
2010 Records

The Sightings Page features records of any interesting sightings, scarce & rare visitors, migrant arrivals and high counts etc. It does not attempt to include every species present.
All records subject to acceptance.
Please email your sightings. Emails for 2010 = 459
December 31st
Drake Smew and 4 Barnacle Geese off Farborough. Bar-tailed Godwit and 2 Curlew over towards Grandborough Valley and Dunlin at the Inlet. At the Overflow were female Brambling with c30 Chaffinch. 42 female and 28 male Goosander at the Valve Tower. Kingfisher below Draycote Bank, 2 Raven, 2 Coal Tit, 20 Siskin. (R Mays D Cox S Batt)
December 30th
Drake Smew still at the Valve Tower with 24 Goosander there. The 4 Barnacle Geese on Farborough Bank with other wildfowl drake Pintail, 320 Wigeon, 12 Gadwall, 16 Shoveler, 36 Pochard and 6 Goldeneye. Adult |Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays D Cox)
December 28th
In the roost were adult Caspian Gull and adult Yellow-legged Gull. 4 Barnacle Geese at the Valve Tower per rangers.  (T Marlow)
December 26th
---Main gate closed---60 Goosander and Raven over with Bewick's Swan heard but not seen. (R Mays D Cox)
December 22nd
---Main gate closed---Drake Smew Biggin area with a Waxwing in Grays Barn. (R Mays)
December 21st
---Main gate closed---3 Curlew over Draycote Bank and 2 drake Shoveler Farborough with good numbers of Goosander still. (S Batt)
December 19th
December 18th
Drake Smew off Farborough bank with 67 Goosander Valve Tower area with Peregrine over. 4 Dunlin, Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail at the Inlet. (R Mays)
December 17th
Drake Smew off Farborough bank and 3 drake Shoveler. (S Batt)
December 15th
Drake Smew still off Farborough Bank with other wildfowl 50+ Goosander, c140 Wigeon, 80+ Pochard, 20+ Goldeneye and 5 Shoveler. 5 Dunlin near Lin Croft Point, Little Owl in the Alpaca field, Raven over and 150+ Cormorant. (A Anscomb K Groocock)
December 13th
Drake Smew off Farborough bank with 25 Goosander and 30 Gadwall there. Other wildfowl were 60 Pochard, c300 Wigeon, 40 Goldeneye, c500 Coot and 305 Great Crested Grebe. 7 Dunlin in Toft and 10 Siskin Toft Shallows. (R Mays D Cox)
December 10th
Adult and 2nd winter Yellow-legged Gull in the roost and Curlew over. (T Marlow)
December 9th
Drake Smew still near the Valve Tower. Sanderling off Hensborough bank with Dunlin Farborough Spit and Common Sandpiper Draycote Bank. 76 Goosander, 46 Gadwall, 60 Pochard, 200 Wigeon and 30+ Goldeneye. Adult and 3rd winter Yellow-legged Gull in Toft with 45 Red-legged Partridge viewed from Toft Bank, 2 Treecreeper near Valve Tower and Coal Tit Grays Barn. (R Mays B Hazell S Batt D Hutton)
December 8th
Drake Smew still near the Valve Tower with Sanderling and Dunlin near the Windsurfing area with further 2 Dunlin at the Inlet. (D Hutton K Groocock)
December 7th
Drake Smew at the Valve Tower. 3 Dunlin, 2 male Brambling, 11 Siskin, 87 Goosander at dusk and a Little Owl. 1st winter Iceland Gull in the roost. (R Mays B Duckhouse)
December 6th
Sanderling  and Dunlin near the Sailing Club shoreline. (D Hutton)
December 4th
Drake Smew still but moved to the Valve Tower. A Mealy Redpoll with 6 Redpoll near the Windsurfing Area. 6 Dunlin and 2 Raven. Other wildfowl were 80 Goosander, 340 Wigeon, 90 Pochard, 50 Gadwall, 10 Shoveler with c100 Cormorant. (R Mays D Cox)
December 3rd
The drake Smew still present with now 73 Goosander. Sanderling and Dunlin near the Windsurfing area and a Knot flew through. Adult Yellow-legged Gull.  (P Hyde via J Harris)
December 2nd
A Waxwing flew over Farborough Spit followed by another 58 which landed in trees near Thurlaston (R Mays) At first light 4 adult and 3 1st winter Yellow-legged Gull and 340 Great Black Backed Gull. 2 Knot feeding in Rainbow Corner (P Worthy) The drake Smew still off Farborough Bank with 5 Dunlin there, 3 Oystercatcher Grays Barn and 150 Golden Plover over west. 60+ Goosander and behind the Inlet were 23 Brambling, 3 Corn Bunting, 2 Tree Sparrow with many Chaffinch and Linnet. Little Owl in the Alpaca Field. In the roost were 1st winter Glaucous Gull and the first Iceland Gull of the year again a 1st winter (R Mays) (R Mays D McWilliams P Worthy)
December 1st
Drake Smew off Farborough bank with 30+ Goosander, and over 100 Wigeon. ( D McWilliams)
November 30th
Wildfowl consisted of 43 Goosander, female Pintail, 2 Shoveler and c100 Wigeon. 20 Brambling (mainly males) were in a distant flock of Chaffinch and Linnet with 5 Redpoll and a probable Mealy Redpoll near the pheasant feeders behind the Inlet. 11 Green Woodpecker around the reservoir were noteworthy with 5 Snipe below Hensborough bank. 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull, 11 Bullfinch, Peregrine, Kingfisher and 94 Cormorant. (R Mays B Hazell)
November 28th
A Redshank in Rainbow Corner and 2 male Brambling Dunns Bay. On the wildfowl front 32 Goosander (6 male) 35 Gadwall, 70 Pochard, 120 Teal, 25 Goldeneye and 90 Cormorant. In the roost a 1st winter Glaucous Gull and mobile female Smew. (R Mays) (R Mays D Cox)
November 27th
2 female Common Scoter still off the Inlet. In the roost were 4 adult and a 1st winter Yellow-legged Gull and a smart leucistic Black-headed Gull. (J Judge T Marlow)
November 26th
2 female Common Scoter still off the Inlet and Curlew in the field below Farborough Bank with 3 Snipe there. Male Brambling near Dunns Bay, 3 male Goosander and a Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
November 25th
A Twite heard calling over Toft Bay. 2 Whooper Swan flew west and the 2 female Common Scoter still present. The Curlew still in the field below Farborough bank and male Brambling Rainbow Corner with 225 Stock Dove there. Peregrine, 32 Siskin and 12 Redpoll. (R Mays)
November 23rd
The 2 female Common Scoter still off the Inlet, Golden Plover over, c150 Great Crested Grebe, 28 Pochard and 5 Goldcrest. (R Mays)
November 22nd
The 2 female Common Scoter still off the Inlet, 2 Dunlin Toft and the Curlew in the field below Farborough bank. 3 Redpoll and 3 small flocks of 6 Siskin along the north shore with a mixed flock of c150 Chaffinch and Goldfinch there. c200 Lapwing and in the roost 1 adult Yellow-legged Gull which presumably was the same bird present during the day and 2 adult Med Gull in Toft. (B Hazell T Marlow R Mays)
November 19th
The 2 female Common Scoter still off the Inlet and 2 Dunlin Grays Barn. Along the north shore were 2 male Brambling, c24 Siskin, a male Blackcap and 3 Bullfinch. Curlew in the field below Farborough bank, Raven and Sparrowhawk off Draycote Bank, 6 Goosander (2 male) adult Yellow-legged Gull, Kingfisher and 2 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell K Groocock)
November 18th
The 2 female Common Scoter still off the Inlet with a drake Pintail off Hensborough bank. 2 Dunlin Biggin Bay. 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull during the day with a 3rd winter in the roost. (B Hazell T Marlow)
November 16th
The 2 female Common Scoter still off the Inlet/Overflow area with 3 male and a female Red-crested Pochard in Biggin with another male off Hensborough bank. Rock Pipit along Farborough bank with Peregrine and Sparrowhawk Hensborough. Kingfisher below Draycote Bank. In the roost were sub adult Caspian Gull and 2 adult and 3rd winter Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge T Marlow B Hazell R Mays)
November 15th
The 2 female Common Scoter again off the Inlet and 4 Goosander (2 male). In the roost were 1st winter Caspian Gull and 4+ adult Yellow-legged Gull. 2 Snipe Toft and Raven Over. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow S Batt)
November 14th
7 Goosander (4 male), 10 Goldeneye, adult Yellow-legged Gull and 6 Long-tailed Tit (R Mays)
November 12th
2 female Common Scoter in the center whilst all the other duck seemed to have moved off with low numbers reported. 2 Jay and small numbers of Redpoll and Siskin along the north shore. (B Hazell T Marlow)
November 11th
Fly over Dark-bellied Brent Goose, Snow Bunting flew from Rainbow to the Picnic area and an adult Kittiwake. Redshank Draycote Bank, 5 Goosander and 13 Goldeneye. (R Mays)
November 10th
The first Glaucous Gull (1st winter) of the winter in the roost with 2 3rd winter Yellow-legged Gull. (T Marlow). Adult Yellow-legged Gull in Toft, 3 Shelduck, 7 Goosander, 15+ Meadow Pipit and 60+ Lapwing. (T Marlow B Hazell A Anscomb)
November 9th
2 Rock Pipit Farborough/Hensborough banks with at Least 10 Dunlin around the reservoir and Common Sandpiper Hensborough. 2 female Pintail, 6 Goosander (3 of each), 15 Goldeneye and 28 Pochard. 30+ Meadow Pipit Farborough bank, 5 Siskin and a Buzzard. (R Mays B Hazell K Groocock)
November 5th
Rock Pipit Farborough bank, Curlew and Raven over, 3 Siskin Toft. (T Marlow)
November 3rd
No sign of the Snow Bunting. Raven over the Golf Course, 25+ Meadow Pipit Farborough Bank, 25 Wigeon, 13 Pochard with Common Sandpiper and 50+ Lapwing. 4 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell A Anscomb)
November 2nd
