goose. (B Hazell)
Common Sandpiper---Bob Hazell---

August 4th

Turnstone, 14+ Little Egret, 12 Common TernGrey Wagtail, 3 Yellow-legged GullEgyptian Goose and "Dusky" Canada Goose. (B Hazell J Judge)
Turnstones---Bob Hazell---
Egyptian Goose and "Dusky" Canada Goose---John Judge---

August 3rd

Juv Little Ringed Plover, 21 Little Egret, 15+ Common Tern and 4 Yellow-legged Gull. (P Cashmore D Cox B Hazell)
Great Crested Grebe---Bob Hazell---

August 2nd

No records for today.

August 1st

No records for today.

July 31st

Little EgretCommon Sandpiper, 8+ Common TernGrey Wagtail, 8 Gadwall and 5 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell A Marshall)

July 30th

11 Little Egret, 2 Common Sandpiper, 10 Common Tern, 2 Grey Wagtail, 5 Yellow-legged GullPochard and 2 Gadwall. (B Hazell)
Pochard---Bob Hazell---

July 29th

11 Little EgretDunlin, 3 Common Sandpiper, 4 HobbyYellow WagtailOystercatcherKingfisher, 21+ Common Tern, Sparrowhawk and 30+ Tufted ducklings. In the roost juv Med Gull and 30+ Yellow-legged Gull (14+ adult, 7 second summer, 3 first summer and 6 juv) (T Best T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)
Tufted Duck duckling---Bob Hazell---

July 28th

10+ Little EgretHobby, 13 Common TernGrey WagtailRaven and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell J Judge)
Little Egret---Bob Hazell---

July 27th

Whimbrel, 2+ Spotted FlycatcherYellow Wagtail, 9+ Little Egret, 7+ Common Tern and 7 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Cox)
Common Terns---Theo de Clermont---

July 26th

No records for today.

July 25th

No records for today.

July 24th

No records for today.

July 23rd

Oystercatcher, 12 Little EgretHobbyYellow Wagtail, 7 Common Tern and Shoveler. Roost had 30 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell J Judge K Lawlor T Marlow)
Oystercatcher---Bob Hazell---

July 22nd

Dunlin, 14+ Little Egret, 2+ Common Sandpiper, c10 Common Tern (5 juv) NuthatchKingfisher, Shoveler and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Dunlin---Bob Hazell---

July 21st

Little GullTurnstone, 2 Dunlin, 3+ Common SandpiperCaspian Gull, 13+ Little EgretYellow Wagtail and 9+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Best T Clermont D Cox B Hazell)
Turnstone---Terry Best---
Caspian GullCommon Tern and Mute Swan---Theo de Clermont---
Common Tern---Bob Hazell---

July 20th

No records for today.

July 19th

No records for today.

July 18th

No records for today.

July 17th

No records for today.

July 16th

No records for today.

July 15th

14+ Little EgretYellow WagtailCommon Sandpiper, 2+ Common Tern and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont J Judge)

July 14th

No records for today.

July 13th

No records for today.

July 12th

No records for today.

July 11th

No records for today.

July 10th

Little Egret and Common Tern. (Andrew M)
Common TernLittle EgretChiffchaff and Little Grebe---Andrew M---

July 9th

12+ Little Egret, Common Sandpiper and 3 Common Tern. (T Clermont)

July 8th

Redshank, 11+ Little Egret, 3 Common Sandpiper, 5 Common Tern, 2 Grey Wagtail and 5 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Common Tern---Bob Hazell---

July 7th

10+ Little Egret, 3 Common Sandpiper, 6 Common Tern, 2  Yellow WagtailGrey Wagtail, Yellow-legged Gull and "Dusky" (D Cox B Hazell)
Yellow-legged Gull

July 6th

12+ Little Egret, 11 Common Sandpiper and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont)
Common Tern and Common Sandpiper---Theo de Clermont---

July 5th

No records for today.

