2019 Records

The Sightings Page features records of any interesting sightings, scarce & rare visitors, migrant arrivals and high counts etc. It does not attempt to include every species present.
All records subject to acceptance.

Please email your sightings, Emails for 2019 =471
 recorder(at)draycotebirding.co.uk replace (at) with @
If you use this website or the Twitter feed prior to a visit to Draycote, could you please reciprocate with your sightings.
December 31st
Great Northern Diver and Scaup. In the roost third winter Kumlien’s Gull, adult Glaucous Gull, first winter Caspian Gull and 2+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Cox J Judge C Matthews)
Kumlien’s Gull---Theo de Clermont---
December 30th
Great Northern Diver and 2 Scaup, 3 Little Egret, c15 GoosanderCommon Sandpiper, 2 Tree Sparrow, c40 Goldeneye and 21+ Wigeon. In the roost adult and juv Glaucous Gull. (T Clermont D Cox J Judge T Marlow I Sansom M Sparrow)
Great Northern DiverGoosanderBullfinch and Goldcrest---Ivan Sansom---
December 29th
Great Northern Diver and 2 Scaup, 20+ Goosander and 2 Wigeon. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, 2+ adult, first winter Caspian Gull and 3+ Yellow-legged Gull.  (T Clermont D Cox J Judge T Marlow)
December 28th
Great Northern Diver, ScaupLittle Egret, 22+ Goosander, 35 Wigeon and Kingfisher. In the roost adult and juv Glaucous Gull, adult, second winter and 2 first winter Caspian Gull and 3+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Cox J Judge T Marlow S Wright)
Little EgretLong-tailedGreat and Blue Tit---Steven Wright---
December 27th
Great Northern Diver and 2 Scaup. (D Cox C Matthews)
December 26th
No records for today.
December 25th
 ***Site closed***
December 24th
Great Northern Diver, 4 ScaupLittle Egret, 23 Goosander, 2 RavenGrey Wagtail, 3 Shoveler, 2 Pochard, c12 Wigeon, and 4000+ Starling. In the roost 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont F Cooper B Hazell J Judge C Matthews)
Scaup---Theo de Clermont---
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
Scaup and Starlings---John Judge---
Starlings---Tim Marlow---
December 23rd
Great Northern Diver, drake Scaup, 2 Little Egret, 2 Pintail, 20 Goosander, 2 RavenKingfisher, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Pochard, 2 Wigeon, 300+ Golden Plover, c220 Lapwing and c3000 Starling. In the roost 2 Yellow-legged Gull and 2 “white winged” Herring Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
Pintail---Theo de Clermont---
December 22nd
Great Northern DiverLittle Egret, 2 Tree SparrowChiffchaff, 250+ Tufted Duck and 200+ Golden Plover. (D Edwards A Marshall C Matthews)
Great Northern Diver---Chris Matthews---
December 21st
Great Northern Diver and Little Egret. In the roost adult Caspian Gull and Yellow-legged Gull. (D Cox J Judge)
December 20th
Great Northern Diver. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull. (J Judge)
December 19th
Great Northern Diver, 3 Little Egret, 20+ GoosanderGrey Wagtail, 4+ Raven, 3+ ChiffchaffKingfisher and Pochard. (S Allen D Cox T Crawford B Hazell)
Little Egret and Kingfisher---Stuart Allen---
December 18th
Great Northern Diver, 2 Little Egret, 16+ GoosanderGrey Wagtail, 2+ Raven, 3+ Chiffchaff, 2 Pochard, 2 Shoveler, 2 Wigeon, 2 JayTreecreeper and Lapwing. (B Hazell)
Great Northern Diver---Bob Hazell---
December 17th
No records for today.
December 16th
In the roost Great Northern Diver, adult Glaucous Gull, sub adult and first winter Caspian Gull and 4+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont)
Great Northern Diver---Theo de Clermont---
December 15th
In the roost adult Glaucous Gull and adult and first winter Caspian Gull. (J Judge)
December 14th
In the roost adult Caspian Gull and 3+ Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge T Marlow)
December 13th
Little Egret, 14 GoosanderGrey WagtailRaven and c220 Lapwing. (B Hazell)
December 12th
No records for today.
December 11th
Little Egret, 12 Goosander, 2+ Chiffchaff, 2 Tree Sparrow, 12 Bullfinch, 8 Wigeon and c220 Lapwing. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, second winter Caspian GullYellow-legged Gull and c3500 Starling. (T Clermont B Hazell)
Buzzard---Bob Hazell---
December 10th
Little Egret, 13 Goosander, 2+ Chiffchaff, 2 RavenGrey Wagtail, c12 Siskin, 8 Wigeon and Lapwing. (B Hazell)
December 9th
Little Egret, 14 GoosanderNuthatch, 7+ Raven, c500 Lapwing and 5 Wigeon. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, sub adult and first winter Caspian Gull and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell)
Glaucous Gull---Theo de Clermont---
December 8th
No records for today.
December 7th
No records for today.
December 6th
Whooper Swan, 3 Little Egret, 10 GoosanderNuthatchKingfisher, 7 PochardGrey Wagtail and 40+ Yellowhammer. (B Hazell)
December 5th
WoodcockRed Kite, 4 Little Egret, 11 GoosanderGrey WagtailKingfisher, 4 Chiffchaff, 10 Pochard and 2 Wigeon. (D Edwards B Hazell)
Chiffchaff---Bob Hazell---
December 4th
Little Egret, 6 GoosanderCommon Sandpiper, 4 Pochard, 2 Tree SparrowRaven, 5 Wigeon, 37+ Goldeneye 2 Yellow-legged Gull and 257 Great Crested Grebe. (T Clermont B Hazell N Jarvis)
Little EgretGoldeneyes and Blackbird---Theo de Clermont---
December 3rd
Short-eared OwlWoodcock, 4 Little Egret, 5 Goosander, 4 Pochard, 6 Wigeon, 2+ RavenGrey Wagtail, 2 Jay, c80 Skylark, 6+ Bullfinch, c30 Yellowhammer, c100 Chaffinch and c70 Lapwing. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, adult Med Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)
Short-eared Owl---Bob Hazell---
Glaucous Gull and Mediterranean Gull---Theo de Clermont---
December 2nd
Little Egret, 17 Goosander, 6 Pochard, 7+ Raven, 6 Wigeon and 62 Lapwing. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, juv Iceland Gull, third winter Caspian Gull and 2+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)
December 1st
No records for today.
November 30th
Little Egret, 15+ GoosanderKingfisherMed GullPochard and Shoveler. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, adult Caspian Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont N Jarvis J Judge)
November 29th
MerlinRed-crested Pochard, 5 Little Egret, 15+ GoosanderMed Gull, 100+ Chaffinch and c90 Lapwing. (B Hazell)
 MerlinMediterranean Gull and Little Egret---Bob Hazell---
November 28th
Red-breasted Merganser. (S McAusland)
November 27th
Red-breasted MerganserRed-crested Pochard, 5 Little Egret, 19+ GoosanderJay and 32 Lapwing. (B Hazell)
 Red-breasted Merganser---Bob Hazell---
November 26th
Red-breasted MerganserRed-crested Pochard, 4 Little Egret, 24+ Goosander, 3 Raven, 14 WigeonSparrowhawk and 30+ Lapwing. (B Hazell)
Red-breasted Mergansers---Bob Hazell---
November 25th
Red-crested PochardCommon Sandpiper, 3 Little Egret, 20+ Goosander, 3 RavenYellow-legged Gull, 30+ Teal and Lapwing. (D Edwards B Hazell N Jarvis)
Goosander---Bob Hazell---
November 24th
Probable Great Northern DiverRed-crested PochardShelduck, 17 Goosander and LittleEgretIn the roost adult Med Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont J Judge)
November 23rd
No records for today.
November 22nd
Red-crested PochardCommon Sandpiper, 3 Little Egret, 6 GoosanderLapwing and 111 Common Gull. (B Hazell)
 Common Sandpiper and Lapwing---Bob Hazell---
November 21st
Red-crested Pochard, 2 Little Egret, 17 Goosander, 2 Pochard, 2 RavenGrey WagtailJay and 80+ Chaffinch. (B Hazell)
November 20th
Red-crested PochardCommon Sandpiper, 2 Little Egret, 11+ GoosanderPochardRavenChiffchaff and Lapwing. (T Crawford B Hazell)
Red-crested Pochard---Bob Hazell---
Common Sandpiper---Bob Hazell---
Black-headed Gull---Bob Hazell---
November 19th
No records for today.
November 18th
Red-crested PochardCommon Sandpiper, 5 Little Egret, 9 Goosander, 3 Pochard, 45 TealRaven, 3 Siskin and c50 Meadow Pipit. In the roost second winter Caspian Gull and adult Med Gull. (T Clermont T Crawford D Edwards B Hazell)
Mediterranean Gull---Theo de Clermont---
November 17th
Red-crested Pochard, 7 Goosander and Raven. (T Crawford I & R Sansom)
Red-crested Pochard---Ivan Sansom---
November 16th
Red-crested Pochard, 4+ Little Egret, 10+ GoosanderShelduck and c50 Wigeon. In the roost adult and first winter Caspian Gull and adult Med Gull. (J Judge T Marlow)
November 15th
Marsh Harrier, 4 Little Egret, 19+ Goosander, 5+ Raven, 2 Pochard, 3 Shoveler, 38 Wigeon, c30 Goldeneye and Jay. (T Clermont B Hazell)
Goldeneye---Bob Hazell---
November 14th
No records for today.
November 13th
Second winter KittiwakeRed-crested Pochard, 4 Little Egret, c20 Goosander, 2 Grey Wagtail, c20 Golden Plover and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell)
Kittiwake---Bob Hazell---
Kittiwake---Tim Marlow---
Kittiwake---Theo de Clermont---
November 12th
Possible Purple HeronRed-crested Pochard. (T Kennard)
November 11th
Red-crested Pochard, 4 Little Egret, 23+ Goosander, 4 PochardWigeonShovelerKingfisher and Raven. The nasal saddle Tufted Duck still. (D Edwards B Hazell)
Red-crested Pochard---Bob Hazell---
November 10th
4+ Little Egret and 8 Goosander. In the roost 6+ Yellow-legged Gull and 350+ Great Black-backed Gull. (T Clermont J Judge)
November 9th
Species                        New                Retrap             Total
Blue Tit                           5                      5                      10
Great Tit                          4                      5                      9
Long-tailed Tit           1                      0                      1
Dunnock                         1                      0                      1
Blackbird                        3                      0                      3
Total                                        24
November 8th
Red-crested Pochard, 8 Little Egret, 16 Goosander, 3 ShovelerKingfisher, 2 Grey Wagtail and Chiffchaff. (B Hazell)
November 7th
Common ScoterRed-crested Pochard, 7 Little Egret, 12 Goosander, 3 PochardWigeon, 3 Grey Wagtail and 2 Raven. (D Edwards B Hazell)
Common Scoters---Bob Hazell---
November 6th
Red-crested Pochard, 6 Little Egret, 19 Goosander, 2 Pochard, 2 Wigeon, 3 Grey Wagtail and Raven. (B Hazell)
Goosander and Great Crested Grebe---Bob Hazell---
November 5th
Red-crested Pochard, 8 Little Egret, 13 Goosander, 3 Pochard, 12 Wigeon, c1200 Tufted Duck and Jay. (B Hazell)
November 4th
Red-breasted MerganserRed-crested PochardDunlin, 10 Little Egret, 15 Goosander, 2 RavenKingfisherChiffchaff, 15 Goldeneye, 40 Teal and 20 Meadow Pipit. (P Harvey J Kenny)
Red-breasted MerganserRed-crested PochardDunlin and Meadow Pipit---James Kenny---
November 3rd
No records for today.
November 2nd
No records for today.
November 1st
Red-crested PochardNuthatch, 6 Little Egret, 10 Goosander, 8 Pochard, 2 RavenGrey WagtailJay and 80+ Meadow Pipit. (D Edwards B Hazell)
Goosander---Bob Hazell---

