2011 Records
Sightings Page features records of any interesting sightings, scarce & rare
visitors, migrant arrivals and high counts etc. It does not attempt to include
every species present.
records subject to acceptance.
email your sightings.
Emails for 2011 = 476
December 31stRed-breasted Merganser off Draycote Bank, juv Shag on the small island, 4 Dunlin at the Inlet, Kingfisher below the Valve Tower and male Sparrowhawk on rocks at Hensborough bank. (S Batt)
December 30th
Red-breasted Merganser off Draycote Bank, juv Shag on the small island, 3 Dunlin Farborough Spit with 27 Greylag in fields below and 20+ Siskin on the north shore. 30+ Wigeon. (S Batt K Groocock)
December 29th
Red-breasted Merganser off Draycote then Farborough bank, juv Shag off Farborough bank, Dunlin Saddle Bank, c50 Golden Plover over Toft, 30+ Greylag below Farborough bank and 6 Bullfinch (2 male) at the picnic area. (B Hunt S Batt)
December 28th
Red-breasted Merganser still off Draycote Bank and juv Shag on the small island. Grey Plover and Raven over. Dunlin at the Inlet, c50 Goosander, adult and second year Yellow-legged Gull. In the roost the adult Iceland Gull again with juv Glaucous Gull, adult and first winter Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge R Mays B Hazell)
December 27th
Red-breasted Merganser off Draycote Bank, juv Shag on the island, 14+ Siskin on the north shore and 25+ Greylag Farborough bank and in fields below. In the roost adult Iceland Gull, 4 Yellow-legged Gull (3 adult and a sub adult) and a leucistic Black-headed Gull. (J Judge D Hall P Hall S Batt)
December 24th
Red-breasted Merganser off Farborough bank and Shag on the island. Mixed flock of Redpoll and Siskin on the north shore and Kingfisher below Draycote Bank. (S Batt)
December 23rd
A first winter male Scaup off Draycote Bank with Red-breasted Merganser and Peregrine. (P Hyde)
December 22nd
Red-breasted Merganser still off Draycote Bank with an imm Shag near the islands (possibly a different bird to the 16th) 2 Dunlin at the Inlet, the large female Peregrine over and adult Yellow-legged Gull on the small island. (B Hazell R Mays)
December 18th
3 Pintail still, 7 Dunlin, 15+ Goosander, Raven and Grey Wagtail all near the Inlet. (R & J Knightbridge)
December 16th
Common Scoter and female Red-breasted Merganser still with a first winter Shag near and then on the small island. The 3 Pintail near the Inlet, Dunlin, Peregrine, 3 Raven, 4 Redpoll and c100 Golden Plover. (B Hazell R Mays)
December 15th
Red-breasted Merganser off Draycote Bank with 3 Dunlin at the Inlet. the 3 Pintail mainly around Rainbow Corner and c20 Goosander. (B Hazell)
December 14th
Common Scoter and female Red-breasted Merganser still. Still 3 Pintail (2 drake) Rainbow Corner and 4 Dunlin at the Inlet. In the roost second winter Caspian Gull again with 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow)
December 12th
Common Scoter and female Red-breasted Merganser still. 4 Pintail (3 drake) in Rainbow Corner, 4 Dunlin at the Inlet and Grey Wagtail at the Valve Tower. In the roost second winter Caspian Gull with adult and first winter Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)
December 11th
Common Scoter still and female Pintail. Peregrine on the large island eating a Lapwing with c500 present of the later. 61 Goldeneye (15 drake) Toft and 20 Greylag Geese. (R Mays D Cox)
December 10th
Common Scoter still with the mobile female Red-breasted Merganser also present. 3 Pintail still, Dunlin at the Inlet with c50 Yellowhammer and Raven there, 2 Redpoll and 5 Siskin Toft Shallows and Grey Wagtail at the Valve Tower. ( K Groocock R Mays S Batt)
December 9th
Common Scoter still with a mobile female Red-breasted Merganser. 3 Pintail (2 drake) off Hensborough Bank, 3 Dunlin at the Inlet, 2 Raven and 19 Golden Plover over with Grey Wagtail Toft. Behind the Inlet Tree Sparrow and c150 Linnet. In the roost were second winter Caspian Gull with adult, third and second winter Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow)
December 6th
Common Scoter still, Peregrine over Toft and 75+ Golden Plover over Farborough bank. (S Batt)
December 5th
Common Scoter still. (B Hazell R Mays)
December 2nd
Common Scoter still, c20 Goosander and 8 Dunlin at the Inlet. 2 Yellow-legged Gull on the small island and Grey Wagtail at the Valve Tower. (B Hazell)
December 1st
Common Scoter still and 2 Dunlin. Adult Yellow-legged Gull on the small island. (B Hazell R Mays)
November 30th
Common Scoter still and 3 Dunlin on Farborough Spit. (B Hazell R Mays)
November 29th
15 Golden Plover over Toft Alpaca's. (P Hall)
November 28th
A Great Northern Diver (the first since May 2010) was seen as it flew from the middle of the reservoir and high east over the Kites Hardwick driving range (T Marlow) Common Scoter still, 6 Dunlin, 2 Shelduck Toft, female Peregrine, adult Yellow-legged Gull and Sparrowhawk. (T Marlow B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
November 25th
Common Scoter still in the middle of the reservoir, 9 Dunlin Farborough Spit/Toft, female Peregrine on the Island, 2 Golden Plover and Grey Wagtail. (J Judge B Hazell R Mays)
November 24th
Common Scoter still in the middle of the reservoir, 7 Dunlin Hensborough bank and 8 Siskin Toft Shallows. (B Hazell)
November 23rd
Common Scoter still in the middle of the reservoir and the 10 White-fronted Geese still below Farborough bank. 7 Dunlin at the Inlet, c40 Golden Plover over, Peregrine and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays K Yates)
November 22nd
9 Dunlin Farborough Spit, 2 Shelduck Toft Shallows and c60 Golden Plover over. (K Groocock)
November 21st
Common Scoter still in the middle of the reservoir and the 10 White-fronted Geese still below Farborough bank. 7 Dunlin, 2 Snipe, 15+ Golden Plover over, Kingfisher below Draycote Bank, 14 Redpoll ,8 Siskin and Treecreeper on the north shore. (B Hazell S Batt)
November 20th
9+ White-fronted Geese still below Farborough bank with 2 Dunlin and 11 Goosander nearby. (R Mays D Cox)
November 18th
Black-necked Grebe and Common Scoter in the middle, the 10 White-fronted Geese in the field below Farborough Spit, 4 Knot, 7 Dunlin Farborough Spit, Peregrine, Raven and now 14 Goosander. (B Hazell C Green)
November 17th
The Common Scoter still present mainly in the middle. 10 White-fronted Geese again mainly in the fields below Farborough bank but occasionally flying to the reservoir. 77 Golden Plover over and 11 Goosander. (B Hazell T Marlow)
White-fronted Geese c Tim Marlow
(flight) and Bob Hazell
November 16thCommon Scoter still off Farborough bank with Rock Pipit there, 11 Goosander (4 drake) drake Shoveler and Shelduck. 4 Dunlin and 5 Redpoll. (K Groocock B Hazell)
November 15th
Common Scoter still and the 2 Red-breasted Merganser. 10 White-fronted Geese flew over the Country Park, 5 Dunlin on the Island, 7 Redpoll and 7 Goosander (2 drake). (B Hazell T Marlow)
White-fronted Geese c Tim Marlow
November 14thCommon Scoter still and now 2 Red-breasted Merganser off Farborough Spit. Redshank near the Fishing Pontoons, 4 Dunlin, 2 Shelduck and 7 Redpoll. Merlin on the north shore. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow S Batt)
November 13th
The female Common Scoter in Toft with Redshank, Dunlin and 6 Goosander Farborough Spit. (R Mays D Cox)
November 12th
Female Common Scoter off the Inlet this morning, with Redshank and 2 Dunlin nearby. 24 Golden Plover over. (R Knightbridge)
November 11th
The Red-breasted Merganser off Hensborough bank with 9 Dunlin and Redshank again mobile. 4 Golden Plover at the Inlet and 2 Redpoll on the north shore. (B Hazell S Batt)
November 10th
The Red-breasted Merganser off Hensborough bank with 11+ Dunlin there and a mobile Redshank. Female Red-crested Pochard Biggin, 6 Redpoll on the north shore, 49+ Golden Plover over in various size flocks, c50 Skylark in half an hour and Sparrowhawk. In the roost 4 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell K Groocock T Marlow)
November 9th
A Purple Sandpiper (K Groocock) was on Farborough Spit briefly before flying to the small Island then towards the Inlet/Overflow area. 9 dark-bellied Brent Geese flew over the reservoir before continuing east. A Rock Pipit was along Toft Bank in the morning with a Water Pipit Farborough bank in the afternoon. Female Red-breasted Merganser still but mobile, Redshank and 13 Dunlin near the Overflow and female Red-crested Pochard Lin Croft Point. c20 Redpoll on the north shore, 5 Skylark, c40 Linnet, c 30 Meadow Pipit and 2 Grey Wagtail. (J Judge B Hazell K Groocock A Anscomb T Marlow)
Purple Sandpiper c Bob Hazell
November 8thRed-breasted Merganser at the Overflow, Redshank Toft Bank, 16+ Dunlin, pair of Red-crested Pochard Biggin c25 Redpoll and 15 Golden Plover. (B Hazell R Mays)
November 7th
Adult Kittiwake briefly at Rainbow Corner, 5 Brent Geese off Farborough bank. 13 Dunlin Hensborough, 19 Redpoll near the Golf Course, female Pintail in Toft and a pair of Red-crested Pochard Lin Croft Point. (B Hazell R Mays)
November 6th
Sandwich Tern over (C Potter) with also over 9234 Wood Pigeon, c600 Starling, c100 Redwing, c500 Fieldfare and c50 Skylark (it is quiet at Draycote!!) 2 Curlew, 5 Shelduck, 20 Meadow Pipit, 25 Gadwall and 7 Golden Plover. (R Mays D Cox C Potter)
November 4th
11 Dunlin at the Inlet and 9 Goosander (2 drake) (K Foster)
November 3rd
Waders were Greenshank, 5 Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Snipe with Peregrine over. (B Hazell R Mays)
November 2nd
Greenshank along Hensborough bank and 7 Dunlin by the Overflow. 4 drake Red-crested Pochard in Toft and Goosander now at 5 birds (1 drake). (B Hazell)
November 1st
14 Dunlin on the Island, 2 Tree Sparrow in the Country Park, 2 Snipe over, 5 Siskin Lin Croft Point, 2 Sparrowhawk and a Raven. (B Hazell R Mays)
October 31st
9 Dunlin along Hensborough Bank and a Ringed Plover on the Island. c100 Golden Plover over. 6 Redpoll, 2 Siskin and a Raven. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow)
Bob Hazell has reported a Great Black-backed Gull twice from Draycote and has had this information about the bird.