July 4th

10 Little Egret and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (J Dean R Harvey)
Yellow-legged and Great Black-backed Gulls---Jonathan Dean---

July 3rd

15+ Little Egret, 6+ Common Tern and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont)
Common Tern---Theo de Clermont---

July 2nd

No records for today.

July 1st

11+ Little Egret, 5+ Common Sandpiper, 3+ Yellow-legged Gull  
Yellow-leggedLesser Black-backedCommon and Black-headed Gulls---John Judge---
Common SandpiperLittle Egret and Coot---John Judge---
Common Sandpiper---James Kenny---


June 30th

Little Egret. (J Judge)
Little Egret---John Judge---

June 29th

No records for today.

June 28th

No records for today.

June 27th

No records for today.

June 26th

10+ Little Egret and 5 Common Tern. (P Cashmore D Cox)

June 25th

No records for today.

June 24th

4+ Little Egret and 2 Common Tern. (J Judge)

June 23rd

Red Kite. (E Thompson)

June 22nd

Oystercatcher, 1+ Common Sandpiper and 3 Little Egret. (J & S Allen)

June 21st 

No records for today.

June 20th

No records for today.

June 19th

Hobby. (K Lawlor)

June 18th

No records for today.

June 17th

Common Tern. (J Osborne)

June 16th

No records for today.

June 15th

No records for today.

June 14th

No records for today.

June 13th

No records for today.

June 12th

OystercatcherLittle Egret, 2 Common TernSparrowhawk and second and third summer Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont J Judge A Marshall)

June 11th

Little TernHobbyLittle EgretCommon Sandpiper, 3 Common Tern and Grey Wagtail. (S Allen T Clermont M Durkin J Judge)

Little Tern---Theo de Clermont---
Little Tern---John Judge---
Little Tern---Martin Durkin---

June 10th

No records for today.

June 9th

No records for today.

June 8th

Common Tern. (J Coakley)

June 7th

Egyptian Goose and Grey Wagtail. (Jonathan)

Egyptian GoosePied WagtailGrey Heron and Greylag Geese---Jonathan---

June 6th

Common Tern and second summer Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont T Marlow)

June 5th

Egyptian GooseOystercatcher and 2 Common Tern. (A Marshall)

June 4th

No records for today.

June 3rd

2 Red KiteYellow WagtailCommon Tern and Yellow-legged Gull(T Clermont)

Swift and House Martin---Theo de Clermont---

June 2nd

Common Tern. (N Jarvis)

June 1st

10 Gadwall, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Whitethroat, 3 Garden Warbler, 8 Blackcap, 6 Chiffchaff and c40 House Martin. (P Harvey J Kenny)
May 31st

Oystercatcher, 2 Common Sandpiper and 2 Common Tern.
May 30th

Manx Shearwater, 2 Hobby, 2 Little EgretCommon Sandpiper, 2 Common Tern and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Cox J Judge J Timms)
Manx Shearwater---video---Theo de Clermont---
Manx Shearwater---Theo de Clermont---
Manx Shearwater---John Judge---
May 29th

Garganey---video---Theo de Clermont---


March 23rd

Black-necked Grebe (1stw) 3 drake Scaup, drake Red-crested PochardWheatear, 2 GoosanderTree SparrowPeregrine, 5+ Grey WagtailLittle EgretRaven, c20 Meadow Pipit and c50 Sand Martin. (S Allen T Clermont J Coakley)
PeregrineSkylark and Tufted Duck---Theo de Clermont---
Red-crested PochardGrey Wagtail and Meadow Pipit---John Coakley---

March 22nd

Whooper Swan, 4 Scaup, drake Common Scoter, drake Red-crested Pochard, 2 Shelduck, 5 Goosander, 2 Tree Sparrow, second winter Yellow-legged GullOystercatcher, c10 Goldeneye and 16 Sand Martin. In the roost third winter Lesser Black-backed Gull x Herring Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Cox M Johnson T Marlow)
Yellow-legged Gull---Tim Marlow---
Red-crested Pochard---Tim Marlow---
March 21st