October 31st
Rock PipitRed-crested Pochard, 5+ Little Egret, 3 Grey Wagtail, 16+ Goosander, 3 RavenKingfisher, 2 SnipeSparrowhawk, 7 Pochard, c23 Goldeneye, 40+ Teal and c50 Meadow Pipit. (K Barnsley T Clermont B Hazell D Long)
Rock PipitGoosander and Goldeneye---Theo de Clermont---
Red-crested Pochard---Bob Hazell---
October 30th
Velvet ScoterRock PipitRed-crested PochardBrambling, 5 Little Egret, 11+ GoosanderCommon Sandpiper, 65+ Wigeon, 3 Shoveler, 17 Lapwing and Golden Plover. (P Bray T Clermont B Hazell)
Velvet Scoters---Theo de Clermont---
Velvet Scoters---Paul Bray---
Velvet Scoter---Bob Hazell---
October 29th
Red-breasted MerganserRed-crested Pochard, 10 Little Egret, 8+ GoosanderEgyptian Goose, 5 RavenKingfisher, 6 Pochard, 18 Wigeon, 15 Goldeneye and 8 Lapwing. (T Clermont B Hazell)
Red-breasted Merganser and Red-crested Pochard---Theo de Clermont---
Red-breasted Merganser and Red-crested Pochard---Bob Hazell---
October 28th
 Great White Egret and Goosanders. (S Nikols C Potter)
Goosanders---Steve Nikols---
October 27th
Drake Red-crested Pochard, 7+ Little Egret, 7 Goosander and Kingfisher. In the roost two first winter Caspian GullYellow-legged Gull and 437+ Great Black-backed Gull. (J Judge Saintcov)
 Red-crested PochardLittle Egret and Goosanders---Saintcov---
October 26th
No records for today.
October 25th
Great White Egret, drake Red-crested PochardNuthatch, 10 Little Egret, 2 Goosander, 4 Goldeneye and the red nasal ringed Tufted Duck. (T Clermont D Edwards K Yates)
October 24th
Rock PipitRed-crested PochardDunlin, 8 Little Egret, 4+ Goosander, 5 Goldeneye and c1000 Tufted Duck. (T Clermont G Parisi)
 Red-crested PochardGoosander and Moths---Theo de Clermont---
October 23rd
 No records for today.
October 22nd
 Little Egret, 5 GoosanderRaven and 4 Goldeneye. In the roost first and second winter Caspian Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell)
October 21st
 Little Egret, 7 Goosander, 4 Wigeon and c900 Tufted Duck. (B Hazell)
 October 20th
 No records for today.
 October 19th
 No records for today.
 October 18th
 Little Egret, 7+ GoosanderTree Sparrow, 3 Grey WagtailPochard and Jay. (B Hazell)
 October 17th
 Little Egret, 3 Goosander, 4 Raven, 2 Grey WagtailKingfisher and 2 Lapwing, c700 Tufted Duck and Sparrowhawk.  (P Bray B Hazell)
Red nasal saddle Tufted Duck info---Bob Hazell---
 October 16th
 Little Egret, 3 GoosanderRaven, 2 Grey WagtailPochard, 5 Goldeneye, 2 Wigeon and 2 Lapwing. (P Bray B Hazell)
Little Egret---Bob Hazell---
 October 15th
 ScaupRock Pipit, c10 Little EgretCommon Sandpiper, 3 Goosander and Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell)
Scaup---Bob Hazell---
 October 14th
 10 Little Egret, 2 Goosander, 5 Grey WagtailRaven, 2 Wigeon and c5 singing Chiffchaff. (Arden Ringing Group B Hazell)
**Arden Ringing Group had their first ringing session at Draycote and totals below**
Blue Tit 20
Great Tit 14
Wren    1
Goldcrest  1
Bullfinch  2
Long-tailed Tit  16
Treecreeper 2
October 13th
 No records for today.
 October 12th
 No records for today.
 October 11th
 No records for today.
 October 10th
 Little EgretTree Sparrow, 3 Goosander, 3 Grey WagtailEgyptian Goose, 2 WigeonLapwing and Jay. (B Hazell D Long)
Blue Tit---Bob Hazell---
 October 9th
 Little EgretGoosanderCommon SandpiperNuthatch, 2 Grey WagtailKingfisher, 2 WigeonGoldeneyeJayLapwing and a Tufted Duck with a red nasal saddle. (B Hazell C Latham)
Lapwing---Bob Hazell---
October 8th
Great White EgretRuddy Shelduck, 4 Little EgretEgyptian Goose, 3 GoosanderCommon SandpiperGrey Wagtail and Lapwing. (B Hazell)
Ruddy Shelduck---Bob Hazell---
 October 7th
 No records for today.
 October 6th
 No records for today.
 October 5th
 No records for today.
 October 4th
 Little EgretEgyptian Goose, 3 Goosander, 2 RavenGrey WagtailShoveler“Dusky” Canada Goose and Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Dusky type Canada Goose---Bob Hazell---
October 3rd
14 Little EgretRinged PloverCommon SandpiperEgyptian Goose, 6 Grey WagtailWigeonShoveler, Jay and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Cormorant---Bob Hazell---
October 2nd
 Whooper Swan, c12 Little Egret, 3 GoosanderEgyptian Goose, 2 Grey Wagtail, 3 ShovelerYellow-legged Gull and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell)
October 1st
 c15 Little EgretWheatear, 3 GoosanderCommon SandpiperEgyptian Goose, 2 Grey WagtailKingfisher and c35 Little Grebe. (B Hazell)
 Goosander and Little Grebe---Bob Hazell---