A Snow Bunting initially seen by the Rangers then (F Farrington) was eventually re-located along Draycote Bank (R Mays B Hazell). Otherwise still very quiet with Common Sandpiper, Sparrowhawk, 400 Jackdaw, 3 Goldeneye and 4 Buzzard. (R Mays B Hazell T Marlow F Farrington B Duckhouse)
November 1st
A Scaup or hybrid was present off the Inlet. Otherwise just juv Yellow-legged Gull and Common Sandpiper. (B Hazell R Mays)
October 28th
The first Slavonian Grebe of the year off Draycote Bank. In the roost were adult Med Gull and Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays B Duckhouse)
October 27th
A Red Kite over the Alpaca Field before flying off towards the Visitor Center (F Thompson) Redshank Farborough Bank/Toft Shallows, Common Sandpiper at the Inlet and c70 Lapwing. c25 Meadow Pipit Farborough bank, 7 Goldeneye and a Sparrowhawk. (K Groocock A Anscomb F Thompson)
October 26th
Waterfowl were fem Goosander, Shelduck, 5 Gadwall ,5 Goldeneye and 16 Teal. Snipe in Toft and Kingfisher near the Inlet, 40 Meadow Pipit Farborough bank. Birds over were c500 Skylark, 15 Linnet, 67 Goldfinch, 230 Redwing and 120 Fieldfare. (R Mays)
October 25th
2 Whooper Swan. (RBA)
October 19th
A Snow Bunting flew over the Country Park (R Mays) Rock Pipit Draycote Bank with adult and juv Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays B Hazell)
October 17th
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay. 9 Pintail circled the reservoir, 5 Goldeneye and a Shoveler. Adult Yellow-legged Gull near the Inlet and 4 Buzzard. (K Groocock)
October 15th
Lesser Scaup in Toft Bay. Rock Pipit near the Hide and Wheatear near the Sewage Works. (R Mays)
October 14th
Lesser Scaup still off Hensborough bank. (RBA)
October 13th
Lesser Scaup again off Hensborough bank.20 Siskin Toft, adult Yellow-legged Gull Rainbow, 9 Meadow Pipit Farborough bank and 20 Lapwing Draycote Bank. (A Anscomb)
October 12th
Lesser Scaup along the north shore with Ringed Plover in Toft. Over the Country Park 45 Skylark, 24 Redwing and Raven. 3 Siskin Toft. (R Mays)
October 11th
Lesser Scaup still off Hensborough bank. Curlew Sandpiper and Rock Pipit Rainbow Corner. (RBA)
October 10th
Lesser Scaup still off Hensborough bank. 4 Dunlin and a Ringed Plover. Curlew Sandpiper reported per RBA. 2 House Martin over the Visitor Center. (D Hutton)
October 9th
Lesser Scaup again off Hensborough bank then in Toft Bay. Rock Pipit and Wheatear Farborough Bank with 2 Brambling south (1st records of the year R Mays), 30+ Redwing over with 7 Swallow and 3 House Martin. A Brent Goose flew into Toft at dusk and a Corn Bunting (1st record of the year R Mays) with 4 Yellowhammer near the Inlet. 3 Raven over and 2 Little Owl Toft. Adult winter Med Gull in roost. (R Mays D Hutton)
October 8th
Lesser Scaup still off Hensborough bank. A Little Egret flew into Toft c12.15. Ruff, 2 Common Sandpiper and a Ringed Plover in Biggin. Wheatear Toft Bank, 7 Shoveler and a female Goldeneye Toft. Adult and juv Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
October 7th
Lesser Scaup still off Hensborough bank then in Toft Bay. Ruff in Grays Barn. (K Groocock)
October 6th
Lesser Scaup still off Hensborough bank and Black Tern. (RBA
October 5th
Lesser Scaup still off Hensborough bank. A Curlew Sandpiper in Toft then later off Hensborough bank with 2 Dunlin and 5 Ringed Plover there, Ruff Biggin Bay and Common Sandpiper Toft. 9 Black Tern most of the day with a Red Kite (R Mays) over Rainbow Corner. 12 Golden Plover over, Kingfisher on the Fishing Pontoon, 2 Siskin over and 2 juv Yellow-legged Gull in the center. (R Mays B Hazell K Groocock)
October 4th
Lesser Scaup still off Hensborough bank. 3 Dunlin at the Overflow and 6 Ringed Plover near the Inlet. Adult and juv Yellow-legged Gull in the center. (B Hazell R Mays)
October 3rd
Lesser Scaup still off Hensborough bank. A Grey Plover over Farborough bank with Rock Pipit, Wheatear, 6 Yellow Wagtail and 6 Meadow Pipit there. Ruff, Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpiper and 6 Buzzard. (A Horsley A Archer C Potter)
October 2nd
Lesser Scaup off Hensborough Bank. Waders were Grey Plover near the Inlet, in Toft juv Curlew Sandpiper, 3 Dunlin and 12 Ringed Plover and along the north shore Ruff and Common Sandpiper. Along Farborough/Toft Banks Wheatear and 5 Yellow Wagtail. 7 Yellow-legged Gull (5 first winter and 2 adult) early morning. (R Mays S Preddy RBA)
October 1st
From the Visitor Center were Rock Pipit, Wheatear, 2 Yellow Wagtail and a Grey Wagtail. (R Mays D Cox)
September 30th
Lesser Scaup still off the Overflow. Ruff in Toft and presumed same later by the Inlet, Dunlin and 6 Ringed Plover by the Overflow. Female Pintail in the center, 3 Yellow Wagtail and 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull. 148 Skylark south, 2 Sparrowhawk and Kingfisher again off Draycote Bank. ( B Hazell R Mays T Marlow)
September 29th
The Lesser Scaup again near Windsurfing/Hensborough bank area. This evening fem/imm Common Scoter in the center, a Ruff, Dunlin, 4 Ringed Plover and 1st and 2nd winter Yellow-legged Gull. 8 Yellow Wagtail and c40 Meadow Pipit.  (T Marlow R Mays P & L Price)
September 28th
The drake Lesser Scaup near the Windsurfing/Hensborough bank area. Juv Black Tern with Dunlin Toft Bank 5 Ringed Plover there with a further 9 over and 1 at the Overflow. Golden Plover over. Along Farborough bank were 12 Yellow Wagtail, 40 Meadow Pipit and 2 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays)
September 27th
Only report today Great Skua. (R Mays)
September 26th
Drake Lesser Scaup in the center of the reservoir then Toft Bay/Lin Croft Point. 12 Yellow Wagtail and 40 Meadow Pipit Farborough bank with 24 Skylark south, female Pintail, 2nd winter Yellow-legged Gull and Common Sandpiper. (R Mays D Cox M Hall)
September 25th
The drake Lesser Scaup was in Toft Bay late afternoon but was not present there in the morning. An imm Gannet flew west over the Country Park (J Judge) but did not stop. Dunlin and 4 Ringed Plover by the Overflow, several Yellow Wagtail, Meadow Pipit and Skylark along Farborough bank early morning with 14 of the latter over the Country Park. Peregrine over the Country Park, adult Yellow-legged Gull near the Inlet, 2 Raven and Kingfisher again on the small pool below Draycote Bank. (J Judge M Yapp B Duckhouse B Hazell K Groocock)
September 24th
A drake Lesser Scaup was seen in Rainbow Corner late afternoon (T Marlow) before flying towards Biggin Bay. This could be the returning bird first seen in 2007 and its preferred area was Toft Bay.  5 Dunlin and 6 Ringed Plover near the Overflow with Wheatear and Kingfisher below Draycote Bank. 20+ Yellow Wagtail along Farborough bank and a Hobby off Toft Bank. (T Marlow B Hazell)
September 23rd
Terns recorded during the day were 5 Black (4 juv) 2 Sandwich, 3 juv Arctic and 14 Common. 5 Dunlin and 6 Ringed Plover near the Overflow. 20+ Yellow Wagtail below Farborough Bank, Goosander, 2 Raven, Common Sandpiper and a high count of 17 Greylag's. (B Hazell T Marlow)
September 22nd
No sign of Black-necked Grebe. 8+ Black Tern off the Inlet mid morning till 1pm at least with 5 Common Tern. 9 Dunlin flew over near the Inlet with 20+ Yellow Wagtail and 12+ Meadow Pipit Farborough bank. Goosander at Toft Bank and 75+ Lapwing around the reservoir. Sparrowhawk Toft and still small numbers of Swallow and House Martin. (A Anscomb)
Of interest a Cormorant recovery as follows--52302730 pulli 26/06/06 Sands of Forvie Scotland found dead Draycote 24/02/09 movement 558km (C Potter)
September 21st
The Black-necked Grebe still present though now distant. 3 Dunlin still with 12 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank. Hobby and 15 Buzzard together with possibly 33 through. (R Mays)
September 20th
A Black-necked Grebe was off Hensborough bank this morning (D Jones) and showed well. Waders were 3 Dunlin and 4 Ringed Plover. Goosander still off Draycote Bank and 11 Yellow Wagtail and 14 Meadow Pipit Farborough bank. Hobby and Raven over (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow D Jones D Hutton B Duckhouse)
September 19th
2 Redshank, 3 Dunlin and 8 Yellow Wagtail. (R Mays D Cox)
September 18th
Sanderling and 2 Dunlin in Toft with Common Sandpiper. Farborough bank had 2 Wheatear, 5 Yellow Wagtail and 12 Meadow Pipit. Egyptian Goose and Shelduck still. (R Mays)
September 17th
Waders today were 4 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover and 5 Common Sandpiper. Egyptian Goose and Shelduck still present with 3 Wheatear and Hobby. In the roost were 11 adult, 2 second winter and 6 juv Yellow-legged Gull and an adult Med Gull. (T Marlow T Brindley R Mays D Edwards)
September 16th
Waders today were Redshank near the Overflow with Ringed Plover there. 2 Dunlin Toft and 5 Common Sandpiper. 2 Wheatear and 8 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank, Egyptian Goose near the Fishing Pontoons and juv Shelduck still Grays Barn. Hobby and Raven over with at least 1 Swift still. Yellow-legged Gull were 2 juv, a fist winter and 3 adults. (B Hazell T Marlow "Sid" M Adkins)
September 15th