Black-necked Grebe (1stw) 3 GoosanderLittle Egret and Dunlin. In the roost second winter Glaucous x Herring Gull, third winter Lesser Black-backed Gull x Herring Gull and Yellow-legged Gull.  (S Allen Jonathan T Marlow)
Great Spotted Woodpecker---Jonathan---
March 20th

Black-necked Grebe (1stw) 4 Scaup (3 drake) RedshankGoosanderLittle EgretRaven and 4 Teal. In the roost 2 second winter Caspian Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell J Judge T Marlow D Singer)
Redshank---Tim Marlow---
Mallards---Bob Hazell---
March 19th

Black-necked Grebe (1stw) 4 Scaup (3 drake) 5 Common ScoterRedshank, 2 Goosander, 2 Little Egret, 6 Oystercatcher, 2 Tree SparrowStonechat, 3 Grey Wagtail, 4 Raven, c50 Sand Martin and Blackcap. In the roost first winter Caspian Gull. (S Allen J Coakley B Hazell T Marlow)
Common Scoters, Oystercatchers and Stonechat---Tim Marlow---
ScaupCommon ScotersOystercatchers and Tree Sparrow---John Caokley---

March 18th

Black-necked Grebe (1stw) 4 Scaup (3 drake) 4 Goosander, 3 Little EgretOystercatcherTree SparrowGrey Wagtail and c20 Meadow Pipit. (T Crawford B Hazell G Parisi)
Meadow Pipit and Long-tailed Tit nest---Bob Hazell---

March 17th

Black-necked Grebe (1stw) 4 Scaup (3 drake) 3 Goosander, 4 Little EgretOystercatcher, 2 Tree Sparrow, 2+ Grey WagtailKingfisherRaven, 6 Teal, 3 Lapwing and Sparrowhawk. In the roost 3 first winter Caspian Gull and 4 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell)
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
Scaup and Great Crested Grebe---Theo de Clermont---
March 16th

Black-necked Grebe (1stw) 3 ScaupGoosander, 2+ Little EgretOystercatcherShelduck, 5+ Grey Wagtail and 2 Raven. In the roost 2+ first winter Caspian Gull, 1+ adult Med Gull and Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell P Hyde N Jarvis)
Oystercatcher---Bob Hazell---
ScaupGrey Wagtail and Gadwall---Neil Jarvis---
Shelduck---Video---Theo de Clermont---
March 15th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 2 Goosander, 2 Little EgretGrey Wagtail and Sand Martin. In the roost adult Iceland Gull, third winter Caspian Gull and Yellow-legged Gull. (S Allen D Cox T Marlow)

March 14th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 3 Goosander, 2 Little EgretGrey WagtailRaven and 8 Meadow Pipit. (S Allen S Cotton D Davies N Jarvis J Judge K Smith S Wright)
Black-necked Grebe---Sophie Cotton---
Scaup---Kyle Smith---
Little EgretMeadow Pipit and Pied Wagtail---Steven Wright---
Yellowhammer---Steven Wright---

March 13th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 2 GoosanderLittle EgretCommon Sandpiper, 2 Grey Wagtail and Raven. In the roost 2 adult Med Gull. D Davies B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Black-necked Grebe---Dylan Parry-Davies---
Black-necked Grebe---Bob Hazell---
Bullfinch---Bob Hazell---
March 12th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 2 GoosanderLittle EgretCommon SandpiperPeregrineSparrowhawkSnipe, 3+ Sand Martin and c30 Meadow Pipit. (T Crawford B Hazell)
Black-necked Grebe---Bob Hazell---
March 11th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 ScaupGoosander, 3 Little Egret, 3 Grey Wagtail and Sand Martin. In the roost adult Iceland Gull and all four plumages of Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow R Stead)