September 30th
Great White Egret, juv ShagDunlin, 2 Ringed PloverCommon SandpiperWheatear, 17+ Little Egret, 2 Grey WagtailKingfisherYellow-legged Gull and Shoveler. (R Downes B Hazzell)
Ruddy Shelduck---Bob Hazell---
September 29th
Juv Shag, 2 Ringed Plover and 2 Wheatear. (T Marlow)
Shag and Cormorant---Tim Marlow---
September 28th
2 drake Common ScoterBlack Tern, 2 Wheatear and four Caspian Gull (two first winter and two second winter) (T Marlow M Pollard)
Black Tern---Mike Pollard---
Common Scoters---Tim Marlow---
September 27th
Greenshank, 2 Dunlin, 4 Ringed Plover, 3 Common SandpiperBlack Tern, 3 first winter Caspian Gull, c10 Little Egret, 4+ Grey Wagtail, 2 Yellow-legged Gull and 2 Shoveler, (B Hazell J Judge G Logue T Marlow)
September 26th
Bar-tailed GodwitGreenshank, 2 Dunlin, 4 Ringed Plover, 14+ Little Egret, 1+ WheatearGoosanderEgyptian Goose and Kingfisher. (B Hazell N Kiteley)
Bar-tailed Godwit---Bob Hazell---
Wheatear---Nigel Kiteley---
September 25th
Ruff, Greenshank, Dunlin, 4 Ringed Plover, 4 Common Sandpiper, 2 Wheatear, 15+ Little EgretGoosanderEgyptian GooseRaven, 2 Pochard and Shoveler. (B Hazell J Holden)
Ruff and Wheatears---Bob Hazell---
September 24th
OspreyGreenshankDunlin, 4 Ringed Plover, 2 Wheatear and second winter Caspian Gull. (T Marlow)
Osprey---Tim Marlow---
DunlinRinged Plover and Wheatear---Tim Marlow---
September 23rd
RuffDunlin, 4 Ringed Plover, 4 Common Sandpiper, Wheatear, 2 Grey WagtailNuthatch, c10 Little EgretEgyptian GooseYellow-legged Gull, 2 Jay and 700+ Tufted Duck. (B Hazell)
DunlinWheatear and Egyptian Goose---Bob Hazell---
September 22nd
Ruff, 4 Ringed PloverCommon Sandpiper and 2 Wheatear. (T Marlow)
Wheatear---Tim Marlow---
September 21st
No records for today.
September 20th
3 TurnstoneRuffGreenshank, 5 Ringed Plover, 1+ Common SandpiperRed Kite, c10 Little EgretGoosander, Common Tern, 2+ Grey Wagtail, 2 Pochard, 15 WigeonYellow-legged Gull and “Dusky” Canada Goose. (D Edwards B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Ringed Plovers---Bob Hazell---
September 19th
RuffGreenshank, 3 Ringed PloverCommon Sandpiper, 2 Wheatear, c14 Little EgretGoosanderKingfisher, 4 Pochard and Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Goosander---Bob Hazell---
September 18th
RuffGreenshankRinged PloverCommon Sandpiper, 2 Wheatear, c12 Little EgretGoosanderEgyptian GooseYellow-legged Gull, 2+ Grey WagtailSparrowhawk and Shoveler. (B Hazell N Jarvis T Marlow K Smith)
Ruff---Kyle Smith---
Ringed Plover---Bob Hazell---
September 17th
Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Ruff, 4 Ringed PloverCommon Sandpiper, Tree PipitNuthatchGoosanderRed Kite, 14+ Little EgretEgyptian GooseYellow-legged Gull, 4+ Grey Wagtail, 4 Wigeon and Shoveler. (B Hazell T Marlow)
Black-tailed Godwit---Bob Hazell---
September 16th
Turnstone, 2 RuffGreenshank, 4 Ringed Plover, 3 Dunlin, 4 Common SandpiperHobby, 14 Little EgretEgyptian GooseYellow-legged GullShoveler and Jay. (D Cox B Hazell T Marlow)
September 15th
TurnstoneRuff, 4 Ringed PloverDunlin and Common Sandpiper. (D Cox T Marlow)
September 14th
No records for today.
September 13th
Turnstone, 2 RuffGreenshank, 4 Ringed Plover, 6 Dunlin, 5 Common Sandpiper, 8+ Little EgretWheatearYellow WagtailShoveler and 2 Raven. (D Edwards P Forbes J Judge T Marlow A Marshall)
September 12th
RuffGreenshank, 6 Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin, 4+ Common Sandpiper, 18+ Little Egret, 5 Yellow WagtailEgyptian GooseShoveler and 5 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Dunlin and Little Egret---Bob Hazell---
Meadow Pipit---Bob Hazell---
September 11th
Turnstone, 1+ RuffGreenshankDunlin, 6 Ringed Plover, 2+ Common Sandpiper, c12 Little EgretWheatear and Egyptian Goose. (B Hazell T Marlow)
TurnstoneRuff and Wheatear---Bob Hazell---
TurnstoneRuff and Wheatear---Tim Marlow---
September 10th
Turnstone, 2 RuffGreenshank, 5+ Ringed Plover, 6+ Common Sandpiper, c10 Little Egret, 4 Yellow WagtailEgyptian GooseShoveler and Yellow-legged Gull. (P Finden B Hazell T Marlow)
Ruff and Ringed Plover---Bob Hazell---
September 9th
Turnstone, 11 WhimbrelRedshank, 2 RuffGreenshank, 3 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Ringed Plover, 5 Dunlin, 4 Common Sandpiper, 2 drake Common ScoterWheatearReed WarblerEgyptian GooseShelduckPochard, 6 Shoveler and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (P Harvey T Kennard J Kenny T Marlow)
TurnstoneGreenshank and Ringed Plovers---James Kenny---
RuffRedshank and Wheatear---James Kenny---
TurnstoneRuffRedshankRinged Plover and Dunlin---Tim Marlow---
Redshank---Tim Marlow---
September 8th
No records for today.
September 7th
GreenshankOystercatcherDunlin, 2 Common Sandpiper, 9+ Little Egret, 3 Spotted FlycatcherEgyptian Goose and 3+ Yellow-legged Gull. (D P Davies J Judge)
September 6th
Greenshank, first winter Caspian Gull, 2 Common SandpiperNuthatch, c10 Little EgretEgyptian GooseGrey WagtailSwift and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (D P Davies B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Little Grebe---Bob Hazell---
September 5th
RuffGreenshank, 4+ Common Sandpiper, 15+ Little EgretEgyptian GooseGrey WagtailSwift and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
September 4th
WhimbrelRuffGreenshankLittle Ringed Plover, 2+ Common Sandpiper, 12+ Little Egret, 3+ Yellow-legged Gull, 4 Pochard and “Dusky” type Canada Goose. (B Hazell T Marlow)
WhimbrelRuff and Greenshank---Tim Marlow---
RuffGreenshank and Little Ringed Plover---Bob Hazell---
September 3rd
GreenshankRuff, 2 Common SandpiperRinged PloverRed Kite, 10+ Little Egret, 2 Yellow WagtailNuthatchEgyptian Goose, 3 Yellow-legged Gull and Med Gull. (B Hazell T Kennard J Judge T Marlow)
Greenshank and Egyptian Goose---Bob Hazell---
Ruff and Greenshank---John Judge---
Ruff---Tim Marlow---
Mediterranean Gull---John Judge---
Mediterranean Gull---Tim Marlow---
September 2nd
Black-tailed Godwit, juv/first winter Caspian Gull, 10+ Little EgretCommon SandpiperEgyptian GooseYellow WagtailRaven and Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)
Black-tailed Godwit---Tim Marlow---
Caspian Gull---Tim Marlow---
September 1st
1st summer/second winter Caspian Gull. (T Marlow)
Caspian Gull---Tim Marlow---