Juv Little Gull again briefly in the morning off Farborough bank. Black Tern and Common Tern in the afternoon with Wheatear and 6 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank. Juv Ringed Plover near the Overflow, juv Shelduck Gray's Barn with 2 Common Sandpiper there. 3rd year Yellow-legged Gull and surprise of the morning with a Cockatiel flying over the Visitor Center and out over Farborough bank. (J Judge R Mays B Hazell T Marlow)
September 14th
A Knot was near the Inlet before flying off north, juv Black Tern and juv Little Gull. 2 juv Ringed Plover at the Overflow with 2 Wheatear near the Sailing Club and another Farborough Bank. Egyptian Goose near Rainbow, juv Shelduck Gray's Barn and 2 Hobby Draycote Bank. 10 Yellow Wagtail Toft/Farborough bank with 12 Meadow Pipit there, 2 Raven and 2nd winter Yellow-legged Gull. (T Marlow B Hazell R Mays)
September 13th
3 Black Tern including the near adult summer bird with 4 juv Common Tern. Turnstone flew to the Fishing Pontoons with Greenshank over, Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper in Toft. Juv Hobby near the Sailing Club, Egyptian Goose near the Fishing Pontoons, juv Shelduck Toft and several Buzzard. (J Judge T Marlow)
September 12th
5 Black Tern mobile around the reservoir. Goosander still at the Inlet and juv Shelduck Toft. Farborough bank had 7 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Grey Wagtail and 6 Meadow Pipit with 5 Ringed Plover Hensborough bank and Common Sandpiper Grays Barn. 6 Swift and a Tawny Owl heard near Draycote Village. (J D & P Hall R Mays D Cox)
September 9th
6 Black Tern, juv Bar-tailed Godwit near the Windsurfing car park and Kittiwake off Farborough bank. (R Mays)
September 10th
No Sign of the Red-necked Phalarope. 8 Black Tern including an adult in near summer plumage, Ruff at the Overflow with 4 Ringed Plover Hensborough bank and Common Sandpiper Biggin. Wheatear along Farborough bank, juv Shelduck Grays Barn, 6 Yellow Wagtail, 4 Grey Wagtail with 2 adult 1 juv and a second winter Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow D Cox C Potter)
September 9th
Red-necked Phalarope still in the morning (T Brindley). 4 Black Tern, 4 Little Gull, Nuthatch in Toft Shallows, 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull, Little Ringed Plover, 3 Ringed Plover, 7 Dunlin, Redshank, Greenshank, Wheatear and 2 Swift. (R Mays T Brindley)
September 8th
The Red-necked Phalarope still present though again distant, still at dusk off Draycote Bank. Little Tern for most of the day but no sign in the evening. 2 juv Little Gull and Sandwich Tern, 8 Black Tern  in the evening. Hensborough Bank had Little Ringed Plover, 5 Ringed Plover and Dunlin. Goosander still near the Valve Tower, juv Shelduck Gray's Barn, Wheatear Farborough bank, Spotted Flycatcher Country Park and 3 Hobby again. 6+ Yellow Wagtail, 5 Adult and 8+ Yellow-legged Gull and Common Sandpiper in Toft. (R Mays B Hazell R Knightbridge M Yapp RBA)
September 7th
A Red-necked Phalarope seen from c9.am (R Mays) till 7.35pm at least but mostly based itself in the middle of the reservoir. It was seen briefly off Draycote Bank. This is the second record for Draycote, the first (August 26th 2000) though seen by competent birders did not make it into the West Mids report. The first Sandwich Tern of the year (T Marlow) was joined by an Arctic and 6 Black Tern, 2 Common Tern and a juv Little Gull in the evening.  A Grey Plover flew over and other waders were 3 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpiper. 3 Wheatear and several Yellow Wagtail along the banks, 14 Buzzard, Hobby, 2 Raven and a juv Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge R Mays B Hazell T Marlow D Hutton M Doughty T Southgate B Duckhouse T Perrins)
September 5th
Juv Curlew Sandpiper still Hensborough Bank with 4 Little Stint early morning only, Little Ringed Plover, 5 Dunlin and 7 Ringed Plover. 3 Little Gull in the center with 2 Black Tern (7+ in evening), 2 Common Tern and juv Peregrine. Still plenty of Yellow Wagtail around. (R Mays K Groocock D Hutton)
September 4th
Juv Curlew Sandpiper still Hensborough bank with 4 Dunlin and 6 Ringed Plover. Juv Black Tern Toft in the afternoon whilst early morning there were 3 Pintail and a Little Owl Toft Shallows. 3 Hobby near adult Yellow-legged Gull and 33 Long-tailed Tit (3 flocks) (R Mays)
September 3rd
Hensborough Bank had juv Curlew Sandpiper, Sanderling, Ruff, 4 Dunlin, 10 Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper. Goosander still near the Valve Tower, Shelduck Biggin, Egyptian Goose off Farborough bank, 11 Yellow Wagtail, Raven Over and adult and 3rd year Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell T Marlow M Hall)
September 2nd
4 Little Egret early morning along the north shore then flushed by walkers. Juv Garganey near the Inlet early morning. Hensborough bank waders still had 4 Curlew Sandpiper (1 adult), Sanderling, 6 Dunlin, 8 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpiper. 2 Green Sandpiper Toft early morning with a Curlew over. Nuthatch again calling below Farborough bank.  Red Kite behind the Valve Tower/Inlet seen 3x early morning, Hobby over the Country Park,  Goosander still near the Valve Tower with 10 Wigeon there with Egyptian Goose and juv Shelduck in Toft. 27 Yellow Wagtail around, Wheatear along Farborough bank and Saddle Bank, Spotted Flycatcher Toft, 2 Treecreeper in Toft, Common Tern, adult and juv Yellow-legged Gull and 2 Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell D Hutton A Anscomb R Mays)
September 1st
Waders continue to be along Hensborough bank with 4 Curlew Sandpiper, Sanderling, Ruff, 3 Dunlin, 10 Ringed Plover and 7 Common Sandpiper around the reservoir. Goosander still near the Valve Tower and Toft had Egyptian Goose and juv Shelduck. 10 Yellow Wagtail, Common Tern (ringed bird), 2 adult an 2 juv Yellow-legged Gull and 2 Spotted Flycatcher in Biggin. In the roost adult Caspian Gull, Med Gull and 5 adult Yellow-legged Gull (B Hazell D Hutton R Mays)
August 31st
2 Little Egret still mobile on the north shore. Nuthatch near the Rainbow/Inlet area and another/same below Farborough bank. Waders today Sanderling (Hensborough), Ruff (Inlet) 3 Little Ringed Plover (Inlet), 2 Green Sandpiper and Greenshank over, 6 Ringed Plover (Hensborough), 3 Dunlin (Inlet), and 3 Common Sandpiper. Juv Shelduck at the Inlet with the Goosander still Valve Tower and Egyptian Goose Toft. 2 Wheatear Draycote Bank, 14 Yellow Wagtail, 4 Grey Wagtail. Adult Yellow-legged Gull, 4 Sparrowhawk and 12 Blackcap. (B Hazell K Groocock R Knightbridge)
August 30th
3 Little Egret Gray's Barn. Waders at Hensborough were Sanderling, 3 Turnstone, Dunlin, 8 Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper. 7 Yellow Wagtail and the Egyptian Goose below Farborough bank. Still 30+ Swift with the large hirundine flock. (D Hutton M Phillips M Doughty)
August 29th
3 Little Egret Gray's Barn. 3 juv Sanderling late afternoon in Toft (A Curran) with other waders 2 Turnstone (Farborough), 2 Little Ringed Plover (Hensborough), 8 Ringed Plover (4 Hensborough + 4 flew over same time), 3 Dunlin (Sailing Club) and 2 Common Sandpiper (Hensborough). Goosander still at the Valve Tower, 3 Hobby (2 adult + juv), 7 Yellow Wagtail, adult Yellow-legged Gull and Common Tern. Large Hirundine flock had 30+ Swift,c70 Sand Martin, c200 Swallow and c500 House Martin. A Tree Sparrow was behind the Inlet. (J D & P Hall D Hutton A Curran)
August 28th
Still at least 2 Little Egret present. Waders were 2 Turnstone, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover and 2+ Common Sandpiper. Wheatear, Hobby mobbed by a Kestrel and 2 Common Tern. (J Judge M Hall)
August 27th
4 Little Egret again Toft area. Again an excellent day for waders with Knot (Inlet), Black-tailed Godwit (Biggin), 3 Turnstone ( 2 Hensborough 1 Farborough), 2 Whimbrel flew over south west, 5 Dunlin (3 Toft 2 Farborough), 3 Little Ringed Plover (Hensborough), 5 Ringed Plover (Hensborough), 3 Redshank (Biggin) and c9 Common Sandpiper. Goosander still near the Valve Tower, Egyptian Goose Toft, 3 Yellow Wagtail, 8 Common Tern (2 juv), 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull and a Wheatear Draycote Bank. (B Hazell D Hutton R Mays)
August 26th
3 Little Egret still Toft area. Green Sandpiper again briefly in Toft before flying off east with Hensborough bank waders 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, Dunlin and 5+ Common Sandpiper around the reservoir. Egyptian Goose still in Toft and Goosander at the Valve Tower. 4 juv Yellow Wagtail, 50+ Swift with many hirundines including 100+ Sand Martin. Adult Yellow-legged Gull and 2 Common Tern. (B Hazell R Mays K Groocock)
August 25th
4 Little Egret in Toft. 1st Year Little Gull flew from Hensborough bank towards the Sailing Club. The Green Sandpiper Toft then flew off east at c9.15am, Hensborough bank had Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, 3 Dunlin with 8 Common Sandpiper around the reservoir. 20+ Yellow Wagtail (mainly juv) Farborough Bank, Egyptian Goose flew from Fields below Farborough Spit, Peregrine, 5 Raven and 2 Common Tern. (B Hazell R Mays B Andrew)
August 24th
3 Little Egret still mobile along the northern shoreline. The first Green Sandpiper of the year in Toft, with most waders leaving just 2 juv Little Ringed Plover and a Dunlin along Hensborough bank. 4 Yellow Wagtail and a 3rd summer Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell)