Mandal, Vest-Agder, Norway
Mandal, Vest-Agder, Norway
Water, Warwickshire, Great Britain
ved Brattholmen, Mandal, Vest-Agder, Norway
Mandal, Vest-Agder, Norway
Water, Rugby , Warwickshire, Great Britain
October 28th
Draycote's first record of Great White Egret was on the north shore c3pm (T Marlow) before being flushed by a walker down by the shoreline, it headed off down the Leam Valley. Rock Pipit still with 8 Dunlin, 6 Goldeneye, 6 Goosander, 3 Raven, Grey Wagtail and 14 Grey Heron. (T Marlow K Groocock)
October 27th
Rock Pipit, 4 Dunlin and Shelduck. (R Mays)
October 25th
Greenshank, 9 Dunlin, 5 Goldeneye and female Peregrine. Birds over were Rock Pipit (S) 8 Redpoll (S) c50 Golden Plover (W) and c300 Starling (W). In the roost were second winter Caspian Gull and adult and third year Yellow-legged Gull. (T Marlow K Yates)
October 21st
A pale phase adult Pomarine Skua just clipped the Country Park, over the A426 and flew North East over the M45 near Dunchurch c12:45 (T Marlow) Dunlin at the Inlet, Wheatear, and Raven. (T Marlow B Hazell)
October 20th
Another 6 Whooper Swan dropped in from 11:00 to 11:11. 5 Dunlin, Greenland race Wheatear at the Overflow, adult Yellow-legged Gull and Raven. A second winter Caspian Gull in the roost. (B Hazell T Marlow)
October 19th
15 Whooper Swan circled the reservoir twice before heading off towards Daventry Reservoir (Northants) c11:50 where they stayed till 18:00. Turnstone at the Inlet with 9 Dunlin and Ringed Plover. Female Scaup off Draycote bank. Adult and first winter Yellow-legged Gull and Raven. (B Hazell R Mays)
October 18th
2 Short-eared Owl flew from the north west (9:40 and 11:15) 8 Dunlin, 4 Ringed Plover and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays)
October 17th
A Short-eared Owl was in the Country Park before being flushed by walkers. 8 Dunlin, 11 Ringed Plover, 7 Siskin and Greenland race Wheatear. (R Mays B Hazell D Hutton)
October 15th
Snow Bunting over Farborough Spit c16:30. (R Mays)
October 14th
An imm Spoonbill off the Overflow all day. Rock Pipit, 2 Wheatear, Dunlin,4 Goldeneye, 3rd year Yellow-legged Gull and Raven. (B Hazell R Mays D Hutton)
Spoonbill c Dave Hutton
October 13thImm Black Tern and 2 Rock Pipit. Female Red-crested Pochard Rainbow Corner, 2 Dunlin and Ringed Plover. Adult Yellow-legged Gull on the Island. 3 Shoveler, 85 Great Crested Grebe, 32 Lapwing, 6 Meadow Pipit, 2 Yellowhammer, 2 Reed Bunting. (B Hazell A Anscomb)
October 12th
Imm Black and Arctic Tern with 4 Rock Pipit. Little Stint, Ruff, 9 Dunlin and 6 Ringed Plover. 3rd year Yellow-legged Gull, 3 Goosander and 10 Raven. (B Hazell R Mays)
October 11th
Imm Black Tern still and 3 Rock Pipit. 2 Little Stint, Ruff, 9 Dunlin and 3 Ringed Plover. 3rd year Yellow-legged Gull, 3 Goosander and 3 Redpoll. (B Hazell R Mays)
October 10th
Imm Black and Arctic Tern. 4 Rock Pipit near Farborough Spit. Waders were Little Stint, Ruff, 4 Dunlin and 4 Ringed Plover. 4 Raven, 4 Yellowhammer. (B Hazell R Mays)
October 9th
Black Tern off Farborough bank with a Grey Plover on the Island. 2 Rock Pipit Farborough Spit, 11 Dunlin and 4 Ringed Plover. (R Knightbridge)
October 8th
Black Tern, Little Stint and 2 Rock Pipit. (T Marlow)
October 6th
Little Stint, 3 Rock Pipit, 17 Dunlin and 12 Ringed Plover. (T Marlow B Hazell R Mays M Phillips)
October 5th
3 Rock Pipit still Farborough Spit. 4 Dunlin, 10 Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. Adult, second year and 2 third year Yellow-legged Gull, 24 Wigeon and Shoveler. (B Hazell T Marlow A Anscomb)
October 4th
3 Rock Pipit Farborough Bank/Spit with Yellow Wagtail there. Osprey over in the afternoon. Waders were Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff, 8 Dunlin and 10 Ringed Plover. 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Shoveler, Raven, Grey Wagtail and 2 Swallow. (B Hazell K Groocock T Marlow)
October 3rd
Waders were Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff, 9 Dunlin and 8 Ringed Plover. 4 Rock Pipit and Yellow Wagtail. . 8 Red Crested Pochard (4 male) off Hensborough bank 4 Shoveler and 33 Wigeon. Birds over were 5 Siskin, 23 Skylark, 64 Meadow Pipit, 8 Buzzard and 4 Swallow. 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull and Sparrowhawk. (R Mays B Hazell)
October 2nd
Waders on the Island were Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff, 10 Dunlin and 10 Ringed Plover. On Farborough bank Rock Pipit, Yellow and Grey Wagtail. 20+ Skylark over and 7 Shoveler. (R Mays D Cox)
September 30th
Waders were ad Sanderling, 7 Dunlin and 4 Ringed Plover. 1 adult, 1 second year and 2 third year Yellow-legged Gull, Wheatear, 13 Wigeon, 2 Shoveler, 3 Pochard, 10 Chiffchaff and 7 Goldcrest. Birds over were 2 Redpoll, 2 Siskin, 14 Skylark, 3 Raven and Meadow Pipit. (T Marlow P Hall)
September 29th
3 Black Tern over Draycote Bank in the morning. Curlew Sandpiper Farborough Spit with another/same at the Overflow later. c15 Dunlin and 10 Ringed Plover. 4 Yellow Wagtail, drake Shoveler and 6 Pochard. 11 Raven and c50 Skylark over. (K Groocock)
September 28th
Black-necked Grebe still in Rainbow Corner and 6 Black Tern. Waders were 4 Dunlin and 2 Ringed Plover. Stonechat below Farborough bank, Goosander, Yellow Wagtail, female Goldeneye, 7 Wigeon, 2 Shoveler, 3 Pochard, adult Peregrine with Redpoll, Siskin and 3 Skylark over. (T Marlow A Anscomb P Hall M Silverman)
Stonechat c Max Silverman
September 27thBlack-necked Grebe in Rainbow Corner (Napton bird still present) and 2 ad Sandwich Tern in the morning (T Marlow) Black Tern, 12 Dunlin, 6 Ringed Plover and female Goldeneye. 4 Buzzard over Toft. (T Marlow P Hall)
September 26th
15 Black, 1 Arctic and 1 Common Tern. Waders were 2 Greenshank, 2 Ruff, 8 Dunlin, 13 Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper. Goosander still and third year Yellow-legged Gull. 4 Siskin and 10 Meadow Pipit over. (T Marlow)
September 25th
Up to 30 Black, c20 Arctic and 5 Common Tern in the morning. Waders were Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Ruff, 7 Dunlin, 16 Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper. Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtail Hensborough bank. Raven and Sparrowhawk over. (R Mays D Cox D Jones R & J Knightbridge)
September 24th
Black and Arctic Tern. 2 Dunlin, 8 Ringed Plover and third year Yellow-legged Gull. 2 Redpoll over with a few Meadow Pipit and Skylark. (T Marlow)
September 23rd
4 Black and an Arctic Tern. Waders were 2 Ruff, 2 Greenshank, 7 Dunlin and 18 Ringed Plover Adult and second winter Yellow-legged Gull and Yellow Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays)
September 22nd
2 Black Tern still. Waders were Knot, 2 Greenshank, Ruff, 28 Dunlin, 20 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpiper. Goosander still waiting for friends to join it at the Inlet, Wheatear, 7 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Redpoll over, 14 Meadow Pipit with 7 over, 2 Grey Wagtail, 8 Siskin Biggin with 3 over, first winter Yellow-legged Gull, Swift, 5 Swallow, 20+ House Martin, 2 Jay, 9 Grey Heron, 2 Buzzard and 2 Green Woodpecker. (T Marlow B Hazell S Valentine)
**Myself along with the other 3 "Bumbling
Bears" Jon, Dave and Pete Hall have now tiled the shelter. Steve Valentine was
birding there this evening and on his return soon rolled up his sleeves and
helped out. Hopefully some lists and a book will be in there shortly and Severn
Trent have promised to put in a path and hard standing.