March 10th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 6 GoosanderLittle EgretNuthatch, 3 Grey WagtailRaven and 8 Goldeneye. (B Hazell R Stead)
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
March 9th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 7 GoosanderLittle Egret, 5 DunlinCommon SandpiperStonechat, 10 Grey Wagtail, c30 Meadow Pipit, 15 Goldeneye, 6+ Chiffchaff and Sparrowhawk. (P Harvey B Hazell P Hyde J Kenny L Ridley I & R Sansom)
Black-necked GrebeScaupGreat Crested Grebe and Meadow Pipit---Ivan Sansom---
Black-necked GrebeScaup and Little Egret---James Kenny---
Black-necked Grebe---Bob Hazell---
Black-necked GrebeScaupCommon Sandpiper and Meadow Pipit---Lee Ridley---
March 8th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 5+ GoosanderPeregrineOystercatcherSand Martin and 2 Grey Wagtail. In the roost first winter Caspian Gull and 3 adult Med Gull. (J Judge)
Black-necked GrebePeregrine and Grey Wagtail---John Judge---
March 6th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 2 Curlew, 5 GoosanderOystercatcherCommon SandpiperLittle EgretTree Sparrow, 2 Grey Wagtail, 4+ Chiffchaff and c25 Meadow Pipit. In the roost adult Iceland Gull, 2 first winter, 3 Yellow-legged Gull and Peregrine. (T Clermont F Cooper B Hazell)
Black-necked Grebe---Bob Hazell---
Peregrine---video---Theo de Clermont---
Grey Wagtail---Bob Hazell---
March 5th

Black-necked GrebeScaup, 4 GoosanderOystercatcherCommon Sandpiper, 2 Grey Wagtail and Raven. (B Hazell N Jarvis)
Black-necked Grebe---Bob Hazell---
Common Sandpiper and Goldeneye---Neil Jarvis---
March 4th

No records for today.

March 3rd

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 3 GoosanderCommon Sandpiper, 8 Grey Wagtail and Raven. (B Hazell)
Black-necked Grebe and Common Sandpiper---Bob Hazell---
March 2nd

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 15+ GoosanderTree Sparrow, 2 Grey Wagtail, 26+ GoldeneyeLapwing and Chiffchaff. In the roost adult Iceland Gull, 2+ adult Med GullYellow-legged Gull and c5000 Starling. (T Clermont F Cooper B Hazell)
Black-necked Grebe---Bob Hazell---
Kestrel---Theo de Clermont---
March 1st

Scaup, 13+ Goosander, 2 Tree Sparrow, 1+ Grey Wagtail and 18 Wigeon. In the roost adult Iceland Gull, 2 adult Med Gull and 6000+ Starling. (T Clermont J Judge A Marshall T Marlow)

February 29th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup and 15+ Goosander. In the roost Yellow-legged Gull and c6000 Starling. (P & T Clermont T Marlow)

February 28th

No records for today.

February 27th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 16 Goosander, 2 Tree Sparrow, 2 Grey WagtailRaven and Sparrowhawk. In the roost adult Iceland Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull and Peregrine through. (T Clermont B Hazell)
Peregrine---Theo de Clermont---
Black-necked Grebe---Theo de Clermont---
Goosander---Bob Hazell---
February 26th

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 12 GoosanderLittle Egret, 4 Tree SparrowRavenChiffchaff and c20 Linnet. (B Hazell)
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
February 25th

Black-necked GrebeScaup, 10 GoosanderLittle EgretTree Sparrow, 4+ Raven and Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell)
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
February 24th

Black-necked Grebe, 2 Scaup, 30 Goosander, drake PochardPeregrine and 9 Grey Heron. In the roost adult Iceland Gull, 2 second winter Caspian Gull, 2 adult Med Gull and Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont)
Iceland Gull---video---Theo de Clermont---
February 23rd

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 17+ GoosanderKingfisher and 30+ Goldeneye. In the roost adult Iceland Gull, adult Med Gull and Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Cox A Horsley J Judge R Strong)

February 22nd

No records for today.