August 23rd
3 Little Egret still along the northern shoreline. Waders still along Hensborough Bank were Ruff, 4 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin, Ringed Plover and 6 Common Sandpiper. 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Common Tern with Goosander and Wigeon off the Inlet. 10 Swift with 50+ Sand Martin in a large hirundine flock. (B Hazell)
August 22nd
At least 1 Little Egret still present. Hensborough Bank was still the place for waders with adult and juv Turnstone, Ruff, 2 Redshank, 2 Dunlin, 3 Little Ringed Plover (2 adult), 13 Ringed Plover (8adult), 8 Common Sandpiper and the Egyptian Goose there. Goosander still at the Inlet and Wigeon.4 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Common Tern Rainbow Corner. Also Raven over and 1 Swift, 50+ Sand Martin and 20+ Swallow (J D & P Hall R Mays D Cox C Day)
August 20th
2 Little Egret still Toft. Waders continue to build up with this evening with along Hensborough bank adult and juv Turnstone, 2 Dunlin, 5 Ringed Plover, Ruff and 9 Common Sandpiper. 3 juv Little Ringed Plover by the Inlet also there Goosander, Wheatear and 3 Yellow Wagtail with a Whimbrel on the grassy bank near the Valve Tower. The roost produced 7 adult,2 3rd winter and 3 juv Yellow-legged Gull, juv Med Gull, juv Little Gull, 2 juv Black Tern and 3 Common Tern. (R Mays)
August 19th
2 Little Egret still along the north shore. Hensborough Bank had 2 Ruff, 3 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin, 9 Ringed Plover and 6 Common Sandpiper. 5 Yellow Wagtail along Hensborough bank, juv Little Gull, 2 Common Tern, Goosander still off the Inlet and 3 Pochard Rainbow Corner. Another ringed gull was seen with a juv Black-headed Gull ringed in Germany. (B Hazell M Silverman)
August 18th
Rarest bird of the day was a Nuthatch (R Mays) behind the Valve Tower area also there were Treecreeper, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, 7 Bullfinch, 2 Jay and two tit flocks which included 21 Great, 11 Blue, 2 Coal, and 24 Long-tailed. 3 Little Egret still Gray's Barn with waders at the Inlet 3 Greenshank and 2 Redshank, Hensborough bank 2 juv Little Ringed Plover, 3 adult and 2 juv Ringed Plover, 2 juv Dunlin and 6 Common Sandpiper. A Wheatear along Farborough Bank and in the field below with same/other off Draycote Bank. Goosander still at the Inlet with Yellow Wagtails on Farborough bank and Hensborough bank and 2 Common Tern. A Great Black Backed Gull in Toft was seen to have a colour ring on from Norway. (B Hazell R Mays A Anscomb D Ludlow)
August 17th
3 Little Egret still around the Toft/Gray's Barn area. Waders were 2 juv Little Ringed Plover at the Overflow, Dunlin with 2 adult and 2 juv Ringed Plover Hensborough Bank, 6 Common Sandpiper  and 2 mobile Oystercatcher. Goosander still at the Inlet with 2 juv Yellow Wagtail Farborough Spit 4 adult and juv Common Tern and c20 Swift. (B Hazell R Mays)
August 16th
3 Little Egret still Gray's Barn with 2 Greenshank early morning flew from Toft to Rainbow Corner. At the Overflow there were juv Little Ringed Plover, ad and juv Ringed Plover and Dunlin. The Goosander was still off Draycote Bank, 5 Common Sandpiper around the reservoir. Spotted Flycatcher Toft with 8 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank and a further 5 around the site. 4 Common Tern Hensborough Bank. In the roost juv Little Gull and 11 Yellow-legged Gull (K Groocock A Temple C Potter R Mays)
August 15th
A moulting adult Knot flew over Farborough Spit and landed along Toft Bank (R Knightbridge) Turnstone and Ringed Plover along Farborough bank with Little Ringed Plover and Golden Plover at the Inlet, 2 Dunlin at the Overflow and 6 Common Sandpiper and Goosander at the Valve Tower with a Yellow Wagtail there. 3 Little Egret Gray's Barn and Little Owl near the Alpaca field. 4 Spotted Flycatcher, Egyptian Goose still in Toft in front of the hide and 2 Common Tern. (J Judge R Knightbridge D Hutton R Mays D Cox A Temple)
August 14th
A Grey Plover this evening flew from the Inlet to the Windsurfing area and may have landed. 2 Little Egret still in Toft with a Snipe there. Juv Little Ringed Plover at the Inlet with 2 Dunlin and 6 Common Sandpiper. Juv Wheatear near the Valve Tower, Spotted Flycatcher Biggin Bay, adult and juv Yellow-legged Gull and 2 Common Tern. (R Mays)
August 13th
2 Little Egret still present with Little Ringed Plover, 4 Dunlin, 5 Common Sandpiper, juv Yellow-legged Gull and 2 Common Tern. (D Ludlow)
August 12th
Ruff still near the Inlet with 2 Dunlin and Goosander. 2 Little Egret in Toft with 2 female Shoveler and a Shelduck. 2 adult and a juv Yellow-legged Gull and 4 Common Tern. (R Mays)
August 11th
The Ruff still present mainly along Draycote Bank. 2 Little Egret again in Toft and Goosander near the Valve Tower. 2 Dunlin by the Overflow. 5 Common Sandpiper mainly in Toft with 14 Lapwing there. 3rd summer and juv Yellow-legged Gull by the Fishing Pontoons and 5 Common Tern. In the evening till dawn the Quail heard again with Barn, Tawny and amazingly only the second Little Owl sighting of the year for Draycote (R Mays). (A Anscomb M Brendan)
August 10th
A Ruff was new for the year near the Overflow with 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin and 8 Common Sandpiper. An Osprey caught a fish and flew west down the Leam valley. Goosander and Egyptian Goose still present and 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays)
August 8th
A Quail was heard calling twice in fields behind the Inlet at c7:15am. Goosander still by the Inlet with 2 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Dunlin and 5 Common Sandpiper around the Overflow Draycote Bank area. Little Egret along Draycote Bank and 5 Common Tern. (R Mays D Cox J & P Hall)
August 6th
2 juv Little Ringed Plover still at the Overflow with 3 Dunlin and a Common Sandpiper. A Greenshank off the Inlet in the evening. (D Hutton R Mays)
August 5th
2 juv Little Ringed Plover at the Overflow with 3 Dunlin there and 6 Common Sandpiper around the reservoir. The Goosander near the Inlet and Egyptian Goose in Toft with 2 Sparrowhawk there. 2 adult and a 3rd summer Yellow-legged Gull and 3 Common Tern. (B Hazell M Doughty)
August 4th
1 juv Little Ringed Plover still with a Dunlin along Toft Bank and 5 Common Sandpiper. Egyptian Goose still in Toft and 2 Common Tern near the Fishing Pontoons. At least 5 adult and 5 juv Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell D Hutton)
August 3rd
3 juv Little Ringed Plover Rainbow Corner and the Goosander still near the Valve Tower. Juv Yellow Wagtail near the Visitor Center with 6 Common Sandpiper, 5 Common Tern. 3rd summer and juv Yellow-legged Gull again near the Fishing Pontoons. 2 Raven and Hobby over.  A Red-legged Partridge along Hensborough Bank with 2 more calling in fields below. (B Hazell R Mays)
August 2nd
A female/imm Goosander near the Valve Tower was an odd record for August. 2 Little Ringed Plover near the Overflow and 6+ Common Sandpiper around the reservoir. The Egyptian Goose remains in Toft near the Hide with 4 Common Tern nearby. Raven over with 3rd summer and juv Yellow-legged Gull  near the Fishing Pontoons. (J Judge B Hazell R Mays F Farrington)
August 1st
The Sanderling again present along Toft Bank and Shallows with an excellent count of 20 Tree Sparrow off Farborough Bank (last year only single birds were seen for one day in March and September.) 10+ Yellow Wagtail mostly juv birds, 4 Common Sandpiper, 2 Common Tern and a sub adult Yellow-legged Gull. (D Hutton)

July 31st
A Sanderling along Toft Bank was eventually flushed off by a Kestrel when it flew to Grays Barn area. Hobby present with 6+ Common Sandpiper, Yellow Wagtail, Oystercatcher and 6 Common Tern. At least 5 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (D Hutton)
July 30th
2 Little Egret, waders present were Little Ringed Plover by the Overflow, Dunlin near the Windsurfing car park and 12+ Common Sandpiper around the reservoir and 3 Oystercatcher. Egyptian Goose still in Toft with 4 Common Tern In the roost were 1st summer Little Gull, moulting adult summer Med Gull and Yellow-legged Gull (14 adult, 7 3rd summer and 5 juv). (B Hazell R Mays)
July 29th
2 Little Egret still along the northern shore with the 1st summer Little Gull. Egyptian Goose and Dunlin in Toft, 7 Common Sandpiper, 2 juv Yellow-legged Gull, 5 Common Tern and 4 Yellow Wagtail near the Fishing Pontoons. 13 adult Yellow-legged Gull and a juv Med Gull in a field below Farborough Bank in the evening. (B Hazell R Knightbridge)
July 28th
2 Little Egret still present with the Egyptian Goose still in Toft. Dunlin and 6 Common Sandpiper mainly on the northern shore. 1st summer Little Gull still and Yellow-legged Gulls were 9 adult, 4th year, 3rd year and 14 juv birds. Raven over and 3 Common Tern. (R Mays A Anscomb)