September 21st3 Black and 2 Arctic Tern. Waders were 3 Greenshank, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 22 Dunlin, 17 Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper. Goosander still, 2 Wheatear, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 4 Grey Wagtail, 2 Swift and Jay. Birds over were Raven, Golden Plover, 16 Meadow Pipit, 2 Skylark and 16 Siskin. (T Marlow B Hazell R Mays)
Black and Arctic Tern c Tim Marlow
September 20th2 Black Tern, 2 Artic Tern, Common Tern and imm Little Gull. Waders were Greenshank, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 25 Dunlin and 16 Ringed Plover. 5 Yellow Wagtail, Goosander still at the Inlet and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow)
September 19th
2 imm Black Tern and 5 Common Tern (4 imm) Waders were Greenshank, Little Ringed Plover, 16 Dunlin, 14 Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper. Goosander still,3 Gadwall and a second winter Yellow-legged Gull. (T Marlow)
September 16th
8 Black and 5 Arctic Tern. Waders were Little Stint, 2 Greenshank, 2 Little Ringed Plover, c20 Dunlin, c20 Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper. 7 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank with c50 Meadow Pipit. Goosander still at the Inlet, 16 Wigeon briefly at noon, 2 Shoveler and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell R Mays)
**Myself along with the other 3 "Bumbling
Bears" Jon, Dave and Pete Hall have now moved the bird information
shelter to its new location in the Country Park. Not yet tiled but hopefully
will be finished next week and a sightings book can be used again. Will have to
see how long the coded padlock will last this time though!!**
September 15thWaders today were Curlew Sandpiper, 4+ Greenshank, Little Ringed Plover, 12 Dunlin, 12 Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper. 5 Arctic Tern, Goosander still at the Inlet, 6 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Grey Wagtail with Yellow-legged Gull 2 adult, 1 third winter and 2 first winter. (B Hazell)
September 14th
The adult Gannet from the 12th was sadly found dead in Biggin Bay this morning. Juv Shag still with 6 Arctic Tern and a Common Tern. Waders were Little Stint, 2 Curlew Sandpiper, 5 Greenshank, Redshank, 18 Dunlin, Little Ringed Plover, 14 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpiper. Goosander at the Inlet, 2 Wheatear, White Wagtail, 10+ Yellow Wagtail, 2 Grey Wagtail, Hobby, Raven and 2 Swift. In the roost 7 adult and 2 second winter Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow M Baynes)
September 13th
A 3rd Manx Shearwater of the year was seen this morning off Draycote Bank (P Hyde T Marlow) The juv Shag (first seen Friday) again off Farborough Bank then the island at dusk. Black, 2 Arctic and 2 Common Tern. Waders were Little Stint, 2 Curlew Sandpiper, 3 Greenshank, 20 Dunlin, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 14 Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper. White Wagtail Farborough bank, 3 Wheatear, 10 Yellow Wagtail and 2 Swift. 8 Siskin over Toft. (J Judge T Marlow P Hyde B Hazell R Mays P Hall)
September 12th
An adult Gannet flew in at c12.30 (P Cashmore M Smyth) and was still present till 4.50 at least mainly flying around the middle of the reservoir and occasionally plunge diving. Juv Shag near the Fishing Pontoons in the morning but no sign later. Black Tern, Arctic Tern and 3 Common Tern. Waders were Little Stint, 2+ Greenshank, 10 Dunlin, Little Ringed Plover, 5+ Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper. Merlin, Peregrine, Hobby and Sparrowhawk all seen on the south shore. 2 Wheatear, 15+ Yellow Wagtail, Goosander, Kingfisher, 200+ Sand Martin and 10 Swift. (J Judge P Cashmore M Smyth R Mays B Hazell D Hutton B Duckhouse)
Gannet c Dave Hutton
September 11th3 Red-crested Pochard (2 eclipse male and female) in Rainbow were new for the year. Waders were Little Stint, 4 Greenshank, 3 Little Ringed Plover, c12 Dunlin and c6 Ringed Plover. Wheatear and adult White Wagtail. (D Hutton)
September 10th
Black Tern still. Waders were Little Stint, 7 Curlew Sandpiper, Greenshank, 15 Dunlin, 7 Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper. Imm Arctic Tern, 5 Wheatear and 4 Yellow Wagtail. (J Wesson R Tyler)
September 9th
Juv Shag (P Hyde) Imm Kittiwake, juv Little Gull, Imm Black Tern, Imm Arctic Tern and 10 Common Tern this morning. Waders were Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, 3 Greenshank, Ruff, 6 Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. 2 Wheatear and 4 Yellow Wagtail. (T Marlow K Foster P Hyde)
September 8th
Another Manx Shearwater present (different underwing pattern seen in photographs) again mainly off Farborough bank (T Marlow) Waders again along Farborough bank and spit were Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Knot, Turnstone, Ruff, 3 Greenshank, 3 Little Ringed Plover, 26 Dunlin, 9 Ringed Plover and 3+ Common Sandpiper. Juv Little Gull, 3 Black Tern, Common Tern and adult Yellow-legged Gull. 3 Wheatear, c12 Yellow Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Kingfisher, 2 Raven and c30 Swift. Raptors were 2 Hobby, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk and 2 Buzzard. On the north shore Treecreeper, Goldcrest, 2 Siskin, 8 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap and a Goldfinch doing a good impression of a Brambling. (J Judge T Marlow R Mays B Hazell M Phillips K Groocock D Hutton)
Manx Shearwater, Knot and Little
Stint c Dave Hutton
September 7thA Manx Shearwater today mainly off Farborough bank (R Mays) still present at 5.30 but not seen in the roost. Juv Black Tern with an adult late evening. Juv Little Gull. Waders again mainly off Farborough Spit and the Island were Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Knot, Turnstone, Ruff, 4 Greenshank, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 11 Dunlin, 3 Ringed Plover and 4+ Common Sandpiper. Wheatear, 10+ Yellow Wagtail, 2 Hobby, 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Raven, 3 Buzzard and 25+ Swift. (J Judge R Mays T Marlow K Groocock B Hazell R & J Knightbridge)
September 6th
Osprey flew along the north shore in the morning. Waders were Knot, Whimbrel, 4 Greenshank, Ruff, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 5 Dunlin, 4 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpiper. Juv Black Tern this evening with 2 Yellow Wagtail and 2 Swift. 2 second year Yellow-legged Gull. (T Marlow)
September 5th
Waders today were 4 Greenshank, Ruff, 3 Little Ringed Plover, 15 Dunlin, 12 Ringed Plover and 9 Common Sandpiper. 3 Pintail, juv Hobby, Yellow Wagtail, Common Tern, Barnacle Goose and Yellow-legged Gull were 2 adult, 2 second year and a first year. (T Marlow K Foster)
September 4th
Waders mainly on Farborough bank were Little Stint, Sanderling, 6 Greenshank, Ruff, 12 Dunlin, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper. A male Merlin Draycote Bank, 4 Wheatear (3 Farborough bank) 6 Yellow Wagtail and a Reed Warbler below Farborough bank. Tawny Owl heard below Draycote Bank. (J D & P Hall S Valentine)
September 1st
Waders mainly from Visitor Center to Toft were Whimbrel over west, Turnstone, 3 Greenshank, 2 Ruff, 4 Dunlin, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 15 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpiper. Black Tern, imm Pintail, 6 Yellow Wagtail, 5 Raven, Goosander, Wheatear and juv Whinchat in Toft Shallows. (R Mays)
August 31st
Waders were 4 Greenshank, 5 Dunlin, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 5 Ringed Plover and a Redshank calling. Hobby, Wheatear and 2 Common Tern. (D Hutton T Marlow)
August 29th
Little Stint, 3 Ringed Plover and Greenshank Rainbow Corner with another Greenshank and Common Sandpiper at the Inlet. Elsewhere 2 Dunlin, Little Ringed Plover, and Hobby In the Country Park 2 Lesser Whitethroat and 3 Goldcrest. (J Timms C Timms T Harman D Jones)
August 28th
Little Stint and Little Ringed Plover between the Sailing Club and Hensborough bank. Other waders were 5 Greenshank, 4 Dunlin, 3 Ringed Plover and 5 Common Sandpiper. 20+ Yellow Wagtail, Wheatear, 2 Common Tern and c15 Swift. (D Hutton T Marlow R Mays D Cox)
Little Stint and Little Ringed Plover
c Dave Hutton
August 27thBlack Tern and 2 Common Tern. Waders along Farborough and Toft Banks were Greenshank, Ruff, 5 Dunlin, 3 Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. Wheatear along Farborough bank. (J Judge T Marlow)
August 26th
2 Black Tern, Little Tern, Arctic Tern and 2 Common Tern. Waders were Knot, Sanderling, 5 Greenshank, 3 Dunlin, Ruff, 2 Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover and 11 Common Sandpiper. Juv Garganey off Draycote Bank, Goosander, 17 Shoveler and 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays T Marlow)
August 25th
Waders were Sanderling, 7 Little Ringed Plover, Ruff, 4 Greenshank, 2 Dunlin, Curlew over east, 6 Ringed Plover and 6 Common Sandpiper. 11 adult Yellow-legged Gull in the field below Farborough bank, 2 Common Tern, 15 Yellow and 2 Grey Wagtail, Goosander, Raven and 8 Shoveler. 7 Black Tern in evening. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow)