February 21st

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 12 Goosander, 3 Grey Wagtail and 2+ Chiffchaff. In the roost 3 first winter Caspian Gull. (R Broadbent T Clermont J Judge T Marlow)

February 20th

2 BuzzardTreecreeper and Siskin. In the roost adult Iceland Gull, first winter Caspian Gull and 4 Yellow-legged Gull. (N Jarvis T Marlow)
Siskin and Treecreeper---Neil Jarvis---
February 19th

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, c20 GoosanderTree Sparrow, 2 Shoveler, 2 Grey Wagtail, 3 Raven and 3 Chiffchaff. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, 3 adult Med Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Davies B Hazell G Stratford T Marlow)
Black-necked GrebeGreat Northern Diver and Scaup---Dylan Parry-Davies---
Mediterranean Gull---Theo de Clermont---
February 18th

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 17+ GoosanderLittle Egret, 4+ RavenChiffchaff, 14 Lapwing and Sparrowhawk. (J Coakley B Hazell Jack)
Black-necked Grebe and Scaup---John Coakley---
Black-necked Grebe---Bob Hazell---
Black-necked GrebeScaup and Kestrel---Jack---
Lesser Black-backed Gull---Bob Hazell---
February 17th

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, drake Red-crested Pochard, c30 Goosander, 25+ Gadwall, 3 Wigeon, 18 Goldeneye, 7 Golden Plover, 4+ RavenGrey Wagtail, c50 Linnet and Chiffchaff. In the roost third winter Kumlien’s Gull, adult Glaucous Gull, adult Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (Bucksbirder T Clermont P Harvey B Hazell J Kenny)
Red-crested Pochard---Bob Hazell---
Scaup---James Kenny---
Kumlien’s Gull---video---Theo de Clermont---
February 16th

Small flock of probable Twite. (T Marlow)

February 15th

Black-necked Grebe, 2 Scaup, drake Red-crested Pochard and 10+ Goosander. In the roost just 1+ Med Gull. (J Judge T Marlow N Truby)
Black-necked Grebe---Nick Truby---
February 14th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 20+ Goosander and 2 Raven. In the roost third winter Kumlien’s Gull, adult Glaucous Gull, 3+ adult Med Gull and Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont T Crawford D Edwards J Judge T Marlow)

February 13th

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 7 Goosander, 2 Tree Sparrow, c30 Yellowhammer and c100 Linnet. (B Hazell P Woodham)
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
February 12th

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 10+ Goosander, 2 Tree SparrowKingfisher, 36 Raven, 2 Chiffchaff and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell G Giles)

February 11th

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 6 GoosanderLittle EgretKingfisherRaven and 2 Jay. (B Hazell C Waring)
Great Northern Diver---Bob Hazell---

February 10th

Black-necked Grebe, Scaup, 8 GoosanderLittle Egret, 4+ Raven and 2 Chiffchaff. (B Hazell)
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
February 9th

Scaup and 18 Goosander. (T Crawford J Judge)
February 8th

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver and Kingfisher. In the roost third winter Kumlien’s Gull 2 adult and third winter Glaucous Gull and adult Med Gull. (V Garvey J Judge T Marlow J Toogood)
Black-necked Grebe---Vince Garvey---
Goldeneye---Josh Toogood---

February 7th

Great Northern Diver, 14+ GoosanderLittle EgretCommon Sandpiper, 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Pochard c85 Wigeon, 2 Shoveler and c60 Linnet. Nothing of note in the roost. (P Forbes B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Great Northern Diver and Little Egret---Bob Hazell---
February 6th

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 3 Scaup, 11+ Goosander, 3 Little EgretShelduckCommon Sandpiper, 67 WigeonPochard, 4 Shoveler and 2 Chiffchaff. In the roost third winter Glaucous Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont F Cooper M Gower A & B Hazell R Labbett M Taylor)
Glaucous Gull---video---Theo de Clermont---
Scaup---Mike Gower---
Cormorant---Matt Taylor---