August 31st
Juv Shag, 2 Little Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper. (T Marlow Fishing Lodge)
August 30th
Juv Knot, juv Shag, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 14+ Little Egret, 5+ Common Sandpiper, 4 Yellow WagtailEgyptian Goose and Swift. (B Hazell T Hinnet J Judge T Marlow)
Knot---John Judge---
August 29th
5 juv Little Ringed Plover, 17+ Little Egret, 3+ Common Sandpiper, 2 Common TernEgyptian Goose and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Common Tern---Bob Hazell---
August 28th
Little Ringed Plover, 15+ Little Egret, 2 Common SandpiperYellow WagtailEgyptian GooseCommon Tern and 4 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Little Ringed Plover---Bob Hazell---
August 27th
Juv Shag, 5 Little Ringed Plover, 14+ Little EgretWheatear, 4 Yellow Wagtail, 3 Common Sandpiper, 4 Common TernEgyptian Goose, 7 Wigeon, 4 Shoveler, 19 Teal, c12 Gadwall and Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)
Shag---Bob Hazell---
Wheatear---Bob Hazell---
Wheatear---Tim Marlow---
August 26th
Juv Shag, 4 Black Tern, 3 Little Ringed PloverRinged Plover, 14+ Little Egret, 2 Common Sandpiper, 10+ Common Tern, 4 Shoveler and Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Shag---John Judge---
Little Ringed PloverCommon Sandpiper and Yellow-legged Gull---Bob Hazell---
August 25th
Juv Shag, 3 WhimbrelRed KiteRedshank, 3 Little Ringed Plover, 2+ Common Sandpiper, 4+ Yellow Wagtail, 8 Little Egret, 6+ Common Tern, 2 Shoveler, juv Med Gull and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell J Judge)
Shag and Common Sandpiper---John Judge---
August 24th
Great White Egret, juv Shag and 7 Black Tern. (D Cox T Marlow)
Great White Egret---Tim Marlow---
Black Tern---Tim Marlow---
August 23rd
Juv Shag, 3 juv Little Ringed PloverRed Kite, 2 HobbyGreen Sandpiper, 3 Common SandpiperNuthatch, 10+ Common TernEgyptian GooseGrey Wagtail and 7 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell J Judge S Nikols T Marlow)
Shag---Steve Nikols---
Shag---John Judge---
Little Ringed PloverLittle Egret and Common Terns---Steve Nikols---
Little Ringed Plover---Bob Hazell---
Little Ringed Plovers and Little Egret---John Judge---
August 22nd
Juv ShagOsprey, 13 Little Egret, 10+ Common Tern, 3 Common Sandpiper, Yellow Wagtail 3 Grey Wagtail and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow M Pollard)
Osprey---Tim Marlow---
Shag---Mike Pollard---
Common Terns---Bob Hazell---
August 21st
Juv ShagOsprey, 14 Little EgretWheatear, 6+ Common TernCommon SandpiperGrey WagtailKingfisher and 3+ Yellow-legged Gull. (D Cox B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Shag and Cormorant---Bob Hazell---
Shag---John Judge---
Osprey---John Judge---
Osprey---Tim Marlow---
August 20th
2 Juv Shag, juv Little Ringed PloverYellow Wagtail and Pochard. (F Cooper D Cox T Marlow)
Shags---Tim Marlow---
Yellow-legged Gull---Tim Marlow---
August 19th
2 Juv ShagOsprey, 4+ Little EgretRinged PloverCommon Sandpiper and 6+ Common Tern. (R Knightbridge T Marlow)
Shags---Tim Marlow---
Shag and Cormorant---Tim Marlow---
August 18th
Juv Shag, juv Little Ringed Plover, 16+ Common Tern, 8+ Little Egret and 3+ Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge)
ShagLittle Ringed PloverLittle Egret and Common Tern---John Judge---
August 17th
WheatearCommon SandpiperEgyptian Goose and 2 Common Tern. (via J Kenney)
August 16th
No records for today
August 15th
No records for today
August 14th
No records for today
August 13th
Red Kite, 6 Little Egret, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpiper and 8 Common Tern. (T Marlow)
Ringed Plover---Tim Marlow---
August 12th
Shag, 4 Little Egret, 6+ Common TernCommon SandpiperGrey Wagtail and Yellow-legged Gull. (T Marlow G Stratford)
August 11th
9+ Little Egret, 2 Hobby, 10+ Common TernCommon Sandpiper, first summer Caspian Gull and 12+ Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge T Marlow)
Caspian Gull---Tim Marlow---
August 10th
Juv Osprey, 7 Little EgretRinged Plover, 10 Common Tern, drake Pochard, 2 HobbyPeregrineEgyptian GooseRaven, adult Med Gull and 6 Yellow-legged Gull. (D Cox T Marlow)
Osprey---Tim Marlow---
August 9th
13+ Little Egret, 2 Redshank, 2+ Common SandpiperWheatearYellow WagtailEgyptian Goose, 20+ Common Tern, 7 Yellow-legged Gull and drake Pochard. (B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
August 8th
13 Little EgretDunlinWheatearEgyptian GooseNuthatch, 4+ Common Sandpiper, 11+ Common Tern, 2 Raven, 5 Yellow-legged Gull and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell)
Dunlin---Bob Hazell---
August 7th
Sanderling, 9 Little EgretWheatear, 9+ Common TernEgyptian Goose and Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Common Tern and Common Gull---Bob Hazell---
August 6th
10+ Little Egret, 9+ Common TernEgyptian GooseCommon Sandpiper, 4 Gadwall and Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Common Tern and Egyptian Goose---Bob Hazell---
August 5th
Ruddy ShelduckTurnstone, 11 Little Egret, 3+ Yellow Wagtail, 16 Common TernEgyptian GooseKingfisher, 3+ Common Sandpiper and 5 Yellow-legged Gull. (D Edwards P Harvey B Hazell J Kenny)
Ruddy Shelduck---James Kenny---
Turnstone---Bob Hazell---
Little EgretCommon Terns and Grey Heron---James Kenny---
August 4th
No records for today.
August 3rd
4 female Common Scoter, sub-adult and first Summer Caspian Gull, 16+ Yellow-legged Gull, 10+ Little Egret, 6+ Common Tern (3 juv) and Common Sandpiper. (J Judge T Marlow)
August 2nd
Drake Common Scoter, 14+ Little EgretCaspian Gull, 30 Yellow-legged Gull, 4 Common TernCommon SandpiperHobbyRaven, 2 Teal, c100 Great Crested Grebe and c50 Coot. (D Edwards B Hazell T Marlow)
Common Scoter---Bob Hazell---
Caspian Gull and ?---Bob Hazell---
Caspian Gull---Tim Marlow---
August 1st
10 Little Egret, 5+ Common Tern, 5 Spotted FlycatcherYellow WagtailGrey Wagtail, 2 Common Sandpiper and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell H Jackson)