August 24th
3 Black and 3 Common Tern. Waders were Sanderling, 2 Green Sandpiper, Ruff, 5 Greenshank, Dunlin, 3 Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover and 6+ Common Sandpiper. 2 Wheatear, 7 Yellow and 2 Grey Wagtail. Shelduck, 2 Yellow-legged Gull, Goosander and 3 Raven. In the roost adult Med Gull and 16 Yellow-legged Gull (8 ad, 3 third year, 3 second year and 2 first year) (B Hazell R Mays K Groocock S Batt)
August 23rd
Black-necked Grebe Biggin Bay. Waders today were 2 Sanderling, 2 Green Sandpiper, 7 Little Ringed Plover, Ruff, 5 Greenshank, 18 Ringed Plover, 4 Oystercatcher and 4 Common Sandpiper. Black and 2 Common Tern, 3 adult and third year Yellow-legged Gull. Wheatear with 15+ Yellow and 2 Grey Wagtail Farborough bank. Female Goosander still near the Valve Tower, Raven, 2 Red-legged Partridge and 4 Buzzard. (J Judge B Hazell R Mays)
August 22nd
Waders were 8 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Greenshank, 10 Ringed Plover, 2 Curlew, Ruff, Oystercatcher, Dunlin and 7 Common Sandpiper. 2 Black Tern and 2 Common Tern. Female Red-breasted Merganser and female Goosander reported at the Inlet. Wheatear Farborough bank, Grey Wagtail and 7 Yellow-legged Gull (6 adult) B Hazell R Mays A Anscomb)
August 21st
Waders were 3 Greenshank, Ruff, 5+ Little Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin, 8 Ringed Plover and 4 Common Sandpiper. Female Red-breasted Merganser at the Inlet, Peregrine Hensborough bank, Hobby over the Country Park, 5 Yellow and 12 Grey Wagtail, Wheatear, 6 Garden Warbler at the Inlet and Green Woodpecker. Adult Yellow-legged Gull and Common Tern. (J D & P Hall R Mays D Cox P Saunders)
August 20th
Sanderling on Farborough Spit. (P & L Price)
August 19th
Waders today were 2 Ruff, 2 Greenshank, 11 Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, 15 Ringed Plover, Golden Plover and 6 Common Sandpiper. Wheatear, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Hobby, Raven, Sparrowhawk, Goosander, Wigeon, 5 Spotted Flycatcher and 5 Lesser Whitethroat. Yellow-legged Gull were 5 adult, 1 third winter, 3 second winter and a juv. (B Hazell T Marlow R Mays K Foster)
August 18th
2 Sanderling on Farborough Spit. Other waders were 4 Greenshank, 3 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin, 9 Ringed Plover and 4 Common Sandpiper. 3 Spotted Flycatcher near the Sailing Club, 15 Yellow Wagtail, female Goosander, c20 Sand Martin, c300 House Martin, c150 Swallow and 9 Swift. 2 adult and a second winter Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow)
August 17th
First winter Little Gull off Biggin Bay. Waders were Greenshank, Little Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin, 11 Ringed Plover and at least 4 Common Sandpiper. 6 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank and 6 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge B Hazell R Mays)
August 16th
Waders were 2 Greenshank, 20 Ringed Plover, 3 Dunlin and 6 Common Sandpiper. Goosander still, 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull, Grey Wagtail and still a few Swift passing. (B Hazell R Mays)
August 15th
2 juv Little Gull still. Waders were, Wood Sandpiper, 4 Greenshank, 3 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Dunlin, 12 Ringed Plover and up to 18 Common Sandpiper with 10 in Toft. Yellow Wagtail with 5 adult and a first year Yellow-legged Gull. Raptors were 3 Hobby, 19 Buzzard, 4 Sparrowhawk and a distant Marsh Harrier seen off the Country Park. 5 Raven, female Goosander and 3 Coal Tit on the north shore. (R Mays B Hazell K Foster)
August 14th
2 juv Little Gull. Ruff, 4 Greenshank, Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, 6 Ringed Plover, Oystercatcher, 4 Common Sandpiper and c80 Swift. (R Mays)
August 13th
Juv Little Gull off the Valve Tower. Waders were Ruff, Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Ringed Plover and 8 Common Sandpiper. 10 adult, a third year and 2 first year Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays)
August 12th
2 mobile Greenshank, 4 Little Ringed and a Ringed Plover on Farborough Spit. 11 Common Sandpiper with 6 in Biggin Bay, female Goosander still at the Inlet with adult and 3rd year Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
August 11th
3 Greenshank but mobile, Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover and Dunlin Farborough Bank and Spit. At least 13 Common Sandpiper around the reservoir, Common Tern, Hobby, Goosander still present, 6 Yellow Wagtail and adult Yellow-legged Gull. Pochard and Gadwall. (B Hazell R Mays K Groocock D Dickson)
Greenshank c Dave Dickson
August 10thFirst Greenshank of the year briefly along Farborough bank with Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin and 3 Ringed Plover Farborough Spit. 5 Common Sandpiper, 5 Yellow Wagtail, Goosander and 3+ Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays)
August 9th
Waders today were Wood Sandpiper Toft, Black-tailed Godwit Picnic Area, Sanderling Farborough Spit, 2 Redshank Draycote bank, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin Farborough Spit and 6+ Common Sandpiper. Wheatear and 3 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank, Goosander at the Inlet also there 8 Yellow-legged Gull (5 adult, 3rd year, 2nd year and 1st year) Peregrine, Hobby and Sparrowhawk over. (B Hazell R Mays)
August 8th
Wood Sandpiper Farborough Spit and Black-tailed Godwit near the Inlet. Also at Farborough Spit and Bank were 6 Little Ringed Plover, 7 Dunlin, Wheatear and 6 Yellow Wagtail. 4+ Common Sandpiper, Common Tern, Goosander at the Valve Tower with 3 Grey Wagtail there. Adult and 3rd year Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell D Hutton S Batt M Smyth P Cashmore)
Wood Sandpiper and Black-tailed
Godwit c Dave Hutton
August 6thTurtle Dove and Little Egret Biggin Bay early morning. Waders were 3 Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Ringed Plover, 2 Oystercatcher and 8 Common Sandpiper. 6 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Common Tern and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays K Groocock)
August 5th
Red-breasted Merganser still Toft. Black-tailed Godwit at the Inlet. On Farborough Spit 3 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Dunlin and Ringed Plover with 2 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank. 11 Common Sandpiper around the reservoir (including 9 in Biggin), Goosander Draycote Bank, 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Shoveler and Pochard. (B Hazell R Knightbridge)
August 4th
A Wood Sandpiper on Farborough Spit at lunchtime and again c7pm. Also there Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Little Ringed Plover, 3 Dunlin, Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpiper. 2 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank, 2 Hobby and 3 Common Tern. 4 + Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays K Groocock)
Wood Sandpiper c Kevin Groocock
August 3rdRed-breasted Merganser still but mobile. Red Kite over Toft. 4 Little Ringed Plover on the north shore with 3 more Toft Bank, Dunlin Toft Bank and 4 Common Sandpiper on the north shore. 6 Common Tern, Goosander Dunn's Bay, 2 female Shoveler Toft and 6 adult and a second year Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays)
August 2nd
Red-breasted Merganser still along Toft Bank. 3 Black Tern, 6 Common Tern and drake Common Scoter. 6 Little Ringed Plover and 3 Dunlin Farborough Spit, Common Sandpiper Grays Barn. 4 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank and 4+ adult Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays D Edwards)
August 1st
Red-breasted Merganser still of Farborough Spit. Waders around the reservoir were 4 Redshank, 9 Little Ringed Plover, 6 Dunlin and Common Sandpiper. 2 juv Wheatear and 5 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank. Goosander still and 2 Buzzard. (D Hutton K Foster)
Red-breasted Merganser c Dave Hutton
July 31stRed-breasted Merganser off Farborough Spit with Redshank, 3 Little Ringed Plover, 3 Dunlin, c30 Yellow Wagtail and 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull along Farborough bank. Little Egret Rainbow Corner, Goosander near the Valve Tower, 3 Common Tern, Raven and 2 Shoveler. (K Groocock)
July 30th
Turnstone and Osprey. (R Mays)
July 29th
Waders around the reservoir were 6 Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin and 5 Common Sandpiper. Goosander by the Valve Tower and Buzzard. (K Foster)
July 27th
4 Little Ringed Plover (juv Farborough Spit and 3 adult Toft Bank) 4 adult Yellow-legged Gull and a pair of Pochard in Toft. (B Hazell R Mays)
July 26th
Little Ringed Plover Toft Bank, 10 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank, 2 Common Tern. Goosander still Dunns Bay and 2 female Shoveler at the Overflow. Sparrowhawk and still good numbers of Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays)