An adult summer plumage Sabine's Gull was seen in amongst a few Lesser Black Backs in the middle of the reservoir before flying into Toft Bay then out again and low North (R Mays B Hazell) Adult Sanderling near the Fishing Pontoons. Toft held Egyptian Goose, 2 Dunlin, 2 Little Egret and 2 Common Sandpiper. 5 Common Tern present and 2 Little Gull (adult and 1st summer) the latter being seen in the roost with at least 20 adult Yellow-legged Gull many on or around the boats near the Fishing Pontoons, where they can often be seen during the day, a rare site at Draycote to see their yellow legs.  (J Judge B Hazell R Mays)
July 26th
A drake Common Scoter off Draycote Bank and later Grays Barn. 2 Little Egret still and 3 Dunlin. Egyptian Goose still in Toft with an adult and juv Raven over. 3 Common Sandpiper, 2 Common Tern and adult male Peregrine. Yellow-legged Gulls present through the day were at least 3 adult, 1 second year and a juv. (T Marlow B Hazell R Mays J Coleman)
July 25th
A 1st summer Little Gull (still present in the evening) in Toft with the Egyptian Goose still present there. The 2 Common Tern still on the Fishing Pontoons with 3 Common Sandpiper around the reservoir. Family party's of Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat. In the evening 6 moulting summer plumage adult Black-tailed Godwit (T Marlow) flew through W/SW, a moulting adult Med Gull and at least 14 Yellow-legged Gull (6 adult, 3 3rd years, 3 2nd years and 2 juv) (J D & P Hall T Marlow)
July 23rd
The first Black-tailed Godwit for the year an adult summer plumaged bird in Toft briefly in the morning (K Groocock) The 2 Little Egret along the north shore in either Biggin Bay or Gray's Barn with at least 6 Common Sandpiper. 3 Dunlin along Farborough bank with the Egyptian Goose still in Toft. A pristine juv Med Gull in the afternoon in front of the hide and at least 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull in the center mid afternoon with 4 there and the juv Med in the roost late evening. 2 Common Tern (1 ringed) on the Fishing Pontoon. 2 Whimbrel over late evening. (J Judge K Groocock B Hazell R Mays)
July 22nd
2 Little Egret in Biggin Bay. A mobile Oystercatcher and 5 Common Sandpiper in Toft with the Egyptian Goose still present there. 2 Common Tern on the Fishing Pontoons one with a colour ring (red on right leg with BTO ring and white on left leg) and 2 Yellow Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays)
July 20th
2 Little Egret Biggin Bay with 3 adult and a second year Yellow-legged Gull. 5 Common Sandpiper along the northern shore with the now long staying Egyptian Goose in Toft. 4 Common Tern. (B Hazell R Mays)
July 19th
The Little Egret this evening roosting in Toft with adult Yellow-legged Gull and Common Tern off Farborough bank. 1+ Common Sandpiper still and 5 Green Woodpecker near the northern shore. (B Hazell R Mays D Edwards)
July 18th
The Little Egret still near the Overflow. Greenshank flew over and 9 Common Sandpiper in Toft near the hide with a pale bird amongst them. 6+ Yellow-legged Gull with 5+ adult birds 4 of them on the boats in front of the Fishing Pontoons at dusk. (J Judge)
July 16th
Little Egret between the Overflow and Rainbow Corner. 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull of Farborough bank with 2 Common Tern on the Fishing Pontoons. Hobby off Hensborough Bank with a Common Sandpiper at the Overflow. (K Groocock)
July 15th
Still 1 Little Egret on the north shore with 4 Common Sandpiper in Toft. Male Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell R Mays)
July 13th
3 Little Egret present along the northern shore (2 Grays Barn and 1 between Biggin and Dunns Bay) with 5+ Common Sandpiper. Egyptian Goose near the Fishing Pontoons and an adult Yellow-legged Gull. 2 Common Tern. (B Hazell R Mays)
July 12th
2 Little Egret still and an adult Yellow-legged Gull. Juv Little Ringed Plover Draycote Bank with still 5+ Common Sandpiper around the reservoir. (K Groocock)
July 11th
2 Little Egret, Redshank, Ringed Plover and 5+ Common Sandpiper on the north shore with Common Tern off Farborough Bank. (D Hutton)
July 10th
2 Wood Sandpiper in Dunn's Bay with now 3 Little Egret in Biggin Bay. Egyptian Goose Gray's Barn with Ringed Plover there and several Common Sandpiper along the northern shore. Common Tern, 2 Stock Dove, 2 Yellowhammer and drake Shoveler. (A Horsley)
July 9th
2 Little Egret in Toft with the Egyptian Goose there. Little Ringed Plover in Rainbow Corner and 2 Yellow Wagtail Draycote Bank. 7 Common Tern with 8 Common Sandpiper Toft. (B Hazel)
July 5th
The Egyptian Goose still present near the Picnic area/Hensborough Bank. Juv Yellow Wagtail near the Wind Surfing car park and a pair of Pochard in Toft. (B Hazell)
June 23rd
2 Barn Owls over the Country Park early morning, 3 Yellow Wagtail and a Common Tern. (R Mays)
June 17th
Egyptian Goose still and Common Tern through. (B Hazell R Mays)
June 15th
Egyptian Goose still present. (B Hazell)
June 12th
Egyptian Goose still present. (R Mays)
June 11th
The Egyptian Goose mobile around the reservoir today. (B Hazell)
June 9th
The Egyptian Goose still present near the Visitor Center with 1 Yellow Wagtail there. (B Hazell)
June 8th
A Red Kite was seen flying south off Draycote Bank and a mobile female Common Scoter present. 2+ Yellow Wagtail, juv Grey Wagtail and the drake Pochard still. (B Hazell R Mays)
June 7th
Egyptian Goose still present and reported to have been at Draycote since Thursday 3rd. Oystercatcher (with metal ring) on the Fishing Pontoons with 2 juv Yellow Wagtail nearby. Drake Pochard still in Toft. (B Hazell R Mays)
June 5th
Draycote's 3rd record of Egyptian Goose seen near the Sailing Club/Windsurfing areas.Cuckoo calling near the Sewage Works this evening. (F Thompson N Waters D Knapp)
June 2nd
8 Yellow Wagtail (2 juv) and an unseasonal drake Pochard. (B Hazell)
June 1st
Just 1 Common Tern and 1 Yellow Wagtail. Hirundines were 400 Swift, 100 Swallow, 100 House Martin and a Sand Martin (R Mays)
May 31st
A Barn Owl below Draycote Bank early morning with a female Common Scoter off Rainbow Corner. Spotted Flycatcher Biggin Bay (R Mays)
May 30th
1st Greenshank of the year with 2 Dunlin, 4 Common Tern and 2 Yellow Wagtail (R Mays)
May 28th
Sanderling and Dunlin between Farborough Bank and the Sailing Club. (D Dickson)
May 27th
No sign of the Black-necked Grebes just 2 Common Tern, 2 Yellow Wagtail and an Oystercatcher. (B Hazell)
May 26th
2 Black-necked Grebes in Biggin Bay (D Dickson) were new for the year and showed well. 3 Yellow Wagtail and Common Tern. (D Dickson B Hazell R Mays)
May 25th
Just 4 Yellow Wagtail of note (R Mays B Hazell)
May 23rd
2 Whimbrel and an Oystercatcher (R Mays D Cox)
May 21st
2 Black Tern (R Mays)
May 19th
Common Sandpiper near the Windsurfing Area with Gadwall and Mallard with young still in Toft. (A Anscomb)
May 18th
Drake Garganey still Toft. Ringed Plover flew over with Wheatear, 4 Yellow and 2 Grey Wagtail. Worth keeping an eye on the Mallard young around Toft as at least 1 seems to be paired with a drake Gadwall. (R Mays)
May 15th
Garganey still commuting from Toft to Rainbow Corner. Probably the rarest bird of the year was a Turtle Dove over Toft Shallows (last seen in July 2008 the sole record for that year). Wheatear and 5 Yellow Wagtail. (R Mays)
May 13th
Drake Garganey in Rainbow Corner till flushed by a maintenance crew. Whimbrel was the best wader with Dunlin, Oystercatcher and Common Sandpiper. Shelduck and drake Shoveler. Wheatear and 4+ Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank. 2 Raven over. (B Hazell R Mays)
May 12th
Redshank Draycote/Hensborough Bank with Common Sandpiper Toft Bank. Wheatear, 7 Yellow Wagtail and Little Owl. (B Hazell A Anscomb)
May 11th
1+ Garganey still present and 2 Curlew Sandpiper reported in Toft (per RBA) The first Spotted Flycatcher of the year was in the Country Park. 3 Arctic Tern, 3 Yellow Wagtail and Common Sandpiper. (B Hazell R Mays M Phillips)
May 10th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver and the drake Garganey off Draycote Bank. 2 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank. (B Hazell)
May 9th
Great Northern Diver still and drake Garganey in Toft. The first Osprey of the year circled the reservoir 3 times before heading north with Hobby present. 6 Yellow Wagtail. (R Mays D Cox)
May 8th
Sanderling near the Windsurfing Area in the morning (R Mays) Drake Garganey in Toft and 4 Whimbrel east at c11.40. 3 Arctic Tern, c3000 Swift and hundreds of Swallow present. (J Judge R Mays)
May 7th
Great Northern Diver in Toft with 6 Arctic Tern in the afternoon. Wheatear and 11 Yellow Wagtail. (R Mays D Cox)
May 6th
2 Great Northern Diver still and drake Garganey. 2 Wheatear and 4 Yellow Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays)
May 5th
At least 1 Great Northern Diver still with the drake Garganey in Gray's Barn then flew to Hensborough Bank. 2 Wheatear, 3+ Yellow Wagtail, 2 Common Sandpiper, Shelduck and Shoveler. (B Hazell)
May 4th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver present and the drake Garganey between the Valve Tower and Biggin Bay. The first Hobby of the year, 2 Wheatear Farborough Bank, Oystercatcher over. 4 Yellow and 1 White Wagtail with c600 Swift. (B Hazell R Mays K Groocock)
May 3rd
Great Northern Diver still and drake Garganey in Toft. 30 Yellow Wagtail reported per RBA.