July 31st
Black-tailed Godwit, 2 juv Black Tern, 16 Little Egret, 3 Common Tern, drake Pochard and c300 Swift. (P Cashmore D Cox B Hazell)
Little Egrets and Mute Swan cygnet---Bob Hazell---
July 30th
Juv Black Tern, 14+ Little Egret, 2 Common TernCommon Sandpiper, 9 Yellow-legged Gull and “Dusky” type Canada Goose. (D Edwards B Hazell)
July 29th
No records for today.
July 28th
WhimbrelBlack Tern, female Common Scoter, 5 Little EgretEgyptian GooseHobbyCommon Sandpiper, 2 Common Tern and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Crawford T Marlow)
Whimbrel---Tim Marlow---
July 27th
No records for today.
July 26th
22+ Little Egret, 4 Common SandpiperEgyptian Goose, 2 Raven and 7 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
July 25th
33+ Little EgretSpotted Flycatcher, 3 Yellow WagtailCommon Tern and 14+ Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)
July 24th
24+ Little Egret, 5 Common Tern and 48 Yellow-legged Gull (33 ad, 11 second summer, 3 first summer and juv) (B Hazell R Knightbridge T Marlow)
July 23rd
No records for today.
July 22nd
11 Little EgretOystercatcher, 2 Common Sandpiper, 2 Common Tern, and 5 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell K Lawlor)
July 21st
No records for today.
July 20th
No records for today.
July 19th
Red Kite, 10 Little EgretCommon Sandpiper, 2 Common TernYellow-legged Gull and 3-400 Swift. (T Marlow)
July 18th
Great White EgretWhimbrelRed Kite, c30 Little EgretEgyptian GooseOystercatcherGrey Wagtail and 4+ Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Knightbridge T Marlow)
Yellow-legged Gull---Bob Hazell---
July 17th
Little Ringed PloverNuthatch, at least 38 possibly 50 Little Egret, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Common SandpiperEgyptian Goose, 3 Common Tern and 4 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Egyptian GooseCommon Terns and Yellow Wagtail---Bob Hazell---
July 16th
3 drake Common Scoter, 32+ Little Egret, 2 Yellow WagtailEgyptian GooseCommon Sandpiper, 5 Common Tern and Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Common Scoters---Bob Hazell---
July 15th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, c20 Little Egret, 2 Oystercatcher, 3+ Common Sandpiper, 3 Common Tern, 8 Yellow-legged Gull and 60+ Great Crested Grebe. (D Edwards B Hazell)
Oystercatcher---Bob Hazell---
July 14th
No records for today.
July 13th
Great White Egret, 23+ Little Egret, 2 OystercatcherYellow WagtailCommon Sandpiper, 2 Common TernGrey Wagtail and 7+ Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge Draycote Rangers A Zalisz)
July 12th
Great White Egret, 27+ Little EgretOystercatcher, 4 Common Sandpiper, 2+ Common Tern and 5+ Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Great White Egret---John Judge---
Yellow-legged Gull---Bob Hazell---
July 11th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, drake Common ScoterNuthatch, 28 Little EgretOystercatcher, 4 Common Sandpiper, 5 Common TernGrey Wagtail and 11 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow J Russell)
Nuthatch---Jonathan Russell---
July 10th
No records for today.
July 9th
Great White Egret, 31 Little Egret, 3 OystercatcherEgyptian Goose, 6 Common Tern, 2 Common Sandpiper, 3 Grey WagtailKingfisherSparrowhawk and 2 Coal Tit. (D Cox P Harvey B Hazell J Kenny J Russell)
Great White Egret---James Kenny---
Great White EgretCommon TernYellow-legged Gull and Great Black-backed Gull---James Kenney---
July 8th
Great White Egret, 23+ Little EgretHobbyRedshankEgyptian Goose, 2+ Yellow-legged Gull and 2 Grey Wagtail. (M Doughty B Hazell)
Great White Egret---Bob Hazell---
July 7th
No records for today.
July 6th
Great White EgretRinged PloverEgyptian Goose and 2 Common Tern. (D Cox)
July 5th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, Great White Egret, 27 Little EgretRedshankOystercatcherEgyptian Goose, 5 Common Tern, 2+ Yellow-legged GullYellow WagtailGrey Wagtail and “Dusky” type Canada Goose. (F Cooper D Cox B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
“Dusky type” Canada Goose---John Judge---
July 4th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, 8 Great White Egret, 23+ Little EgretEgyptian GooseOystercatcher, 3 Common Tern, 2 Yellow-legged GullSparrowhawk and “Dusky” type Canada Goose. (P Bray B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Great White Egret---Bob Hazell---
Great White Egret---Tim Marlow---
Great White EgretLittle Egret and Grey Heron---John Judge---
July 3rd
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, 22+ Little EgretEgyptian GooseOystercatcher, 3 Common Tern, 2 Grey Wagtail and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
Egyptian Goose---Bob Hazell---
July 2nd
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, 15+ Little EgretOystercatcher, 7+ Common Sandpiper, 3 Common Tern, 2 Grey Wagtail and Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
July 1st
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, Black-tailed Godwit, 10 Little Egret and 1+ Common Tern. (J Russell)
Black-tailed GodwitCommon Tern and Sand Martin---Jonathan Russell---
June 30th
No records for today.
June 29th
No records for today.
June 28th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, 8+ Little EgretOystercatcher and 2+ Yellow-legged Gull. (D Cox B Hazell J Judge)
June 27th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, 5 Egyptian Geese, 8+ Little EgretOystercatcher and Treecreeper. (B Hazell J Russell)
Egyptian Geese, “Controversial” Chiffchaff sp and Willow Warbler---Jonathan Russell---
June 26th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, 15 Little EgretHobby, 3 Common Sandpiper, 2 Grey Wagtail and 100+ Swift. (B Hazell R Knightbridge)
Little Egret---Bob Hazell---
June 25th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, Red KiteCommon Sandpiper and 2 Common Tern. (R Piner P Rhodes)
June 24th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still. (D Edwards)
June 23rd
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, CurlewRed KiteKingfisherSparrowhawk and Yellow-legged Gull. (J Russell)
June 22nd
10+ Little EgretCommon TernOystercatcher and 3+ Grey Wagtail. (T Crawford J Judge)
Grey Wagtail---John Judge---
June 21st
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, 4 Little EgretCommon Sandpiper, 2 Common Tern and Yellow-legged Gull. (P Cashmore D Cox M Doughty J Judge)
Yellow-legged Gull---John Judge---
June 20th
No records for today.
June 19th
No records for today.
June 18th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, 6 Common Tern and 2 Lesser Whitethroat. (A Dean P Harvey J Kenny)
June 17th
No records for today.
June 16th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, Little Egret and Yellow Wagtail. (J Dean R Harvey)
June 15th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, Little EgretYellow WagtailOystercatcher and Common Tern. (D Hutton)
June 14th
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still, 2 Common Tern and 300+ Swift. (J Judge)
June 13th
No records for today.
June 12th
No records for today.
June 11th
No records for today.
June 10th
No records for today.
June 9th
Oystercatcher and Common Tern. (T Crawford)
June 8th
No records for today.
June 7th
No records for today.
June 6th
No records for today.
June 5th
No records for today.
June 4th
No records for today.
June 3rd
c100 Swift. (D Edwards)
June 2nd
13 Tufted Duck, 16 Coot and 55 Mallard (D Hall)
June 1st
“Controversial” Chiffchaff sp still Sanderling and Dunlin. (D Cox D Hutton)
Sanderling---Dave Cox---
May 31st
Possible Iberian Chiffchaff. (J Judge)
May 30th
No records for today.
May 29th
Possible Iberian ChiffchaffOystercatcher and Grey Wagtail. (K Barnsley P Bray M Doughty J Timms)
Possible Iberian Chiffchaff---James Timms---
May 28th
Possible Iberian Chiffchaff. (A Archer P Cashmore D Cox S Haynes J Judge R Knightbridge D Woodward)
Possible Iberian Chiffchaff (Video)---Adam Archer---
May 27th
Possible Iberian Chiffchaff and Cuckoo. (J Judge R Knightbridge T Marlow A Miller)
Possible Iberian Chiffchaff---John Judge---
Possible Iberian Chiffchaff (sound recording)---Tim Marlow---
May 26th
No records for today.
May 25th
No records for today.
May 24th
Drake Red-crested Pochard. (J Judge)
May 23rd
Common Tern and 2 Yellow Wagtail. (D Cox J Judge)
May 22nd
OystercatcherDunlin, 2 Yellow WagtailCommon Sandpiper and Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell J Judge)
Dunlin---John Judge---
May 21st
Oystercatcher, 2 Yellow WagtailGrey Wagtail and Common Sandpiper. (B Hazell)
May 20th
OystercatcherYellow Wagtail and Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell)
May 19th
Drake Garganey and Yellow Wagtail. (B Hazell J Judge)
Garganey---John Judge---
Garganey---Bob Hazell---
May 18th
8+ Yellow Wagtail and Dunlin. (J Judge)
Yellow Wagtail and Skylark---John Judge---
May 17th
3+ Yellow Wagtail, 2+ Grey WagtailCommon Sandpiper and 3 Common Tern. (T Clermont D Edwards B Hazell)
Yellow Wagtail---Theo de Clermont---
Common Tern---Bob Hazell---
May 16th
Grey Plover, 2 Sanderling, 6 Black Tern, 10 Common Tern, 3 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Oystercatcher, 4+ Common Sandpiper, 3+ Grey Wagtail and Raven.(T Clermont D Cox P Finden B Hazell J Judge)
Sanderlings and Oystercatcher---Bob Hazell---
Sanderlings---John Judge---
May 15th
Black TernCommon TernYellow Wagtail, 2 Grey Wagtail and Common Sandpiper. (P Bray B Hazell)
Black and Common Terns (video)---Paul Bray---
May 14th
OystercatcherYellow Wagtail, 5+ Grey Wagtail, 10 Common Sandpiper and 2 Common Tern. (B Hazell)
Grey Wagtail---Bob Hazell---
May 13th
Common Tern. (B Hazell)
May 12th
No records for today.
May 11th
No records for today.
May 10th
Black TernArctic Tern, 5 Common Tern, 2 Yellow WagtailGrey Wagtail and 3 Common Sandpiper. (B Hazell)
May 9th
Sanderling, 5 Black Tern, 6 Dunlin, 3+ Common SandpiperWheatear, 5 Yellow WagtailGrey Wagtail and 2 Common Tern. (P Cashmore D Cox B Hazell J Judge)
Sanderling---Bob Hazell---
Dunlin---John Judge---
May 8th
19 Black Tern, 2 Arctic TernWhimbrel through west, 5 Dunlin through west, 6+ Yellow WagtailOystercatcher, 3 possibly 7 Common Sandpiper and 2 Common Tern. (P Finden B Hazell)
May 7th
c60 Black Tern (building up during the day) 2 Yellow Wagtail, 8 Common TernPeregrine, and 3 Common Sandpiper. (A Boddington M Doughty J Galletly B Hazell M Merritt L Phipps K Rees)
May 6th
2 drake Common Scoter and 2 Common Tern. (J Judge T Marlow)
Common Scoters---John Judge---
May 5th
No records for today.
May 4th
10 Arctic Tern. (P Finden)
May 3rd
Oystercatcher, 2 Common Sandpiper, 2+ Yellow Wagtail, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Common Tern and Shoveler. (B Hazell T Marlow)
May 2nd
OystercatcherYellow WagtailGrey Wagtail and large passage of Swift. (B Hazell)
Garden Warbler---Bob Hazell---
May 1st
WhimbrelWheatearYellow Wagtail, 2+ Grey Wagtail, 1+ Common SandpiperCommon Tern and 7+ Gadwall. (B Hazell T Marlow)
April 30th
DunlinOystercatcher, 1+ Common Sandpiper, 2 Yellow WagtailGrey WagtailShoveler and 2 Coal Tit. (B Hazell)
Dunlin---Bob Hazell---
April 29th
Yellow Wagtail, 2 OystercatcherCommon SandpiperGrey WagtailWigeon, 2 Shoveler, 100+ Sand Martin, 30+ SwallowJayLesser Whitethroat and 2 Garden Warbler. (P Harvey B Hazell J Kenny)
Yellow WagtailOystercatcher and Wigeon---James Kenny---
Wigeon---Bob Hazell---
April 28th
Red Kite, 5 Arctic Tern, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 2 ShelduckOystercatcher and 2 Swift. (G Parisi T Marlow)
April 27th
36 Arctic Tern, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Common TernSwift, c200 Sand Martin, c150 House Martin and c100 Swallow. (T Marlow)
April 26th
Little GullYellow Wagtail, 2 Oystercatcher, 3 Swift, 8 Gadwall and pair of Teal. (P Bray B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Yellow Wagtail---Bob Hazell---
April 25th
Little GullOystercatcherYellow Wagtail, 2 Grey Wagtail, 3 Common Sandpiper and first Garden Warblers. (D Edwards B Hazell)
Yellow Wagtail---Bob Hazell---
April 24th
Little Gull, drake Red-crested PochardWheatearYellow WagtailCommon SandpiperRaven and first Whitethroat.(B Hazell R Knightbridge P Finden)
Red-crested Pochard and Whitethroat---Bob Hazell---
April 23rd
12 Little Gull, 4 Black Tern, 3 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Oystercatcher, 3 Common Tern and 4 Shoveler. (T Marlow)
Little Gulls---Tim Marlow---
April 22nd
OspreyBlack Tern, 2 Little Gull, 2 Oystercatcher and 4 Common Tern. (J Judge)
OspreyBlack TernLittle Gull and Common Tern---John Judge---
April 21st
Common ScoterRed-crested Pochard and 2 Yellow Wagtail. (R Knightbridge)
April 20th
Little Egret and 2 Oystercatcher. In the roost juv Iceland Gull. (J Judge)
Iceland gull---John Judge---
April 19th
No records for today.
April 18th
Red Kite, drake Red-crested Pochard, 2+ OystercatcherDunlinWheatear, 2 Yellow WagtailGrey WagtailSparrowhawk and Jay. (D Edwards B Hazell)
Wheatear and Goldfinch---Bob Hazell---
April 17th
OystercatcherWheatearYellow WagtailShoveler and 10+ Gadwall. (B Hazell)
Pied Wagtail---Bob Hazell---
April 16th
Little Egret, 2 OystercatcherCommon Sandpiper and 2 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell)
Chiffchaff---Bob Hazell---
April 15th
Red KiteLittle GullYellow Wagtail and 2 Oystercatcher. (B Hazell R Knightbridge)
April 14th
Red KiteLittle GullArctic Tern, 3 Common Tern, 2 Yellow Wagtail and 9 Shoveler. (D Cox G Parisi T Marlow)
April 13th
8+ Little Gull and Common Tern. (J Judge)
April 12th
3+ Little Gull, 2 Arctic Tern, 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Shelduck, 2 Grey Wagtail and 4 Shoveler. (P Cashmore D Cox B Hazell J Timms)
April 11th
Little Gull, 2 OystercatcherYellow Wagtail, 3 Shelduck, 2 Shoveler, 8 Teal and 9 Goldeneye. (B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
April 10th
8+ Little GullYellow Wagtail, 2 Oystercatcher, 8 Teal and 14 Goldeneye. (B Hazell T Marlow)
Treecreeper and Herring Gull---Bob Hazell---
April 9th
Black Tern, 10+ Little GullNuthatch, 7 OystercatcherCommon Tern, 2 Shelduck, 6 Teal, 13 Goldeneye and 6 Gadwall. In the roost a Common Gull showing characteristics of the race Kamchatka. (B Hazell T Marlow K Yates)
April 8th
4+ Little Gull, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 3 Oystercatcher, 2 Shelduck and 9+ Goldeneye. (P Cashmore T Clermont B Hazell)
Yellow Wagtail---Bob Hazell---
April 7th
No records for today.
April 6th
Red Kite, 10 Little Gull, first winter Med Gull and Oystercatcher. (P Finden T Marlow K Smith)
Chiffchaff---Kyle Smith---
Goldcrest---Kyle Smith---
Blackcap and Treecreeper---Kyle Smith---
April 5th
Black-necked Grebe, 10+ Little Gull, Little Egret, 3 OystercatcherYellow WagtailGrey Wagtail and Raven. In the roost third winter Iceland Gull, first winter Med Gull and second winter Yellow-legged Gull. (A Boddington D Edwards B Hazell J Judge T Marlow K Yates)
Black-necked Grebes---Bob Hazell---
Black-necked Grebes---Tim Marlow---
Black-necked Grebes and Common Tern---Alan Boddington---
Black-necked Grebes---John Judge---
Little Gulls and Common Tern---John Judge---
April 4th
OystercatcherYellow Wagtail, 4 Grey Wagtail, 21 Goldeneye and 500+ hirundines. (D Edwards P Finden B Hazell)
April 3rd
OspreyLittle EgretWheatear, 3 Tree Sparrow, 11 Goldeneye and the first House Martin in 200+ hirundines. (P Finden B Hazell)
Wheatear---Bob Hazell---
Goldfinch---Bob Hazell---
April 2nd
Adult Kittiwake, 3 RedshankLittle Egret, 3 Tree Sparrow, 2 Grey Wagtail, 40+ Meadow Pipit, 15+ Goldeneye, 9 Gadwall, c12 Swallow, c300 Sand Martin am with c520 pm. (T Clermont B Hazell)
April 1st
Little Egret, 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Grey Wagtail and first Willow Warbler of the year. In the roost first and second winter Caspian Gull and 2 adult Med Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell)
Mediterranean Gulls (video)---Theo de Clermont---
Blackcap---Bob Hazell---