July 25th
Red Kite over the Valve Tower and Little Egret. Ruff flew into Toft Bay at midday with other waders 2 Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin and 2 Common Sandpiper. Female Goosander still Dunns Bay, 4 Raven near the Sewage Farm, Spotted Flycatcher, 2 Yellow and Grey Wagtail. Yellow-legged Gulls around were 5 adult, 3 third year, 2 second year and a first year. (B Hazell R Mays)
July 23rd
On Farborough Spit were Redshank, 8 Little Ringed Plover and 8 Dunlin. 2 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank and 2 adult and a third summer Yellow-legged Gull in the fields below. Female Goosander Dunn's Bay and 2 male Pochard. (J Judge S Batt)
July 22nd
Waders were 5 Little Ringed Plover Farborough Spit with another at the Inlet, Redshank at the Inlet, 3 Dunlin Farborough Spit and a Common Sandpiper in Toft. Female Goosander in Dunn's Bay and Yellow-legged Gull were 5+ adult, 4 third summer and a second summer. (B Hazell)
July 20th
2 Little Ringed Plover and 3 Dunlin with Raven over. (D Edwards)
July 19th
Waders were 3 Redshank Draycote Bank, Dunlin Farborough Spit and in Toft Oystercatcher, 2 Little Ringed Plover and 6 Common Sandpiper. Goosander still at the Valve Tower, Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank and 3+ adult, 3 third and second year Yellow-legged Gull. 4 juv Lesser Whitethroat off Toft Bank and female Shoveler. (B Hazell R Mays K Foster)
July 15th
Ruff in Rainbow Corner and 2 Little Ringed Plover. Female Goosander near the Valve Tower, 3 Common Tern and Hobby. (R Mays S Batt)
July 14th
4 Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, Little Egret, 2 Grey Wagtail and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays)
July 12th
Common Sandpiper Draycote Bank and Oystercatcher in Toft. 4 Grey Wagtail at the Valve Tower and 2 male Pochard Dunn's Bay. (S Batt)
July 11th
4 juv and 2 adult Little Ringed Plover Toft Bank, Redshank Lin Croft Point, 3 Common Tern and 2+ adult Yellow-legged Gull. Female Goosander still near the Valve Tower. (B Hazell R Mays K Foster)
July 10th
Osprey over the Valve Tower c3.15pm. (B Hazell)
July 9th
Waders were Green Sandpiper, 2 Dunlin, 4 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpiper. 5 Common Tern and 2 adult and a third summer Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays)
July 7th
Waders around Toft were 6 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Common Sandpiper and Oystercatcher. 3 adult and a 3rd year Yellow-legged Gull, 4 Common Tern, Grey Wagtail and female Shoveler. (B Hazell R Mays)
July 5th
Cuckoo at the Sewage Farm, 3 Little Ringed Plover and 4 Common Sandpiper. Little Owl Toft Shallows, female Pochard, 2 Teal and 3 Mistle Thrush. (R Mays)
July 4th
Redshank by the overflow, at the Inlet 4 Little Ringed and 2 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpiper (4 more in Toft). 2 Yellow Wagtail Hensborough bank. (K Foster)
July 3rd
3 Little Ringed and 2 Ringed Plover by the Inlet, 4 Common Sandpiper, 2 Common Tern, 3 Grey Wagtail and 2 Raven over. 2 Teal Biggin. (S Batt)
July 1st
Female Goosander still, 2+ Little Ringed Plover, 5+ Common Sandpiper, Oystercatcher and 4 Grey Wagtail. (K Foster)
June 30th
2 adult and juv Little Ringed Plover Toft Bank with Little Egret briefly in Toft. 3+ adult Yellow-legged Gull and 3 Common Tern. (B Hazell R Mays)
June 28th
Arctic Tern off Lin Croft Point, 5 Shoveler Grays Barn and 3 Spotted Flycatcher on the north shore. (S Batt)
June 27th
Female Goosander near the Inlet. 3 Common Tern mobile around the reservoir, 3 Pochard (2 drake) and Yellow Wagtail near the Overflow. (S Batt)
June 26th
Summer plumage Black-tailed Godwit early morning in Toft. Goosander still, juv Tawny Owl and Little Ringed Plover. (R Mays)
June 25th
Female Goosander still near the Valve Tower, first summer and adult Yellow-legged Gull, Little Ringed Plover and Hobby. (R Mays S Batt)
June 24th
Female Goosander near the Valve Tower. First summer Caspian, first summer Yellow-legged and c200 Lesser Black-backed Gulls in the evening. 2 Red-legged Partridge in the Country Park. (K Foster R Mays S Batt)
June 21st
Adult Yellow-legged Gull in fields below Farborough bank, 2 Common Tern, Little Ringed Plover and 2 Oystercatcher. (B Hazell R Mays)
June 17th
2 Yellow Wagtail, 3 Common Tern and drake Pochard. (S Batt)
June 16th
Adult Yellow-legged Gull, Little Ringed Plover, 3 Common Tern and drake Pochard. (K Groocock)
June 15th
2 adult and a second summer Yellow-legged Gull, Common Tern and Kingfisher. 5 Common Tern. (B Hazell D Edwards)
June 13th
Adult Yellow-legged Gull below Farborough bank. Little Ringed Plover, 4 Yellow Wagtail and a drake Pochard. 2 Red-legged Partridge in the Country Park. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
June 11th
Osprey early evening and first summer Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays)
June 10th
Yellow Wagtail and 2 Grey Wagtail. (R Mays)
June 9th
3 Little Ringed Plover. (K Groocock)
June 6th
First and second summer Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays)
May 31st
The Red-breasted Merganser still present around the Inlet with a Yellow and 5 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays
May 30th
3 Sanderling and 16 Ringed Plover near the Overflow and a Red-breasted Merganser near the Valve Tower. (D Dickson R Mays D Cox)
May 29th
3 Dunlin, 10 Ringed Plover, Yellow Wagtail and c400 Swift. (R Mays D Cox)
May 28th
Yellow Wagtail (D Edwards)
May 27th
9 Ringed Plover near the Overflow, Yellow and Grey Wagtail. (S Batt)
May 26th
Turnstone at the Inlet was first for the year. In Rainbow Corner Little Ringed Plover and Dunlin. Spotted Flycatcher Biggin Bay, Common Tern in the middle and Coal Tit Toft Shallows. (R Mays)
May 25th
2 Common Tern near the Fishing Lodge and Buzzard. (D Maynard)
May 23rd
Adult Kittiwake Rainbow Corner. (R Mays)
May 16th
3 Common Tern and 2 Yellow Wagtail. (B Hazell)
May 14th
Just Oystercatcher, Little Ringed Plover and 2 Yellow Wagtail reported. (R Mays D Cox R Knightbridge)
May 13th
An Osprey flew over at midday and a Cuckoo behind Draycote Bank. 3 Dunlin in Toft and Ringed Plover. 3 Common Sandpiper and 2 Yellow Wagtail. (B Hazell S Batt R Hoskin D Edwards)
May 12th
First Hobby of the year over the Country Park. A Little Egret flew over the Sailing Club c9.30am towards Rainbow Corner. 2 Dunlin, 6 Ringed Plover, Common Tern, 2 Yellow Wagtail and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
May 11th
5 Dunlin Toft, Common Sandpiper Grays Barn, Common Tern and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell)
May 10th
Just 2 Common Tern. (B Hazell R Mays)
May 9th
Little Gull in the center with Common Tern. 5+ Common Sandpiper around the reservoir with Ringed Plover, 3 Yellow Wagtail and a pair of Wigeon. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
May 8th
2 Black Tern and 6+ Yellow Wagtail. (R Knightbridge)
May 7th
Little Tern and 5 Little Gull's in the morning with 3 Black Tern and 41+ Common Tern. (2 Black and 5+ Common still in the evening) Dunlin, 2 Common Sandpiper, 2 Yellow Wagtail and Wheatear. (D Hutton G Phillipson)
May 6th
2 Sanderling along Farborough bank with 2 Yellow Wagtail there. 2 Gadwall. (B Hazell R Mays D Edwards)
May 5th
Adult Little Gull still with a Little Tern and Black-tailed Godwit in the morning. A roaming Whimbrel seen on Farborough bank, Windsurfing area and Draycote Bank. 2 Common Tern, 3 Wheatear, 3 Yellow Wagtail and 2 Common Sandpiper. (B Hazell R Mays M Osbourne)
May 4th
Adult Little Gull with 7 Black Tern and 4 Common Tern. Ringed Plover and 25 Yellow Wagtail along Farborough bank. (B Hazell R Mays R Knightbridge)
May 3rd
3 adult and 2 first summer Little Gull's with a good Tern movement this morning. Flocks of 30-40 Black Tern and could have been as high as 180 birds through, with an estimated 80 Common Tern. 2 Yellow Wagtail and Common Sandpiper. (R Mays B Hazell)
May 1st
A movement of Bar-tailed Godwit's through today had 21 in the morning, 5 at c5pm heading north and 11 c6pm heading east. Little Gull's were 5 adult and a first summer and a total of 44 Common Tern during the day. Wheatear and Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank and 100+ Swift. Little Ringed Plover Rainbow Corner and 5 Common Sandpiper around the reservoir. (R Mays D Cox J D & P Hall S Batt)
April 30th
Sandwich Tern through early morning with Black Tern (2 later in evening) and 2 Common Tern. Summer plumage Grey Plover in the evening, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit flew to Toft Bank with 2 Common Sandpiper there. On Farborough bank Wheatear, 3 Yellow Wagtail and 6 Swift. (J Judge R Mays D Cox P & L Price)
April 29th
First Hobby of the year. Wheatear along Farborough bank and 14 Yellow Wagtail in the Country Park. 2 Common Sandpiper in Toft. (R Mays D Jones R & J Knightbridge)
April 28th
Between the Country Park and Farborough bank 2 Wheatear, c12 Yellow and a White Wagtail. 7 Arctic and 4 Common Tern late afternoon. Common Sandpiper Toft Bank and 3 Gadwall. (B Hazell R Mays D Edwards)