May 2nd
Great Northern Diver still with the first Turnstone of the year through early morning. 9 Dunlin, 14 Arctic Tern, female Wheatear and Yellow Wagtail (P Hyde via J Harris)
May 1st
Great Northern Diver still with 2 Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank. 2 Common Tern and Shelduck. (S Batt)
April 30th
Still at least 1 Great Northern Diver present with 4 Wheatear and 3 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank. Common Tern and 5 Shelduck in Toft with a drake Shoveler. (B Hazell)
April 29th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver and 1+ drake Garganey very flighty. Male Wheatear and 3 Yellow Wagtail along Farborough Bank. 2 Common Tern, Shelduck, Shoveler and 1+ Common Sandpiper. (B Hazell R Mays)
April 28th
The 2 Great Northern Divers still present. Drake Garganey again off Hensborough Bank with another in Toft Bay (both seen together in Toft am) 4 Wheatear (3 Farborough Bank 1 Barn Bank) 4 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank, 3 Common Tern and a Common Sandpiper near the Sailing Club. 4 drake Shoveler Biggin and Shelduck Dunn's Bay. (B Hazell A Anscomb P & L Price)
April 26th
2 Great Northern Diver still present. Curlew over Hensborough Bank, male Wheatear Farborough Bank and 2 Yellow Wagtail Toft Bank. 2 Common Tern and a Shelduck. (B Hazell K Groocock A Barnsley S Batt)
April 25th
The 2 Great Northern Divers still present with new birds for the year 4 Little Tern through after a small rain shower (J D & P Hall) 6 Bar-tailed Godwit Draycote Bank (R Mays D Cox) and a Little Ringed Plover near the Visitor Center. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker near the Valve Tower and 6 Whimbrel west over the Inlet. In the middle of the reservoir were adult Little Gull, Black Tern, Arctic Tern and 30+ Common Tern. 2 Wheatear, 2 Yellow Wagtail, Shelduck, 3 Common Sandpiper and a flock of c65 Swift at 10:20. (J D & P Hall R Mays D Cox)
April 24th
2 Great Northern Divers off Lin Croft Point in the morning with the drake Garganey off Hensborough Bank before flying over Draycote Bank with the female Mallard it is associating with, though it was reported later in the afternoon. A Cuckoo flew over Hensborough bank in the afternoon. The male Blue-headed Wagtail along Farborough Bank early morning with possibly 2 female types/hybrids/well marked flavissima? and 11 Yellow Wagtail plus female Wheatear there with Garden Warbler in the hedge below. The 1st Black Tern of the year was with a flock of at least 15 Little Gull adults with a 1st summer bird, 4 Arctic Tern and 2 Common Tern (6 later in afternoon) 5 Common Sandpiper. (J Judge D Hutton A Barnsley R Mays B Hazell M Yapp)
April 23rd
The 2 Great Northern Divers still present and drake Garganey still off the Windsurfing Area showing well. The male Blue-headed Wagtail still in the cattle field below Farborough bank with a presumed female (see pics below) with at least 12 Yellow Wagtail. Adult Little Gull off Farborough Bank, male Wheatear Toft Bank,  2 Shelduck off Lin Croft Point, 2 Common Sandpiper, Common Tern, 2 Sparrowhawk and 2 Shoveler. (J Judge B Hazell R Mays D Cox D Hutton S Batt)
April 22nd
Still 2 Great Northern Diver and the male Blue-headed Wagtail below Farborough Bank with a female Blue-headed there and 28 Yellow Wagtail and White Wagtail in the evening. A drake Garganey was a new bird off the Windsurfing Area with 3 Dunlin still present Farborough Bank, 4+ Common Sandpiper and 7 Golden Plover over. 2 Common Tern and a female Wheatear by the Overflow. (B Hazell R Mays D Borderick R Knightbridge A Yorke)
April 21st
Great Northern Diver still and the male Blue-headed Wagtail below Farborough bank in the cattle field with possibly another paler headed bird.3 Common Tern were the first of the year. Redshank 3 Dunlin, 5+ Common Sandpiper, 2 Wheatear, White Wagtail, c25 Yellow Wagtail and 12 Swift were new for the year. (B Hazell A Anscomb K Groocock R Dawkins)
April 20th
Male Blue-headed Wagtail Farborough Bank before flying to fields below. (D Dixon)
April 19th
Great Northern Diver still with a Whimbrel between Rainbow Corner and the Inlet. 5 Common Sandpiper, Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank, 2 Oystercatcher and 2 Jay. (S Batt)
April 18th
Still 1 Great Northern Diver present off the Sailing Club with 3 Little Gull in the center and a drake Common Scoter between the Valve Tower and Biggin Bay. Wheatear and Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank with now 6 Common Sandpiper around the reservoir. 4 Treecreeper and a count of warblers were 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Whitethroat, 21 Blackcap, 9 Willow Warbler and 13 Chiffchaff. (J D & P Hall)
April 17th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver and 4 Little Gull. New bird for the year Whimbrel over c3.30pm (J Vincent) with a Lesser Whitethroat and at least 5 Whitethroat also new for the year. 2 Yellow Wagtail, Goldeneye and 3 Shoveler. (S Batt J Vincent)
April 16th
The 2 Great Northern Diver still present and still can be very elusive for such large birds. 4 Little Gull still present n the morning with new bird for the year Arctic Tern (2). Other new birds for the year were 3 Curlew over and a Common Sandpiper in Rainbow Corner. Redshank Farborough Bank with 14 Yellow Wagtail below Toft Bank. Raven over the Country Park Still 5 Shoveler, 2 Goldeneye and a pair of Wigeon. (B Hazell K Groocock S Batt)
April 15th
Still 1+ Great Northern Diver and 4+ adult Little Gull. 20 Yellow Wagtail below Toft Bank with 2 Oystercatcher flying around looking for somewhere to land but water levels are high. Still 2 female Goldeneye in Toft and 5 Shoveler (1 female). (B Hazell)
April 14th
Still 1 Great Northern Diver present and 10 adult Little Gull. New bird for the year a female Whinchat along Farborough Bank with 19 Yellow Wagtail there. A Redshank along Draycote Bank between the Inlet and Valve Tower. (B Hazell A Anscomb)
April 13th
Great Northern Diver and 1st summer Little Gull still present (with another 4 adult Little Gull reported between the Valve Tower and Rainbow Corner per RBA). Male Wheatear near Rainbow Corner and 7 Yellow Wagtail below Farborough Bank. (B Hazell)
April 12th
Still a Great Northern Diver and Little Gull present. 3 Yellow Wagtail below Farborough bank and an Oystercatcher over. (B Hazell)
April 11th
2 Great Northern Diver still present with imm Little Gull. 4 Yellow and 1 White Wagtail. (R Knightbridge)
April 10th
2 Great Northern Diver still and 3 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank. (S Batt)
April 9th
The 2 Great Northern Divers still remain elusive despite calm conditions. New bird for the year Little Gull with c150 Black-headed Gulls. 6 Yellow Wagtail below Farborough Bank. (B Hazell S Batt)
April 8th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver. New bird was a Rock Pipit Toft Bank with a male Wheatear and 12 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank. Just outside the reservoir a Redstart (C Godding) between the Valve Tower and Draycote Village. (B Hazell D Hutton C Godding)
April 7th
The 2 Great Northern Diver still present. 4 Yellow Wagtail along Farborough Bank. Still good numbers of hirundines with c200 Swallow and c150 Sand Martin. 21 Chiffchaff, 11 Willow Warbler and 4 Blackcap. Wildfowl were drake Shoveler, 3 female Goldeneye, 7 Teal and a drake Gadwall. New bird of the year Sedge Warbler Toft. (B Hazell A Anscomb M Doughty)
April 6th
2+ Oystercatcher, 4 Yellow Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays)
April 4th
2 Great Northern Diver still present with 4 Yellow Wagtail and a male Wheatear Draycote Bank. Oystercatcher flying over with still a pair of Goosander and 9 Goldeneye (3 drakes). 100+ Sand Martin, 20+ Swallow, 5+ House Martin, 14 Chiffchaff and 6 Willow Warbler. (J D & P Hall R Mays D Cox)
April 3rd
Great Northern Diver still. (J Judge)
April 2nd
Great Northern Diver still with female Goosander off Dunn's Bay. 4 Yellow Wagtail and a White Wagtail along Draycote Bank with c200 Swallow c250 Sand Martin and 5 House Martin. 15 Chiffchaff, 4 Willow Warbler, 2 Blackcap and 2 Goldcrest. (R Mays)
April 1st
Still 1 Great Northern Diver present and drake Common Scoter in Toft. c150 Swallow with 50 Sand Martin and a House Martin. Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtail Draycote Bank. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