February 5th

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 3 Scaup, 14+ GoosanderLittle Egret, 4 PintailKingfisher, 2 Grey Wagtail, 3 Raven, 4 Chiffchaff and c180 Linnet. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, sub-adult Iceland Gull, 2 adult Caspian Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (S Allen T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)
Black-necked Grebe---Bob Hazell---
Iceland Gull---video---Theo de Clermont---
February 4th

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 3 Scaup, 14 GoosanderLittle Egret and Lapwing. (B Hazell)
Lapwing---Bob Hazell---
February 3rd

Black-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 3 Scaup, 13+ GoosanderOystercatcherLittle EgretRaven, c12 Siskin, c110 LapwingChiffchaff, 3 Mistle Thrush, 30 Meadow Pipit and Sparrowhawk. (D Dedman B Hazell A Long P Sofley)
Oystercatcher---Bob Hazell---
February 2nd

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 24+ Goosander and Chiffchaff. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, 2+ Yellow-legged Gull and first winter Caspian X Herring Gull. (T Clermont)

February 1st

Black-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 24+ Goosander and 4 Little Egret. In the roost third winter Kumlien’s Gull and adult Glaucous Gull. (P Cox J Judge N Truby)
Black-necked Grebe and Glaucous Gull---John Judge---
Magpie ---Nick Truby---


January 31st

Black-necked GrebeGreat Northern Diver, 3 Scaup, 20+ GoosanderLittle EgretKingfisher, 11 Raven, 2 Chiffchaff, and c60 Linnet. In the roost third winter Kumlien’s Gull, second winter Iceland Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull and 3+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Edwards B Hazell N Jarvis D Warner)
Black-necked Grebe and Scaup---Bob Hazell---
Mediterranean Gull---(video)---Theo de Clermont---
January 30th

Black-necked GrebeGreat Northern Diver, 3 Scaup, 31 Goosander, 9 Little EgretPintail, 2 Tree Sparrow (unringed) Kingfisher, 2 Raven, 2 Chiffchaff, c40 Goldeneye, 16 Wigeon and Grey Wagtail. In the roost second winter Iceland Gull, adult and first winter Med Gull and Yellow-legged Gull. (S Allen T Clermont G Giles B Hazell P Hyde)
Black-necked Grebe and Scaup---Bob Hazell---
Black-necked GrebeScaup and Chiffchaff---Theo de Clermont---
January 29th

Black-necked GrebeGreat Northern Diver, 3 Scaup, c14 GoosanderLittle EgretKingfisher, 3+ Raven, 3 Chiffchaff and 50+ Linnet. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull and adult Med Gull. (J Coakley J Day B Hazell T Marlow)
Black-necked Grebe---Bob Hazell---
Black-necked Grebe and Scaup---John Coakley---
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
January 28th

Great Northern Diver, 3 Scaup, 14+ GoosanderCommon Sandpiper, 3+ Raven, 2+ Redpoll and 7+ Siskin, 2 Chiffchaff and 40+ Goldeneye. (B Hazell G & T Porter)
Scaup, Redpoll, and Siskin---Bob Hazell---

January 27th

Great Northern Diver, 2 ScaupRed Kite, 22 Goosander, 2 Little Egret, 3 RavenGrey WagtailKingfisher, 3 Chiffchaff, 30 Goldeneye, 20 Gadwall, 10 TealWigeon and Sparrowhawk. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, possible adult Iceland Gull, second winter Caspian Gull and 2+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont T Crawford P Harvey B Hazell J Kenny)
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
ScaupChiffchaff and Bullfinch---James Kenny---
Goosanders---video---Theo de Clermont---
January 26th

Scaup. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull. (T Marlow)
January 25th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 18+ GoosanderLittle EgretPintail, 2 Tree SparrowGrey WagtailKingfisher, 2 Chiffchaff and c20 Goldeneye. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull (new bird) and 2 adult Med Gull. (S Allen T Clermont J Judge T Marlow Rob)

January 24th

Great Northern Diver, 2 ScaupPeregrineGrey Wagtail and 153 Lapwing. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, 1+ first winter Caspian Gull and adult Med Gull. (T Clermont R Harbird)
Leucistic Lesser Black-backed Gull---video---Theo de Clermont---
January 23rd