April 27th
A first summer Little Gull present and Common Tern through were in groups of 3, 6 and 7. Wheatear and 8 Yellow Wagtail Farborough/Toft Banks with a Dunlin along Farborough bank. Whimbrel in Toft Bay in the afternoon. (B Hazell R Mays M Osbourne)
April 26th
4 Black-tailed Godwit in Toft c10am before fishermen arrived and a summer plumaged Sanderling near the Fishing Pontoons briefly. 8 Common Tern with 6 moving off. 26 Yellow Wagtail in the Country Park and a further 5 along Farborough Bank with Wheatear there. Common Sandpiper Toft and Sedge Warbler off Farborough bank. (B Hazell R Mays)
April 25th
3 Wheatear and 4 Yellow Wagtail. 2 Common Sandpiper. (S Batt)
April 24th
Whimbrel over calling in the morning with 2 Wheatear, 7 Yellow Wagtail and 2 Oystercatcher. In the evening a male Blue-headed Wagtail near the Valve Tower, Common Tern, Common Sandpiper and 3 Swift. (R Mays D Cox C Potter)
April 23rd
A drake Garganey early morning off the Windsurfing area. Black Tern off Farborough bank with 23 Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtail there. Common Sandpiper, Raven over, 2 Shoveler and 2 Gadwall. (R Mays D Cox S Batt A Horsley)
April 22nd
2 Black Tern and 2 adult Little Gull present with a Black-tailed Godwit in Toft. 2 Wheatear, 5 Yellow Wagtail, Ringed Plover, 4 Shoveler, Lesser Whitethroat and 2 Garden Warbler. (R Mays)
April 21st
11 Black Tern present with 2 Wheatear and 7 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank. Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Willow Tit, Shoveler, Little Ringed Plover and 3 Garden Warbler. (B Hazell R Mays K Groocock)
April 20th
Farborough bank had 5 Wheatear, female Blue-headed Wagtail, 7 Yellow Wagtail and a White Wagtail. 3 Swift over and 3 Whitethroat. (B Hazell R Mays C Godding)
April 19th
Black and Common Tern over, 6 Wheatear, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 3 White Wagtail, 3 Grey Wagtail, Oystercatcher, Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Common Sandpiper and Brambling. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
April 18th
In the center of the reservoir were Black Tern, 13 adult and 3 first summer Little Gull, Arctic Tern and 2 Common Tern. 2 Shelduck in Toft with at least 12 Brambling along the north shore and 2 Garden Warbler there. 2 Wheatear, 7 Yellow Wagtail and 2 Common Sandpiper. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
April 17th
Farborough Bank had Common Tern, Curlew, Wheatear, 8 Yellow Wagtail and pair of Shoveler. (R Mays D Cox)
April 16th
Farborough and Toft Banks had between them 8 Wheatear, male Blue-headed Wagtail, 12 Yellow Wagtail and 2 White Wagtail. New birds for the year were Grasshopper Warbler near Toft Bay and Whitethroat near the Inlet with 2 Little Ringed Plover there. 4 Common Sandpiper, 4 Brambling and Little Owl. (R Mays D Jones)
April 15th
Still at least 3 Wheatear, 12 Yellow and 2 White Wagtail along Farborough bank. (J Judge B Hazell R Mays)
April 14th
5 possibly 7 Little Ringed Plover and the first Ringed Plover of the year. At least 70 Brambling with 50 along the north shore. 7 Wheatear Farborough bank with 8 Yellow and 1 Blue-headed Wagtail. Red Kite, Raven and Curlew over with c500 Swallow, c200 Sand Martin and 20 House Martin. (J Judge B Hazell R Mays A Anscomb)
April 13th
Along Farborough bank were 2 Wheatear, 29 Yellow Wagtail and a Blue-headed Wagtail with a Common Sandpiper near the Fishing Pontoons. c15 Brambling and 2 Sparrowhawk along the north shore, Common Tern and Raven. (B Hazell R Mays)
April 12th
12+ Brambling Lin Croft Point with Wheatear and 11 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank. 200-300 Sand and House Martin through with just 1 Swallow. (B Hazell)
April 11th
2 adult Little Gull with Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank and White Wagtail Toft Bank. Common Tern, 4+ Brambling Lin Croft Point. Osprey reported at 3pm (per RBA) (B Hazell R Mays)
April 10th
2 first summer Little Gull's, 2 Black Tern, 2 Sandwich Tern, 9 Common Tern, Wheatear, Blue-headed Wagtail and 8+ Yellow Wagtail. (R Mays, D Cox, D Ludlow D Hutton)
April 9th
At dawn Sedge Warbler, 34 Blackcap, 17 Willow Warbler and 8 Chiffchaff. First summer Little Gull in the center and Common Tern in Toft Bay. 2 Brambling still on the north shore, 16 Yellow Wagtail, White Wagtail and Shelduck. (R Mays)
April 8th
Still a few Brambling remain with Yellow and White Wagtail Farborough bank. (B Hazell)
April 7th
First Osprey of the year hung around for 15 minutes around Biggin bay with 2 Little and the adult Med Gull still present. Still a few Brambling lingering on the north shore, 10 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank, Common Sandpiper Draycote Bank, Oystercatcher, 2 Shelduck, Little Ringed Plover, 3+ Shoveler and Raven over. Numbers building up of Blackcap, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff. (B Hazell R Mays K Groocock)
April 6th
Little Gull's still present with now 3 first summer and 2 adult with the near summer adult Med Gull. Farborough bank had Wheatear and 12 Yellow Wagtail (18 in the evening with White Wagtail) with another Wheatear near the Valve Tower. Still many Brambling on the north shore, Little Ringed Plover and Raven over. (B Hazell R Mays A Anscomb D Johnston)
April 5th
A pair of Red-breasted Merganser (last recorded December 2009) ending up near the Valve Tower before flying off north. Also new for the year were Cuckoo from Country Park to Farborough bank and Sandwich Tern. 3 first summer Little Gull's, near summer adult Med Gull. Rock Pipit, Wheatear, 11 Yellow Wagtail and a White Wagtail Toft/Farborough banks. 15-20 Brambling along the north shore. 2 Little Ringed Plover and Raven. (B Hazell R Mays)
April 4th
Little Ringed Plover was a first for the year near the Hide in Toft. Wheatear and 7 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank with White Wagtail near the Inlet and 2 Grey Wagtail near the Valve Tower. At least 26 Brambling on the north shore with Treecreeper and Sparrowhawk there. c300 Sand Martin with 30 Swallow and 11 Buzzard. (J Judge B Hazell R Mays M Phillips)
April 3rd
2 first summer Little Gull's. Wheatear Farborough bank, 12 Swallow and 30+ Sand Martin. (R Mays D Cox)
April 2nd
First summer Little Gull and Common Tern in Toft. 2 female Pintail Grays Barn, Goosander, 3 female Goldeneye, White Wagtail, 5 Buzzard. First summer Med Gull in roost. (R Mays A Horsley)
April 1st
Red Kite over the Country Park 7 Yellow and a White Wagtail Toft/Farborough banks with 2 Wheatear. Brambling's still along the north shore with 30+ and a further 10 reported near the Windsurfing Area. First House Martin of the year, Raven over and Coal Tit in Rainbow Corner. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
March 31st
First winter Little Gull present and new for the year 5 Yellow Wagtail below Farborough bank. 6 Brambling Lin Croft Point, 4 Shoveler, 5 Wigeon, 10 Teal. (B Hazell D Edwards)
March 30th
2 Egyptian Geese again then flew west. Brambling's still around with birds on the north shore, near the Windsurfing Area and the Inlet, 3 Redpoll Lin Croft Point, at least 6 Blackcap around the reservoir and a few Willow Warbler. 50+ Sand Martin with 2 Swallow. 8 Shoveler, 14 Goldeneye, 5 Wigeon and a Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt A Anscomb)
March 29th
The adult and first winter Little Gulls off Farborough bank with 40+ Brambling behind the Inlet. First Wheatear of the year along Toft bank and first Willow Warbler in Toft. Dunlin flew through and 2 Swallow. 5 Shoveler and Grey Wagtail. (R Mays S Batt)
March 28th
Black Redstart reported as showing well near the Sailing Club at 10.45am (per RBA) but birders on site at that time did not see it. The adult and first winter Little Gull still present with female Goosander and 5 Shoveler. Possible Water Pipit along Farborough bank. (B Hazell A Langham R Mays)
March 27th
Black Redstart showing well on and around the Sailing Club (S Valentine). Adult and first winter Little Gull, 150 Sand Martin and 3 Swallow. 4 Barnacle Geese and 5 Shoveler. Rock Pipit reported between the Visitor Center and Farborough Spit per RBA. (S Valentine R Mays D Cox RBA)
March 26th
White Wagtail Farborough bank. (R Mays)
March 24th
Drake Scaup still off Hensborough bank. Curlew and Oystercatcher over with 5+ Brambling Lin Croft Point. 6 Meadow Pipit Farborough bank with 100+ Fieldfare and 20+ Redwing below. 5 Buzzard and 15+ Reed Bunting around the reservoir, 4 Shoveler (1 female) near the Inlet and 2 Grey Wagtail. (K Groocock S Batt)
March 23rd
Drake Scaup still off Hensborough bank then distant in the middle of the reservoir with 7 Goosander (1 male) still present. 2 Egyptian Geese flew east over Visitor Center with also new for the year 3 Swallow. 2 Brambling below Farborough bank with 41 Buzzard, 2 Peregrine, 2 Sparrowhawk c100 Fieldfare and a Redwing seen from Farborough. Oystercatcher near the Valve Tower with wildfowl 20 Goldeneye, 30 Wigeon, 6 Gadwall, 4 Barnacle and 10 Greylag Geese. 7 Chiffchaff around the reservoir and Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays A Anscomb)