March 30th
2 Oystercatcher over Farborough bank with 15 Sand martin, 5 Swallow and a House Martin. 43 Pied Wagtail along Farborough bank. (K Groocock D McWilliams)
March 29th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver in the center of the reservoir with a Kittiwake off Dunns Bay. New birds for the year were 2 Yellow Wagtail along Farborough bank, House Martin and a Blackcap in Biggin/Dunns Bay. Raven over the Golf Course, Shelduck, 3 Swallow and 30 Sand Martin. (R Mays M Brendan)
March 28th
2 Great Northern Diver. (R Mays D Cox)
March 27th
Great Northern Diver and drake Common Scoter off Farborough Bank. (J Judge)
March 25th
The 2 Great Northern Divers still present and a drake Common Scoter. Merlin and Raven over early morning. 3 Wheatear and c50 Chiffchaff around the reservoir and new birds for the year were Willow Warbler (4) and Red-legged Partridge below Farborough bank. 8 Sand Martin and 1 Swallow, 22 Buzzard, Kingfisher and Jay. (R Mays B Hazell T Marlow S Batt)
March 24th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver present one showing well off Farborough bank with Wheatear there. c30 Sand Martin Hensborough bank, pair of Pintail off the Inlet, 12 Chiffchaff, 3 Buzzard. Still plenty of Redwing and Fieldfare around, 40 Wigeon, 6 Gadwall and 6 Goldeneye. (K Groocock A Ancomb D McWilliams)
March 23rd
The 2 Great Northern Diver still present with 3 new birds for the year today. A Great Skua (R Mays) was seen early morning and stayed till 2.45 when it flew off north. 2 Avocet (R Mays) were seen at 6.10pm and a flyover Grey Plover (R Mays) The Firecrest was re-located (B Hazell) near Biggin Bay. 26 Sand Martin, Swallow,2 Raven in the Country Park, 18 Meadow Pipit and Ringed Plover over. (R Mays B Hazell S Batt)
March 22nd
The first Wheatear of the year along Farborough bank and then in the fields below, 7 Chiffchaff, 9 Sand Martin and 2 Snipe. (S Batt C Potter)
March 21st
Still 2 Great Northern Diver with a Firecrest (D Borderick) along the Memorial Walk near Grays Barn. Another new bird was Swallow with 6 Sand Martin. (D Borderick R Mays D Cox)
March 20th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver with White Wagtail, Shelduck and Oystercatcher. (R Mays)
March 19th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver present and drake Common Scoter between the Inlet and Sailing Club. At least 8 Chiffchaff around the reservoir and 5 Sand Martin. 2 Treecreeper Toft and c12 Gadwall.(B Hazell D Jones M Brendan)
March 18th
2 Great Northern Diver still present with the drake Common Scoter still between the Inlet and Valve Tower. 3 Chiffchaff (2 below Golf Course and 1 Toft)  and 3 Sand Martin Rainbow Corner. 3 Goldcrest, Jay, Skylark and Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
March 17th
Still the 2 mobile Great Northern Divers with drake Common Scoter and Red-crested Pochard between the Inlet and Valve Tower. 4 Barnacle Geese near Biggin. In the roost a 1st winter Caspian Gull. (B Hazell P Casey T Marlow)
March 16th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver off Draycote Bank with new birds for the year Scaup (K Groocock) in Rainbow Corner and Sand Martin (D Johnston) off Draycote Bank. 2 Oystercatcher, c20 Buzzard, 7 Goosander (6 male) 30 Goldeneye and 48 Wigeon. (B Hazell R Mays K Groocock T Marlow D Johnston)
March 15th
2 Great Northern Diver off Draycote Bank with 2 Goosander and Shoveler in Toft. Adult Kittiwake (R Mays) in the roost. (S Batt R Mays)
March 14th
Great Northern Diver still with 2 Meadow Pipit, 5 Skylark, 24 Goldeneye and 30 Wigeon. (R Mays D Cox)
March 13th
2 Great Northern Diver still. (RBA)
March 11th
Still 2 mobile Great Northern Diver with 3 Goosander and 4 Redpoll Grays Barn. (B Hazell)
March 9th
2 Great Northern Diver still off Farborough bank. No sign of the drake Smew but 1st winter Yellow-legged Gull. 2 Goosander Biggin. 15 Goldeneye, 5 Gadwall, 76 Wigeon and 3 Buzzard. (J Judge B Hazell R Mays K Groocock)
March 8th
2 Great Northern Diver still and drake Smew. A Barn Owl over the Country Park early morning and adult Med Gull. Redshank Grays Barn, Oystercatcher Lin Croft Point, 3 Siskin Grays Barn. 1 Goosander and drake Shoveler. (S Batt R Mays)
March 6th
No sign of the Red-necked Grebe. Still 2 Great Northern Diver off Draycote Bank then Farborough bank. Drake Smew off Draycote Bank. Oystercatcher over, 5 Goosander, 36 Goldeneye and new for the year 4 House Sparrow. (J Judge R Mays M Yapp)
March 5th
2 Great Northern Diver still and a new bird at last Red-necked Grebe near the Inlet (B Hazell) Drake Smew still near the Valve Tower. Another new bird for the year Oystercatcher along the north shore with 3 Snipe in Toft and 4 Goosander. (B Hazell T Marlow)
March 4th
2 Great Northern Diver. Drake Smew in Toft with a possible Tufted X Pochard hybrid and  Kingfisher there. Adult Yellow-legged Gull Biggin Bay with 4 Goosander. 1st Ringed Plover of the year was heard calling as it flew over. In the roost 2 adult Med Gull one in partial summer plumage. (B Hazell R Mays)
March 3rd
Still at least 1 Great Northern Diver off Draycote Bank with the drake Smew off Toft Bank with 4 Snipe there. 6 Goosander (3 of each) and Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell)
March 2nd
Still 2 Great Northern Diver mobile around the reservoir. A drake Smew was off Farborough Bank with 2 Shelduck in Toft and 2 Goosander Biggin bay. (B Hazell R Mays)
March 1st
Woodcock over the Sewage Works. Adult Med Gull in the roost. (R Mays T Marlow)
February 27th
2 Great Northern Diver near the Valve Tower with 7 Goosander (4 drake) (T Marlow)
February 25th
1+ Great Northern Diver still and an adult Yellow-legged Gull off Draycote Bank. 3 Goosander, 4 Buzzard and 2 Raven near Lin Croft Point. Nothing of note in the huge gull roost. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt T Marlow)
February 24th
Great Northern Diver still and Redshank over. 3 Shoveler, Sparrowhawk. In the roost juv Glaucous Gull and adult Med Gull. (R Mays T Marlow)
February 23rd
Great Northern Diver Dunn's Bay. (B Hazell R Mays)
February 22nd
Juv Glaucous Gull in the roost. (T Marlow)
February 21st
1+ Great Northern Diver still off Farborough bank, 3 Red-crested Pochard (2 drakes) in Toft Bay this morning then flew off towards Draycote Bank but back in Toft c1pm, 4 Golden Plover in the field below Farborough bank with c20 Lapwing. (C Cook D Edwards G Phillipson)
February 20th
Med Gull 2nd winter and 16 Goosander at the Inlet. (S Batt)
February 18th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver plus 2 Shelduck and a Redpoll Toft Shallows. (R Mays)
February 16th
2 Great Northern Diver and a Raven. (B Hazell)
February 15th
Great Northern Diver still, 5 Redpoll and Siskin Lin Croft Point, 3 Shoveler. (S Batt)
February 14th
Great Northern Diver still and 3 Common Scoter (drakes) (R Mays D Cox)
February 13th
Great Northern Diver still, drake Goosander and 60 Lapwing. (R Mays C Godding)
February 11th
2 Great Northern Diver, 1st winter Med Gull. (R Mays)
February 10th
2 Great Northern Diver. (RBA)
February 9th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver and again very mobile, Raven over Toft in the morning with a female Goosander there and 3 Shoveler near the Valve Tower. (B Hazell R Mays M Phillips S Batt F Thompson)
February 8th
2 Great Northern Diver still very mobile, 4 Shoveler (2 drake) near the Valve Tower and Goosander. (B Hazell)
February 7th
Great Northern Diver. (R Mays D Cox)
February 5th
2 Great Northern Diver and the female Common Scoter still. 2 Goosander. (B Hazell S Batt)
February 4th
Great Northern Diver. (R Mays)
February 3rd
A female Lesser Spotted Woodpecker behind Lin Croft Point and a Woodcock near Grays Barn. An adult Med Gull in the roost. (S Batt R Mays)
February 1st
2 Great Northern Diver still present and the female Common Scoter in the center. 18 Goosander (6 male) at the Inlet with 7 Greylag there. Kingfisher Grays Barn and Goldcrest Toft Shallows. (B Hazell R Mays S Batt)
January 29th
Again 2 Great Northern Diver but mobile, drake Smew again commuting between Toft and the Valve Tower and female Common Scoter out in the center. Single female Goosander near the Inlet, c12 Siskin Golf Course area and 27 Stock Dove off Draycote Bank. (B Hazell)
January 28th