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 11+ Goosander, 2 Little EgretTree Sparrow, 2 Raven, Pochard, 33 WigeonChiffchaff and Jay. In the roost adult and juv Glaucous Gull and first winter Caspian Gull. (G Corfield T Crawford B Hazell T Marlow)
Great Northern Diver---Gert Corfield---
Little Egret---Bob Hazell---
January 22nd

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 12+ Goosander, 2 Little Egret, 2+ Raven, Kingfisher, 5 Chiffchaff, c160 Great Crested Grebe and Jay. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull, probable adult and second winter Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull (new bird) 3+ Yellow-legged Gull and Peregrine through the roost taking a Black-headed Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell R Wakelam)
Great Crested Grebes---Bob Hazell---
Peregrine with Black-headed Gull prey---Theo de Clermont---
January 21st

Great Northern Diver, 2 ScaupLittle Egret, 2 Pintail, 10+ GoosanderCommon SandpiperPeregrineRaven, 5+ Chiffchaff, 5 Pochard and 9 Wigeon. (B Hazell G Logue)
Wigeon---Bob Hazell---
January 20th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 10+ Goosander, 2 Raven, 7 ChiffchaffKingfisher, 201 Tufted Duck, c120 Great Crested Grebe and c180 Linnet. In the roost adult and juv Glaucous Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull, 5 Yellow-legged Gull and leucistic Lesser Black-backed Gull. (T Clermont D Cox T Crawford P Forbes B Hazell)
Glaucous Gull---video---Theo de Clermont---
Tufted Ducks---Bob Hazell---
January 19th

Mediterranean Gull---video---Theo de Clermont---

January 18th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup and Raven. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull2+ adult, second winter and 3+ first winter Caspian Gulls, adult Med Gull, 3+ Yellow-legged Gull, 2+ Caspian X Herring Gulls and a Lesser Black-backed X Herring Gull. (T Clermont J Judge T Marlow)
Scaup---John Judge---
Caspian X Herring Gull---Theo de Clermont---
January 17th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 17+ GoosanderLittle EgretTree SparrowChiffchaffGrey WagtailRaven and 43 Lapwing. In the roost just 3+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont G Corfield B Hazell A Marshall)

January 16th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 14+ GoosanderRed Kite, 3+ Raven and Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell N Jarvis)
Black-headed Gull---Bob Hazell---
January 15th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 15+ GoosanderBarnacle Goose, 3 Raven, KingfisherSparrowhawk, 7 Shoveler, 3 Wigeon, 10 GadwallChiffchaff and Jay. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, 2 Yellow-legged Gull and 331+ Great Black-backed Gull. (T Clermont J Coakley B Hazell N Jarvis S Wright)
Barnacle Goose---Bob Hazell---
ScaupBarnacle Goose and Goosander---John Coakley---
Barnacle Goose and Coot---Theo de Clermont---
Barnacle Goose---Steven Wright---
January 14th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 7 GoosanderLittle Egret, 2 Tree Sparrow, Raven and 35 Goldeneye. (E Betteridge C Matthews)
ScaupGreat Crested Grebe and Cormorant---Edward Betteridge---
Gulls---(video)---Chris Matthews---
January 13th

Great Northern Diver, 2 ScaupRed Kite, 8 GoosanderLittle Egret, 3 Raven and Grey Wagtail. (D Edwards B Hazell)
Great Northern Diver and Scaup---Bob Hazell---
January 12th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup and 14 Goosander. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull, adult and first winter Caspian Gull, second winter Caspian X Herring Gull and 2+ Yellow-legged Gull. (S Allen T Clermont R Hopkins J Judge T Marlow)

January 11th

No records for today.