March 22nd
Drake Scaup still and at least 10 Brambling between Grays Barn and Dunn's Bay. 4 adult summer Med Gull's in the roost and a Shelduck. (T Marlow S Batt)
March 21st
The drake Scaup off Hensborough Bank with 6 Goosander off the Inlet. Adult summer Med Gull Biggin Bay with Shelduck there and pair of Shoveler Grays Barn. 2 Treecreeper in the Country Park. (B Hazell)
March 20th
The drake Scaup off the Overflow but no sign of the drake Smew. Rock Pipit Draycote Bank with 7 Meadow Pipit on nearby Farborough bank and 7 Goosander Farborough Spit. 4 Brambling (1 male) around the Inlet with a further male behind the Sailing Club. Curlew, Raven, Oystercatcher and 4 Barnacle Geese over with Willow Tit near the Picnic Area. Sand Martin off the Overflow, 4 Buzzard, at least 6 Chiffchaff around and many Reed Bunting between the Valve Tower and Overflow. (J D & P Hall K Groocock)
March 18th
Drake Smew off Hensborough Bank with the drake Scaup in Rainbow Corner with 5 Goosander still. Rock Pipit Farborough bank with the first Sand Martin of the year with 7 feeding high. (B Hazell R Mays)
March 17th
Drake Smew still and 5 Waxwing flew north over Farborough Spit late afternoon (R Mays) 5 Goosander, 15 Meadow Pipit and 20+ Pied Wagtail Farborough bank. 2 Grey Wagtail, 4 Chiffchaff and still odd Redpoll and Siskin on the north shore. (R Mays S Batt D McWilliams)
March 16th
Drake Smew Toft Bay with 15 Goosander (3 male). 9 Meadow Pipit Toft Bank, 3 Chiffchaff, c60 Wigeon and 3 Grey Wagtail. Mixed flock 100+ Fieldfare and Redwing near the Sewage Works. (A Anscomb)
March 14th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank with the drake Scaup off the Inlet plus 17 Goosander. Dunlin along Farborough bank and 5 Meadow Pipit there. Curlew and Raven over 4 Chiffchaff, 8 Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, 3 Grey Wagtail, with Siskin and Redpoll on the north shore and Reed Bunting and Yellowhammer Farborough Bank. (B Hazell R Mays K Groocock S Batt D McWilliams)
March 11th
Drake Smew off Toft Bank with the drake Scaup off the Inlet plus 14 Goosander. 2 Snipe Toft, 2 Grey Wagtail and a Sparrowhawk. Adult summer Med Gull in the roost. (B Hazell T Marlow)
March 10th
Drake Smew by the Inlet with the drake Scaup near the Overflow. 8 Goosander near the Inlet with still at least 8 Brambling behind. Curlew in the field below Farborough Bank and Chiffchaff singing by the Windsurfing area. 2nd winter Med Gull in the roost. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt T Marlow)
March 9th
Drake Smew in Rainbow Corner with the drake Scaup nearby at the Overflow. 6 Pintail in the center, 18 Goosander still present along with 20+ Goldeneye. At least 8 Brambling behind the Inlet with 2 Yellowhammer, Skylark and a Reed Bunting. Chiffchaff near the Sailing Club, at least 14 Meadow Pipit Farborough bank, 4 Grey Wagtail, 2 Raven over with the north shore still holding small numbers of Redpoll, Siskin and Coal Tit. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow S Batt A Anscomb)
March 8th
Drake Smew still off Farborough Bank with the 2 Scaup off Hensborough bank with 12 Goosander. 4 Brambling, Snipe 4 Raven, 2 Redpoll and still small flocks of Siskin. (B Hazell)
March 7th
An Avocet (R Mays B Hazell) near the Valve Tower and then mobile around the reservoir. Drake Smew still off Farborough Bank with the 2 Scaup off Hensborough bank. 24 Goosander and 6 Shoveler in Toft. 10 Siskin and 3 Coal Tit along the north shore. (B Hazell R Mays)
March 6th
Drake Smew still off Farborough Bank with the 2 Scaup in Biggin Bay and Yellow-legged Gull there. 26 Brambling behind the Inlet, 4 Grey Wagtail and 4 Buzzard. (J D & P Hall K Groocock)
March 4th
Drake Smew still off Farborough Bank with the 2 Scaup off Hensborough bank. At least 24 Goosander still present, 10 Siskin Grays Barn, Golden Plover with Lapwings, Raven over and 3 Grey Wagtail. The first Chiffchaff of the year heard calling but not seen around the car park. Adult Caspian Gull and second winter Yellow-legged Gull in the roost. (B Hazell D Hutton T Marlow S Batt)
March 3rd
Drake Smew still around Farborough/Toft Banks with the 2 Scaup by the Valve Tower. 24 Goosander, 2 Grey Wagtail, 3 Siskin, Redpoll and 2 Treecreeper. An adult summer Med Gull in the roost and Continental Cormorant again on the Fishing Pontoon late afternoon. (B Hazell T Marlow)
March 2nd
Drake Smew Rainbow Corner with Drake and female Scaup in off Draycote Bank. 12 Goosander and an arrival of c80 Wigeon and 19 Pochard. Still c24 Brambling behind the Inlet with female Sparrowhawk there. Oystercatcher near the Valve Tower and later over Toft, 4 Grey Wagtail and 12 Siskin. Of interest an adult Cormorant of the race P.c.sinensis or Continental Cormorant present for second day, note not all white-headed birds are of this race see http://www.paxton-pits.org.uk/id.htm for ID details (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow)
March 1st
Drake Smew off Farborough bank with Drake and female Scaup in off the Inlet. Drake Merlin again through the finch flock ( c14 Brambling still) with new for the year Rock Pipit (T Marlow) along Farborough bank and Stonechat Rainbow. 30+ Goosander with c30 Siskin and small numbers of Redpoll and Goldcrest on the north shore. In the roost a second winter Glaucous Gull (T Marlow) (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow)
February 28th
Drake and red-head Smew off Farborough bank with Drake and female Scaup in Rainbow Corner. Drake Merlin flew through the finch flock behind the Inlet (6 Brambling still) 2 Shelduck, 6 Siskin and Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
February 27th
Drake and female Scaup in Rainbow Corner with a drake Smew off Farborough bank. 10 Goosander, 100 Fieldfare and 10 Redwing. (R Mays)
February 26th
Drake and female Scaup near the Overflow and a Dunlin Toft Bank. (S Batt)
February 25th
Drake and female Scaup still in Rainbow Corner with c30 Brambling behind the Inlet. Curlew in field below Farborough bank with the first Oystercatcher of the year at Grays Barn. 20 Goosander and still small numbers of Redpoll, Siskin and Goldcrest along the north shore. (B Hazell S Batt)
February 24th
Drake and female Scaup still Hensborough bank with 24 Goosander at the Inlet. At lest 30 Brambling behind the Inlet till flushed by a hunt with dogs running around the Inlet area. A pair of Pintail in the morning but moved off with a drake Shoveler in Biggin bay. Willow Tit Toft Shallows boardwalk was new for the year with 2 Snipe, 3 Redpoll, 11 Siskin and Goldcrest on the north shore. 2 Raven over and Sparrowhawk, Kingfisher below Draycote Bank. (B Hazell R Mays)
February 22nd
Drake and female Scaup still Hensborough/Picnic area, 22 Goosander and 19 Brambling behind the Inlet. 4 Barnacle Geese below Farborough bank, Kingfisher below Draycote Bank and adult Yellow-legged Gull. Along the north shore 25 Siskin, 13 Redpoll, 3 Goldcrest and a Treecreeper. (B Hazell R Mays)
February 20th
Drake and female Scaup still Hensborough bank/Rainbow Corner with at least 6 Brambling behind the Inlet and 10 Goosander. A Curlew circled over with c60 Great Black-backed Gulls still present in the morning. In the roost the first winter Iceland Gull and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays D Cox)
February 18th
Female Scaup still off Hensborough Bank and joined by a first year Drake. 10 Goosander still present and the 4 Barnacle Geese still below Farborough bank. 15+ Siskin Lin Croft Point and still Brambling behind the Inlet. First winter Iceland Gull again in the roost. (B Hazell S Valentine T Marlow K Groocock S Batt)
February 17th
Female Scaup off Hensborough Bank with 15 Goosander Toft, the 4 Barnacle Geese in fields below Farborough bank' c12 Brambling behind the Inlet and a drake Shoveler. Toft and the north shore had several flocks of Goldfinches, each about 20 strong but they included Siskin (6 in Toft, 6 at Gray's Barn, 8 at Lin Croft and another 2 at the back of Biggin) and in separate flocks, Redpoll ( 4 in Toft and 3 near Gray's Barn). (B Hazell R Mays)
February 16th
Drake Smew still Farborough Bank and female Scaup with 19 Goosander at the Inlet and c12 Brambling behind. 4 Barnacle Geese in Biggin with c20 Siskin there. The first Meadow Pipit of the year along Farborough bank with many Pied Wagtail there. Raven over, adult Yellow-legged Gull, 100+ Wigeon and 40+ Goldfinch. (B Hazell S Batt A Anscomb)
February 15th
Female Scaup in Rainbow Corner. In the roost the first winter Iceland Gull again with sub-adult and second winter Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge)
February 14th
Drake Smew Farborough and Toft Banks with the female Scaup still in Rainbow Corner. 14 Goosander and 4 Shelduck at the Inlet with at least 14 Brambling behind. In the roost a first winter Iceland Gull. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow S Batt)
February 13th
Drake Smew and female Scaup still reported per RBA.