March 31st
Common Scoter (2 drake) (T Clermont)
March 30th
In the roost third winter Iceland Gull, second winter Yellow-legged Gull and adult Med Gull. (J Judge T Marlow)
March 29th
Little Egret, 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Shoveler and 12+ Goldeneye. In the roost second winter Yellow-legged Gull and first winter Caspian x Herring Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)
March 28th
OystercatcherGoosanderTree SparrowGrey Wagtail and 19 Goldeneye. (D Dedman B Hazell A Long)
March 27th
OystercatcherGrey WagtailSparrowhawk, 2 Shoveler, 12 Gadwall, 8 Teal and 19 Goldeneye. (B Hazell)
March 26th
Little Egret, 2 OystercatcherTree SparrowGrey Wagtail and 19+ Goldeneye. In the roost first winter Caspian Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)
Oystercatcher---Bob Hazell---
March 25th
Male Merlin, 3 Oystercatcher and Tree Sparrow. (B Hazell)
March 24th
Little Egret, 3 OystercatcherShelduckSand Martin and 2 Gadwall. (D Cox R Francis P Pullen)
March 23rd
Drake Common Scoter and 11 Goosander. In the roost juv Iceland Gull with first, second and third winter Caspian Gull. (G Ariss T Clermont J Judge T Marlow)
Common Scoter (video)---Theo de Clermont---
March 22nd
Oystercatcher, 2 Tree Sparrow, 9 Goosander, 31 GoldeneyeRaven and Sparrowhawk. In the roost juv Iceland Gull and adult Med Gull. (B Hazell J Judge)
Iceland Gull and Mediterranean Gull---John Judge---
Great Spotted Woodpecker---Bob Hazell---
March 21st
Tree Sparrow, 28+ Goldeneye and Sparrowhawk. In the roost second winter Caspian Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)
Meadow Pipit---Bob Hazell---
March 20th
1+ Red KiteNuthatchLittle Egret, 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Goosander, 2 Peregrine and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell T Marlow)
Oystercatchers and Long-tailed Tit---Bob Hazell---
March 19th
Oystercatcher, 3 Shelduck, 3 Tree Sparrow, 2 ShovelerRaven, 2 Sparrowhawk and 10 Meadow Pipit. In the roost adult Med Gull. (D Edwards B Hazell T Marlow)
Tree Sparrow---Bob Hazell---
March 18th
Little Egret, 2 Oystercatcher, 26 Goosander, 2 Tree SparrowGrey WagtailRaven and Jay. In the roost 1+ adult Kittiwake. (T Clermont B Hazell)
March 17th
8+ Goosander and 41 Goldeneye. (T Clermont T Marlow)
March 16th
In the roost 1+ adult Kittiwake and adult Med Gull. (J Judge T Marlow)
March 15th
Little Egret, 2 Oystercatcher, 3 Goosander, 4+ Tree Sparrow and Raven. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull, second winter Iceland Gull and 2 adult Med Gull. (D Edwards B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
March 14th
OystercatcherGoosander and 12+ Chiffchaff. (B Hazell)
March 13th
GoosanderTree SparrowKingfisherJay and 6+ Sand Martin. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull and second winter Caspian Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)
March 12th
16 GoosanderPeregrine and Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont T Marlow)
March 11th
WoodcockLittle Egret, 2 Oystercatcher, 5 Tree Sparrow, 27 GoosanderPeregrine and Sparrowhawk. In the roost adult Iceland/Kumlien’s Gull, adult Med Gull and Yellow-legged Gull. (P Anastasi T Clermont D Edwards B Hazell T Marlow)
March 10th
Oystercatcher, 5+ Goosander and 5+ Sand Martin. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull, adult Med Gull and 4+ Yellow-legged Gull. (G Ariss J Judge T Marlow)
March 9th
Little Egret and 4+ Goosander. In the roost adult Kumlien’s Gull, adult Iceland Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, 2+ Yellow-legged Gull and 2+ adult Med gull. (J Judge T Marlow)
Kumlien’s Gull---John Judge---
Mediterranean Gull---John Judge---
March 8th
Oystercatcher, 7 Goosander, 6+ Tree Sparrow, 2+ Grey Wagtail, 45+ Goldeneye and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell A Marshall)
Great Black-backed Gull and Pheasant---Bob Hazell---
March 7th
Little Egret, 2 Oystercatcher and Tree Sparrow. (B Hazell)
March 6th
Oystercatcher and 4 Tree Sparrow. (B Hazell)
March 5th
Little Egret, 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Tree Sparrow, 10 GoosanderPeregrine (took a Black-headed Gull) 2 Raven, Sparrowhawk and 4 Gadwall. In the roost adult Kumlien’s Gull, adult Iceland Gull, juv Glaucous Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell)
Glaucous Gull (video)---Theo de Clermont---
March 4th
Oystercatcher, 3 Tree Sparrow, 3 Goosander, 2 Shoveler and the first 2 Sand Martin of the year. (B Hazell)
March 3rd
No records for today.
March 2nd
Little Egret, 2 Oystercatcher and 7 Goosander. In the roost adult Kumlien’s Gull and adult Med Gull. (T Clermont J Judge G Phillipson T Marlow)
March 1st
OystercatcherTree Sparrow, 4 Goosander, 2 Grey Wagtail, 50+ GoldeneyeYellow-legged Gull and small passage of Redwing. In the roost adult Iceland Gull. (B Hazell R Knightbridge T Marlow)
February 28th