January 10th

Great Northern Diver, 2 ScaupLittle EgretRed Kite, 7 GoosanderRavenKingfisherChiffchaffJay and c250 Lapwing. (B Hazell C Matthews S Nikols)
Great Northern Diver---Steve Nikols---
Jackdaw---Bob Hazell---
January 9th

Great Northern Diver, 4 ScaupLittle Egret, 6 GoosanderGrey WagtailKingfisher, 6 Wigeon and c100 Lapwing. (D Cox B Hazell)
Kingfisher---Bob Hazell---
January 8th

Great Northern Diver, 4 Scaup, 2 Little Egret, 20+ Goosander, 2 Tree SparrowCommon SandpiperChiffchaffGrey WagtailKingfisher, 19 Gadwall, 33 Goldeneye, 160 Canada Goose, 24 Little Grebe, c350 Lapwing and c2500 Starling. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, 1+ adult Caspian Gull, and 5+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell S Valentine)
Kingfisher---Bob Hazell---
Glaucous Gull---Theo de Clermont---
Glaucous Gull---(video)---Theo de Clermont---
January 7th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 2 Little Egret, 2 GoosanderCommon Sandpiper, 2 RavenChiffchaffGrey Wagtail and Jay. In the roost third winter Kumlien’s Gull, adult/sub adult Iceland Gull (new bird) and adult Med Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow K Yates)
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
January 6th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 3 Little Egret, 9 GoosanderKingfisher, 2 Grey Wagtail, 3 Chiffchaff, 2+ Raven, 4 Pochard, 2 Wigeon, 2 Siskin, c18 Yellowhammer, 100+ Chaffinch and Jay.(R Downes B Hazell C Walker)
Great Northern Diver and Scaup---Bob Hazell---

January 5th

Great Northern Diver, 2 Scaup, 22+ GoosanderCommon SandpiperKingfisher and 3 Shoveler. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, adult and 2 first winter Caspian Gull and 2+ Yellow-legged Gull. (D Cox R Davis J Judge T Marlow S Nichols)

January 4th

Great Northern Diver, 2 ScaupLittle Egret, 16+ GoosanderKingfisher and Chiffchaff. In the roost new adult Glaucous Gull, adult/sub-adult Iceland/Kumlien’s, 2+ adult, third winter and 3+first winter Caspian GullYellow-legged Gull and adult Med Gull. (J & S Allen F Cooper J Judge T Marlow I Moore K Smith)
Great Northern Diver and Scaup---Kyle Smith---
Little Egret and Lapwings---Kyle Smith---
Bullfinch---Kyle Smith---
Goldcrest---Kyle Smith---
January 3rd

Great Northern Diver, 3 Scaup, 2 Little Egret, 18 Goosander, 3 Tree SparrowCommon SandpiperKingfisher, 2 Raven, 4+ Chiffchaff, 150+ Golden Plover and c100 Lapwing. In the roost first and second winter Caspian Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (M Brewer T Clermont F Cooper T Crawford B Hazell J Judge)

January 2nd

Great Northern Diver, 3 ScaupMerlinLittle Egret, 4 ShelduckPeregrine, 45 Goosander, 3 Raven, 10 Pochard, 9 Wigeon, c290 Golden Plover and c350 Lapwing. In the roost third winter Kumlien’s Gull, juv Iceland Gull, first winter Caspian Gull and Yellow-legged Gull. (J & S Allen K Barnsley T Clermont P Cox J Judge J Oates C & J Timms N Truby)
Merlin and Scaup---Theo de Clermont---
Great Northern Diver and Scaup---Nick Truby---
Great Northern Diver and Scaup---John Judge---
January 1st

Great Northern Diver, 3+ ScaupLittle Egret, 2 PintailKingfisher, 20+ Wigeon, 4 Pochard, 3 Shoveler and 200+ Golden Plover. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, 2 adult and first winter Caspian Gull and 2+ Yellow-legged Gull. (A Archer N Barlow T Barter P Cashmore D Cox K Donaghy P Hyde J Judge I & R Sansom T Southgate D Woodward)
Great Northern Diver and Westland helicopter---Ivan Sansom---