February 11th
Drake Smew still Farborough Bank and female Scaup with 16 Goosander at the Inlet. 8 Raven. (D Hutton B Hazell)
February 10th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and female Scaup in Rainbow Corner with c20 Goosander. (B Hazell K Groocock)
February 9th
Drake and female Smew off Farborough bank and female Scaup near the Inlet. 23 Goosander and the 4 Barnacle Geese off Farborough bank. (B Hazell T Marlow A Anscomb)
February 8th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank with the female Scaup off Hensborough Bank and 19 Stock Dove in fields below. 11 Goosander with just 1 Golden Plover amongst the Lapwings. Raven over and c15 Buzzard (including a very pale bird), 4 Barnacle Geese on the north shore with c20 Yellowhammer off Draycote Bank. Adult Caspian Gull in the roost. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow M Baynes)
February 7th
Drake Smew and female Scaup in Rainbow Corner. c12 Goosander. Adult Med Gull in fields below Farborough bank and adult Yellow-legged Gull (B Hazell R Mays)
February 6th
Drake and female Smew around the West end of the reservoir with female Scaup in Rainbow Corner. 8 Goosander. (D Hutton M Slemensek R Mays D Cox)
February 4th
Drake Smew off the Overflow and the female Scaup near Rainbow Corner. 20 Goosander at the Inlet with 8 Brambling behind. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow)
February 3rd
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and the female Scaup near the Overflow. 4 Barnacle Geese below Farborough Bank, Redpoll with c12 Siskin Toft and 15+ Dunns Bay. c 600 Rook in fields behind Hensborough Bank was an excellent count. In the roost were 2 1st winter Yellow-legged Gull. (T Marlow S Batt)
February 2nd
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and the female Scaup near the Overflow. 4 Barnacle Geese off Farborough Spit with 10 Greylag there. Kingfisher below Draycote Bank and 3 Siskin Toft. (S Batt)
February 1st
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and the female Scaup near the Inlet with c15 Brambling behind. 4 Barnacle Geese below Farborough Bank, 37 Goosander, 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull and Raven over. (B Hazell R Mays)
January 31st
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank with a female Smew near the Inlet/Overflow (and female Scaup there) when it flew off with Goosander at dusk. 74 Goosander present mainly around the Inlet and the 4 Barnacle Geese in the field below Farborough bank. 7 Brambling behind the Inlet, Kingfisher below Draycote Bank, 2 Raven over and c20 Siskin Grays Barn with a further 7 in Toft. 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull on the ice in the roost. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow S Batt)
January 30th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank with 4 Barnacle Geese there. 56 Goosander near the Inlet at dusk. In the roost were adult and 2 first winter Yellow-legged Gull with many pale headed Herring Gull coming to the roost now just to confuse matters. Early morning there were also 11 Gadwall, 25 Goldeneye, 210 Great Black-backed Gull and an adult Yellow-legged Gull, 200 Fieldfare and 50 Redwing. (J Judge R Mays D Cox)
January 29th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and female Scaup in Toft. c28 Brambling behind the Inlet with Sparrowhawk again there. (R Mays)
January 28th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and female Scaup off Grays Barn/Lin Croft Point. 13 Goosander and 4 Barnacle Geese again with the Canada flock. Still c30 Brambling behind the Inlet with Sparrowhawk there, adult Yellow-legged Gull in Biggin, 4 Redpoll Lin Croft Point and Kingfisher below Draycote Bank. Treecreeper records appear to be on the increase with birds reported from several areas of the reservoir recently. (B Hazell)
January 26th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and female Scaup off Lin Croft Point. 12 Goosander and 30 + Brambling still behind the Inlet. c20 Siskin Toft Shallows with Peregrine and 2 Sparrowhawk present. (B Hazell R Mays)
January 25th
Female Scaup off the Overflow with 13 Goosander nearby and 16 Brambling behind the Inlet with Sparrowhawk there. (B Hazell R Mays)
January 24th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and female Scaup off the Inlet. c14 Goosander and 30+ Brambling behind the Inlet with 5 Redpoll Lin Croft Point and 12 Siskin Toft Shallows. (B Hazell R Mays)
January 23rd
Drake Smew reported Toft per RBA.
January 22nd
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and female Scaup off the Inlet. (S Batt)
January 21st
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and female Scaup off the Inlet with 30+ Goosander still present. 10+ Brambling behind the Inlet with a single bird near Lin Croft Point/ Grays Barn area with 2 Redpoll at the former and 12+ Siskin at the latter. At least 3 Sparrowhawk (2 Drake) present around the reservoir and 2 Golden Plover below Farborough bank. (B Hazell S Batt K Groocock)
January 20th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and female Scaup off the Inlet with 20+ Goosander still present. 4 Barnacle Geese in with the Canada's. In the roost were 2 1st winter Caspian Gull and a 1st winter Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow)
January 19th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank then Biggin area with the female Scaup off Hensborough Bank with at least 2 Tufted Duck look-a-likes. At least 30 Brambling behind the Inlet, 20+ Goosander, 2 Golden Plover, Kingfisher, Sparrowhawk and 15 Goldeneye. (B Hazell R Mays A Anscomb)
January 18th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and female Scaup off the Inlet with still 12+ Brambling behind. 20 + Goosander with 7 Golden Plover amongst c550 Lapwing on Hensborough bank. 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull, c50 Siskin along the north shore with 2 Redpoll Biggin Bay. In the roost a pale first/second winter Glaucous Gull (distant) and 3rd winter Caspian Gull (T Marlow) (B Hazell T Marlow R Mays M Phillips)
January 17th
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank and female Scaup off Lin Croft Point. Dunlin and Common Sandpiper in front of the Visitor Center and 3 Shelduck near the Inlet with 15 Brambling behind. c20 Goosander, 30+ Siskin, 2 juv Yellow-legged Gull, Jay and 2 Skylark. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
January 16th
Drake Smew near the Visitor Center. 1st winter Caspian Gull and second winter Med Gull early morning with c315 Great Blacked-backed Gull. 3 Brambling near the Inlet. 25 Goosander, 40 Pochard, c350 Lapwing Hensborough and Raven over. (R Mays D Cox)
January 15th
Drake Smew off Hensborough bank at dusk (earlier off Farborough bank) with Little Egret still on the small pool below Draycote Bank. Female Scaup Rainbow Corner (S Batt) with 400+ Lapwing near the Inlet. c100 Teal, 8 Gadwall, 2 Kestrel. Adult Med Gull in the roost. (J Judge T Marlow S Batt D Edwards)
January 14th
Drake Smew off Draycote Bank with Little Egret again on the pool below. Adult Iceland Gull in the roost (T Marlow M Willmott) . (T Marlow M Willmott S Batt)
January 11th
Little Egret again on the pool below Draycote Bank with Kingfisher there. Dunlin at the Inlet with 15 Brambling and a Tree Sparrow behind. Pink-footed Goose with 11 Greylag's flew North, 21 Goosander, Raven and Yellow-legged Gull consisted of 2 adult, 3rd winter and 2 2nd winter. (T Marlow R Mays)
January 10th
Drake Smew in Toft Bay then off Farborough bank. Little Egret and Kingfisher on pool below Draycote Bank, Pink-footed Goose with Greylag's near the Inlet with 12+ Brambling in a finch flock behind. (K Groocock S Batt)
January 9th
Drake Smew still off Farborough Bank. Little Egret. Siskin's Grays Barn.. (D C Edwards)
January 8th
Drake Smew still off Farborough Bank. Little Owl Alpaca Field. (A Horsley D C Edwards)
January 6th
Drake Smew still off Farborough Bank. A Pink-footed Goose with 12 Greylag's (probably the Church Lawford birds) at the Overflow. 20 Goosander, and 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull. 30 Siskin in Biggin Bay. (B Hazell D Hutton)
January 5th
Drake Smew still off Farborough Bank. (D Hutton)
January 4th
Drake Smew still off Farborough Bank. Female Merlin Lin Croft/Biggin Bay. Raven over, Kingfisher below Draycote Bank, 25 Siskin Grays Barn and 15 Dunns Bay. Adult Yellow-legged Gull. (S Batt)
January 3rd
Drake Smew still off Farborough Bank. Drake Pintail Dunn's Bay, Raven and Peregrine over. Little Owl in the Alpaca Field, adult Yellow-legged Gull in Toft, Kingfisher below Valve Tower, 30+ Siskin and 1 Redpoll Biggin Bay. (J Judge K Groocock S Batt J Wesson L Taylor)
January 2nd
Drake Smew off Farborough Bank with the Little Egret and 4 Barnacle Geese there. Kingfisher below the Valve Tower, Peregrine and Sparrowhawk over. (S Batt)
January 1st
Drake Smew reported off the "Dam" (per RBA) 4 Barnacle Geese still Farborough Spit with Greylag there and 3 Shoveler. Little Owl in the Alpaca Field, 3 Redpoll Toft and 20+ Siskin Grays Barn. (S Batt)
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