Oystercatcher, 5+ Tree Sparrow, 2 GoosanderGrey Wagtail, 10 Shoveler, 2 Raven and small passage of Redwing. In the roost adult Iceland/Kumlien’s Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)

February 27th

OystercatcherTree Sparrow, 29 GoosanderGrey Wagtail, 24+ Shoveler and 12 Goldeneye. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull, adult Iceland/Kumlien’s Gull, first winter Caspian Gull and Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell G Hobbs P Hyde T Marlow S McAusland)

February 26th

OystercatcherRinged Plover, 19+ GoosanderGrey Wagtail, 21 Shoveler and 12 Goldeneye. In the roost adult (new bird) and juv Glaucous Gull, adult Iceland and adult Iceland/Kumlien’s. (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)
Goldeneye---Bob Hazell---

February 25th

Little Egret, 2 Oystercatcher, 4 GoosanderGrey WagtailRaven, 6 Shoveler and 2 Wigeon. (B Hazell)
Grey Wagtail---Bob Hazell---

February 24th

AvocetRinged Plover, 7 Goosander, 5 PochardGrey Wagtail and Chiffchaff. In the roost adult Kumlien’s Gull, adult, second winter and juv/second winter (new bird) Iceland Gull and juv Glaucous Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell J Judge K Smith T Marlow)
Kumlien’s Gull and Iceland GullsTheo de Clermont---
Avocet---Bob Hazell---
Avocet---Tim Marlow---
Chiffchaff---Kyle Smith---

February 23rd

Slavonian Grebe, 5+ GoosanderShoveler and 2 Wigeon. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull. (T Clermont S Haynes B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)
Slavonian Grebes---Theo de Clermont---
Slavonian Grebes (video)---Theo de Clermont---
Slavonian Grebes---John Judge---
Slavonian Grebes---Tim Marlow---

February 22nd

11 GoosanderOystercatcher2 Grey Wagtail, 34 Wigeon, 15 TealRaven and Jay. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, adult Iceland Gull, adult Med Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull. (D Edwards B Hazell T Marlow)

February 21st

GoosanderOystercatcherTree SparrowGrey Wagtail, 2 Raven, 2 Chiffchaff and Sparrowhawk. In the roost adult Iceland Gull, 2 Yellow-legged Gull, 3000+ Common Gull and 14000+ Black-headed Gull. (A Boddington T Clermont B Hazell P Hyde G Logue P Worthy)
Iceland Gull (video)---Theo de Clermont---

February 20th

Little Egret, 11 GoosanderPochardTree SparrowGrey Wagtail and 2 Raven. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, adult and second winter Iceland Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull and 4 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)
Oystercatcher---Bob Hazell---

February 19th

Oystercatcher, 19+ GoosanderPochard, 2 Shoveler, 19 WigeonGrey Wagtail and 4+ Chiffchaff. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, adult and second winter Iceland Gull, first winter Caspian Gull and 4 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)

February 18th

Whooper SwanLittle Egret, 10 GoosanderOystercatcherTree Sparrow, 2 Shoveler, 32 Wigeon, 18 Goldeneye, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 RavenChiffchaff, c40 Meadow Pipit and Sparrowhawk. (C Butler P Harvey B Hazell J Kenny)
GoldeneyeMeadow Pipit and Raven---James Kenny---

February 17th

20 Goosander 5 Shoveler and 89 Wigeon. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, 2 Caspian x Herring Gull hybrid, 2+ adult Med Gull and leucistic first winter Common Gull. (T Clermont J Judge T Marlow)

February 16th

15 Goosander and Chiffchaff. In the roost 2 second winter Glaucous Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, second winter Med Gull and 4+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont D Dedman J Judge A Long T Marlow I & R Sansom)
Glaucous Gull (video)---Ivan Sansom---

February 15th

Shelduck, 16+ Goosander, 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Grey Wagtail, 3 Shoveler, 37 Wigeon and Chiffchaff. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, adult Iceland Gull, 2+ first winter Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull and 5+ Yellow-legged Gull. (G Ariss A Boddington T Clermont B Duckhouse B Hazell J Judge S McAusland T Marlow)
Oystercatcher---Bob Hazell---

February 14th

Whooper Swan, 15 GoosanderNuthatch, adult Med Gull (ringed) 3 Tree Sparrow, 2+ Grey WagtailKingfisher, 2 Raven and c35 Meadow Pipit. In the roost 2 second winter and juv Glaucous Gull and second winter Iceland Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow D Morgan)

Whooper Swan---Tim Marlow---
Glaucous Gull---Dave Morgan---
Raven---Bob Hazell---

February 13th

12 GoosanderPochard, 3 Raven, c180 Lapwing and 25 Stock Dove. In the roost two second winter Glaucous Gull, second winter Iceland Gull, adult and first winter Caspian Gull, 2 adult Med Gull (also during the day) and Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell R Knightbridge T Marlow)
Mediterranean Gulls---Bob Hazell---

February 12th

23 GoosanderPochard, 5 Tree SparrowGrey WagtailChiffchaffRaven and Sparrowhawk. In the roost second winter and juv Glaucous Gull, adult Iceland Gull, probable first winter Caspian Gull, 2 adult Med Gull, 1+ Yellow-legged Gull and leucistic Common Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell P Hyde T Marlow)
Glaucous Gull (video)---Theo de Clermont---
February 11th

Whooper Swan, 21 Goosander, 9 Pochard, 2 Tree SparrowGrey Wagtail, 27 Wigeon and c60 Lapwing. In the roost adult, 2 second winter and juv Glaucous Gull, leucistic first winter Common Gull and adult leucistic Herring Gull. (T Clermont D Edwards B Hazell T Marlow)
Whooper Swan---Bob Hazell---
Glaucous Gulls and leucistic Common Gull---Theo de Clermont---

February 10th

No records for today.

February 9th

Little Egret, 29 Goosander, 3 Pochard, 4 Tree SparrowGrey Wagtail, 20+ Gadwall, 20+ Siskin and Chiffchaff. In the roost adult and juv Glaucous Gull, 5+ Yellow-legged GullCaspian x Herring Gull hybrid and leucistic Herring Gull. (T Clermont J Judge T Marlow A Marshall)

February 8th

No records for today.