Still 1 mobile Great Northern Diver, drake Smew at the Valve Tower and female Common Scoter in the center. 4 Goosander (1 drake) at the Inlet, 2 drake Shoveler in Biggin, Snipe Toft and Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell S Batt)
January 27th
Great Northern Diver off Draycote Bank, drake Smew near Fishing Pontoons then Draycote Bank and the female Common Scoter in the center. A Little Egret circled over the Valve Tower before heading off WNW and drake Pintail in Toft. Adult Yellow-legged Gull out in the center, 3 Shoveler and a Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell K Groocock S Batt)
January 26th
2 Great Northern Diver, drake Smew and female Common Scoter still. Drake Pintail till 10.15 and 3 Shelduck till 9.45 (R Mays B Hazell S Batt A Neilson)
January 25th
Still 2 possibly 3 Great Northern Diver, drake Smew off Draycote Bank and female Common Scoter in the center. Male Merlin over Toft, 2 Shelduck, Peregrine, 5 Snipe and 2 Goosander. (B Hazell L Johnson S Batt)
January 24th
Great Northern Diver still with drake Smew and female Common Scoter. 3 drake Shoveler and a Peregrine in Biggin Bay. (R Mays D Cox S Batt)
January 23rd
Still 2 Great Northern Diver present one close in off the Overflow at dusk the other near the Valve Tower.2 Golden Plover off Hensborough bank, 80 Pochard and c300 Tufted Duck in Toft am. In the roost just an adult Med Gull. (J Judge J D & P Hall T Marlow D Edwards)
January 21st
Peregrine over the Golf Course then over the reservoir, 8 Goosander at the Inlet and 2 Treecreeper Toft. In the roost were 1st winter Caspian Gull and 1st winter Yellow-legged Gull (of note an adult Ring-billed Gull was seen at nearby Shawell this afternoon so worth keeping an eye out for) (T Marlow S Batt)
January 20th
Great Northern Diver off Toft Bank, 2 female Smew reported off Farborough Spit/Toft Bank with 3 Red-crested Pochard. 8 Goosander, 25+ Little Grebe, 40+ Great Crested Grebe, 50+ Goldeneye and 50+ Goldfinch. (A Neilson)
January 19th
2+ Great Northern Diver still in Toft then ranging widely around the reservoir, 2 drake Red-crested Pochard off Draycote Bank. 4 Goosander, Shoveler, Goldcrest and new for the year Jay. (B Hazell)
January 18th
2 Great Northern Diver still in Toft with drake Smew off Draycote Bank and female Common Scoter in the center. A male Merlin was below Farborough bank with a drake Red-breasted Merganser reported off Toft Bank (A Neilson) Snipe in Toft and c25 Siskin near the Golf Course. In the roost were 1st winter Caspian Gull (a bird of the same age was seen at nearby Shawell Leics this afternoon) 2nd winter Yellow-legged Gull and an odd looking gull worth bearing in mind if you are doing the roost "A gull which only showed small black sub-terminal marks on two primaries.  It did not appear particularly large, long billed or dark mantled (re. argentatus) but it was not obviously small billed or round headed (re. Kumlien's).  A bird with a similar primary pattern was recently recorded in Bucks. and considered to be an argentatus Herring Gull." (T Marlow B Hazell M Phillips A Neilson)
January 17th
2 Great Northern Diver still present and 4 Brent Geese in a field off Farborough Bank. (T Marlow)
January 16th
1+ Great Northern Diver still drake Smew and female Common Scoter. 5 adult and 1 imm Whooper Swan flew over. (R Mays)
January 14th
Great Northern Diver off the Inlet, drake Smew near Valve Tower and female Common Scoter in the center. The 3 Red-crested Pochard near the Windsurfing area, Water Rail in a ditch near the entrance gate with Coal Tit at the rangers feeders. Wildfowl were 128 Pochard, 36 Goldeneye, 2 female Shoveler, 167 Teal and 230 Wigeon. In the roost were adult Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull and 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays)
Some birders were being turned away today so best to ring Severn Trent as regards access
January 13th
Great Northern Diver and 2 drake Smew reported. (RBA)
January 12th
Great Northern Diver still with Smew at the Valve Tower and Common Scoter. An adult Caspian Gull in Biggin Bay on the ice and then Toft Bay. 3 Red-crested Pochard still and male Merlin. 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull in the roost. (M Phillips R Mays A Anscomb T Marlow)
The main entrance is now open but with the top car park shut, 
best to ring Severn Trent as this will probably change from day to day depending on the weather
January 11th
Still 1 Great Northern Diver present close in off Saddle Bank with the drake Smew. Now 3 Red-crested Pochard (2 male) off Farborough bank. (S Batt RBA)
January 10th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver present with the drake Smew off Farborough bank and the female Common Scoter made another appearance. The 2 drake Red-crested Pochard still between the Valve Tower and Biggin Bay with an adult Yellow-legged Gull on the ice in Biggin. (J D & P Hall D Hutton R Dawkins RBA)
January 8th
2 Great Northern Diver still and drake Smew. 3 Whooper Swan flew off c9am (S Batt) with now 2 drake Red-crested Pochard in Dunn's Bay. No sign of the female Common Scoter today. 20+ Goosander, 4 Shoveler, Sparrowhawk and a Treecreeper in Grays Barn. (J Judge B Hazell S Batt D Edwards)
January 7th
The 2 Great Northern Diver still present mainly off Draycote Bank with the drake Smew near Farborough Spit and the female Common Scoter in the center. 2 Whooper Swan present near Draycote Bank till 2pm at least, unlike when Bewick's arrive they tend not to stay more than a day but fingers crossed for tomorrow. Drake Red-crested Pochard near the Valve Tower, other new birds for the year were Sparrowhawk, Mute Swan and Goldcrest. Drake Pintail at the Inlet, Peregrine and Raven over and c30 Goosander. (R Mays B Hazell S Batt)
January 6th
The 2 Great Northern Diver, drake Smew and female Common Scoter off Draycote Bank with now 76 Goosander (44 males) and a female Mandarin in Biggin Bay. A Woodcock out in the open along Draycote Bank, 47 Goldeneye, 34 Gadwall and a movement of c1400 Fieldfare with c500 Redwing. In the roost were adult Glaucous Gull and 3 Yellow-legged Gull (2 adult and 1st winter) (R Mays)
January 5th
The 2 Great Northern Diver, drake Smew and female Common Scoter off Draycote Bank with 34 Goosander (18 male). Duck numbers up with 200+ Wigeon, 160 Teal, 65 Pochard, 10 Shoveler, 35 Goldeneye and 15 Gadwall. Only new birds of the year were 2 Buzzard. (R Mays B Hazell)
January 4th
The 2 Great Northern Diver together between the Inlet and Valve Tower with the drake Smew there. Female Common Scoter in the center of the reservoir with 3 Pintail, c20 Goosander, 30+ Goldeneye and 30 Pochard. Willow Tit again on the feeder at the rangers compound. ( A Anscomb S Batt)
January 3rd
Still 2 Great Northern Diver drake Smew and female Common Scoter. 4 Pintail near the Inlet also Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail. (M Griffiths J Yardley S Batt)
January 2nd
2 Great Northern Diver near the Valve Tower with the drake Smew also there. The female Common Scoter still distant. Woodcock near the lower car park and Willow Tit on the feeders at the rangers compound. 3 Pintail (1 female) Biggin Bay.2 Raven over and an adult Yellow-legged Gull off Farborough bank. New birds were Treecreeper, Redpoll, Snipe, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Linnet Reed Bunting and Siskin (R Mays K Groocock S Batt)
January 1st
Great Northern Diver off the Valve Tower with drake Pintail there, drake Smew off Farborough bank and the female Common Scoter in the center of the reservoir. Also seen today were, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant, Grey Heron, Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Wigeon, Gadwall, Teal, Mallard, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Goldeneye, Goosander, Kestrel, Moorhen, Coot, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Common Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Black-headed Gull, Wood Pigeon, Green Woodpecker, Collared Dove, Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Wren, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Fieldfare, Redwing, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Long-tailed Tit, Coal Tit, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Magpie, Jackdaw, Rook, Carrion Crow, Starling, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, and Bullfinch. (J Judge J D & P Hall R Mays)