February 7th

Little Egret, 26 Goosander, 9 PochardGrey Wagtail, 30 Gadwall and Jay. In the roost adult and second winter Glaucous Gull, first winter Caspian Gull and second winter Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)

Goldeneye---Bob Hazell---

February 6th

23 Goosander, 13 Pochard and 3 Grey Wagtail. In the roost second winter and juv Glaucous Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull, 5 Yellow-legged Gull and leucistic Herring Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)

Glaucous Gull and Goosander---Bob Hazell---

February 5th

Whooper SwanLittle Egret, 14 Goosander, 18 Pochard, 4+ Tree Sparrow and 8 Redpoll. In the roost second winter Glaucous Gull and second winter Iceland gull. (B Hazell P Hyde T Marlow)

Redpoll---Bob Hazell---
February 4th

Red Kite, Little Egret, 16 Goosander, 10 Pochard, 2 Tree SparrowKingfisher and Grey Wagtail. In the roost two second winter and juv Glaucous Gull, second winter Iceland Gull and adult Med Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell R Knightbridge T Marlow)

Glaucous Gull---Theo de Clermont---
Mediterranean Gull---Bob Hazell---

February 3rd

Whooper Swan, 8+ Goosander, 3 Tree SparrowPeregrine and c84 Wigeon. In the roost second winter Glaucous Gull, adult Med Gull and adult Yellow-legged gull. (G Ariss T Clermont K Donaghy J Judge T Marlow Owen E M Yapp)

February 2nd

Little Egret, 12+ Goosander. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull and sub adult and first winter Caspian Gull. (J Judge T Marlow)

February 1st

Woodcock, 16 Goosander, 5+ Tree Sparrow, 23 Pochard, 2 ShovelerGrey Wagtail and Kingfisher. In the roost adult and second winter Glaucous Gull, second winter Iceland Gull, adult and first winter Caspian Gull and first winter Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)

January 31st

Little Egret, 40 Goosander, 5 Pochard, 77 WigeonShovelerKingfisherSnipeGrey Wagtail, 5 Chiffchaff and 185+ Cormorant. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull, adult Caspian Gull, and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)

January 30th

Little Egret, 10 Goosander, 6 Tree SparrowGrey Wagtail, 4+ ChiffchaffShoveler and 157+ Cormorant. In the roost second winter Glaucous Gull. (B Hazell P Hyde T Marlow)

January 29th

11+ Goosander, 4 Tree Sparrow, 3 Grey WagtailChiffchaff and 149+ Cormorant. (B Hazell)

January 28th

Little Egret, 11+ GoosanderTree Sparrow and 2 Chiffchaff. In the roost adult and two second winter Glaucous Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)

January 27th

15+ Goosander, 2 Pochard, 5 Tree Sparrow and Grey Wagtail. In the roost adult and second winter Glaucous Gull, second winter Iceland Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, 3+ Yellow-legged Gull and adult and first winter Med Gull. (D Cox J Judge T Marlow)

January 26th

Ruff and 17+ Goosander. In the roost two second winter Glaucous Gull, first winter Caspian Gull and adult Med Gull. (T Clermont J Judge)

Glaucous Gull (video)---Theo de Clermont---
Caspian Gull and Ruff---Theo de Clermont---
Glaucous Gull---John Judge---

January 25th

Little Egret, 14 Goosander, 3 Pochard and 3 Tree Sparrow. In the roost adult and second winter Glaucous Gull, probable second winter Iceland Gull and adult Med Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell P Hyde T Marlow)

Glaucous Gull---Theo de Clermont---

January 24th

Little EgretShelduck, 10 Goosander, 2 PochardShoveler, 2 Grey WagtailChiffchaff, 12+ Siskin and 111+ Cormorant. In the roost adult and second winter Glaucous Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)

Little Grebe---Bob Hazell---

January 23rd

Little Egret, 20+ Goosander, 2 PochardTree Sparrow, 3 Shoveler, 26 Wigeon and Raven. (B Hazell)

Bullfinch---Bob Hazell---

January 22nd

Little Egret, 9 Goosander, 2 Pochard, 2 Tree SparrowGrey Wagtail and Raven. In the roost second winter Glaucous Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)

January 21st

Whooper Swan, 12 Goosander, 2 Pochard, 2 Tree SparrowGrey WagtailKingfisher and 71 Wigeon. In the roost second winter Iceland Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)

Whooper Swans---Bob Hazell---

January 20th

18+ Goosander and 92 Wigeon. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull. (T Clermont P Anastasi)

January 19th

14 Goosander. In the roost second winter Glaucous Gull and second winter Iceland Gull. (T Clermont J Judge T Marlow)

January 18th

Goosander, 3 Tree SparrowGrey Wagtail, 2 Raven and 100+ Teal. In the roost 2 second winter Glaucous Gull and 2 Caspian Gull (sub adult and second winter) (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)

Teal---Bob Hazell---
January 17th

Little Egret, 9 GoosanderTree SparrowKingfisherSparrowhawk and 54 Wigeon. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull, sub adult and first winter Caspian Gull and adult Med Gull. (T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow)

Mediterranean Gull---Theo de Clermont---

January 16th

No records for today.

January 15th

13 Goosander, 2 Pochard, 2 Tree Sparrow, 2 Grey WagtailKingfisher, 2 RavenSparrowhawk and 26 Lapwing. In the roost 2 juv Glaucous Gull (one new bird) and first winter Caspian Gull. (T Crawford B Hazell T Marlow)

January 14th

Little Egret, 13 Goosander, 3 PochardGrey WagtailChiffchaff, c100 Lapwing and Sparrowhawk. In the roost adult and juv Glaucous Gull, second winter Iceland Gull and first winter Caspian Gull. (B Hazell J Judge T Marlow)

January 13th

21 Goosander. In the roost second winter Iceland Gull, first winter Caspian Gull and adult Med Gull. (T Clermont J Judge T Marlow)

Iceland Gull---Theo de Clermont---

January 12th

18+ Goosander, 6 Tree SparrowPochard, 1+ Grey Wagtail and Peregrine. In the roost first and second winter Glaucous Gull. (T Clermont J Judge T Marlow A Marshall)

January 11th

14 Goosander, 3 Tree SparrowPochard, c60 Wigeon, Raven and 580+ Lapwing. In the roost second winter Glaucous Gull, two first winter Caspian Gull and adult Med Gull. (M Brewer T Clermont B Hazell T Marlow C Matthews)

January 10th

15+ Goosander, 4 Pochard, 2 Tree SparrowChifchaff and 7 Golden Plover. In the roost adult (new bird) and second winter Glaucous Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)

January 9th

10 GoosanderTree SparrowGrey WagtailKingfisherCoal Tit and Goldcrest. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull and two Med Gull (adult and first winter) (B Hazell I Martindale T Marlow)

January 8th

12 GoosanderPochard, 72 Wigeon, 3 Tree Sparrow and Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell)

January 7th

Little Egret, 25+ GoosanderPochard, 4 Tree Sparrow, 2 Grey WagtailChiffchaff, 13 Gadwall, 25 Wigeon, 80 TealRaven and c300 Lapwing. In the roost second winter Glaucous Gull and adult Med Gull. (T Clermont D Edwards S Haynes B Hazell T Marlow K Yates)

January 6th

Little Egret and 10 Redpoll. In the roost juv Iceland Gull and adult Med Gull. (D Cox D Warner)

January 5th

Goosander, 2 Pochard and 70 Wigeon. In the roost adult Glaucous Gull, juv Iceland Gull and adult Med Gull. (K Barnsley P Cox J Judge)

January 4th

Little Egret and 6+ Goosander. In the roost adult and second winter Glaucous Gull, second winter Iceland Gull, first winter Caspian Gull, 2 adult Med Gull and 2+ Yellow-legged Gull. (T Clermont F Cooper J Judge S Valentine)

Mediterranean Gull---Theo de Clermont---

January 3rd

Red-breasted MerganserLittle EgretShelduck, 9 GoosanderShoveler and 54 Wigeon. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull. (T Clermont D Edwards J Judge T Marlow R Pountney)

Red-breasted Merganser and Glaucous Gull---Theo de Clermont---
January 2nd

Red-crested Pochard, c14 Goosander, 10 Pochard and 59 Wigeon. In the roost second winter Iceland Gull, 1+ first winter Caspian Gull and adult Med Gull. (T Clermont F Cooper S Halbert J Judge S Kimpton T Marlow)

Iceland Gull---Theo de Clermont---
January 1st

Red-crested Pochard, 9+ GoosanderPochard, 9 Gadwall and 35+ Wigeon. In the roost second winter Glaucous Gull, first winter Caspian Gull and adult Med Gull. (45 species for the day see at a glance page) (N Barlow P Cashmore D Cox D Edwards P Hyde J Judge C Potter D Woodward)
