2009 Records

The Sightings Page features records of any interesting sightings, scarce & rare visitors, migrant arrivals and high counts etc. It does not attempt to include every species present.
All records subject to acceptance.
Please email your sightings. Emails for 2009 = 386
December 29th
The 2 Great Northern Diver still present but mobile with the drake Smew off Farborough bank, Common Scoter down to one bird in Toft. Peregrine over for 5 minutes while at the car park at the bottom of the Country Park there were Willow Tit, Treecreeper and 5 Bullfinch (3 male) (J D & P Hall R Mays)
December 28th
2 Great Northern Diver off the Inlet with 9 Goosander there, the 3 female Common Scoter between the Inlet and Valve Tower with the drake Smew off Farborough bank. A Lesser Spotted Woodpecker heard calling near the Alpaca field but not seen (J Wesson) Grey Wagtail along Hensborough bank. (M, M & J Phillips J Wesson)
December 27th
Again the 2 Great Northern Diver drake Smew and 3 female Common Scoter all still present. An adult Glaucous Gull was seen in the fields near the A426 and again reported briefly in the afternoon. A good count of 70+ Pochard. (R Mays D Cox RBA)
December 26th 
The 2 Great Northern Diver drake Smew and 3 female Common Scoter all still present. A Barn Owl and Woodcock were seen from Rainbow Corner and with the roost still present early morning 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull and 278 Great Black-backed. A Peregrine was perched on the Valve Tower, 34 Goosander, 7 Redpoll. 12 Snipe and 15 Siskin. (R Mays)
December 24th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver, drake Smew and 3 female Common Scoter present. (D McWilliams RBA)
December 23rd
Off Draycote Bank and the Inlet were Great Northern Diver, drake Smew , 3 female Common Scoter and at least 17 Goosander. 20+ Redpoll Lin Croft Point and c40 Wigeon Toft. (K Groocock D Edwards)
December 22nd
Still 2 Great Northern Diver in the center of the reservoir with the 2 Common Scoter off the Inlet and drake Smew off Draycote Bank. Duck wise there were female Pintail, 27 Goldeneye. 23 Goosander, 34 Gadwall and 6 female Shoveler. c140 Golden Plover heading west, 4 Redpoll and 6 Siskin. In the roost were juv Iceland Gull, 1st winter Med Gull and 6 Yellow-legged Gull (5 adult and 2nd winter) (R Mays)
December 21st
Still at least 2 Great Northern Diver with the drake Smew off Draycote Bank and 2  female Common Scoter off Draycote Bank. An adult Yellow-legged Gull between Biggin and Dunn's Bay, Dunlin in front of the Hide, 25 Golden Plover with c300 Lapwing below Farborough bank with 7 Greylag Geese. 11 Goosander near the Valve Tower and Kingfisher. In the roost were 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell S Batt M Doughty)
December 20th
2 Great Northern Diver still and the 2 female Common Scoter. 6 Bewick's Swan over heading south west (P Hyde) Green Sandpiper in Toft Bay and 12 Goosander. (R Mays D Cox)
December 19th
Still 2 Great Northern Diver and female Common Scoter off the Inlet. A Slavonian Grebe was seen off Draycote Bank in the morning (R Mays C Potter) with a Black-necked Grebe there later. The drake Smew still present but mobile and at least 25 Goosander. Dunlin in Toft Bay and Snipe briefly in the car park. (R Mays C Potter D Hutton B Hazell)
December 18th
At least 2 Great Northern Diver off Rainbow Corner with the drake Smew mobile and last seen off Farborough bank. 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull in the pre roost. (R Mays D Cox)
December 17th
Great Northern Diver in the center with the 2 female Common Scoter. Drake Smew and  6 Goosander near the Valve Tower, male Blackcap and 15 Bullfinch between Grays Barn and Lin Croft Point. (R Mays B Hazell K Groocock F Farrington)
December 14th
Great Northern Diver near the Inlet and a drake Smew in Toft Bay. (D Edwards)
December 12th
Great Northern Diver near Rainbow Corner this morning with the 2 female Common Scoter nearby.  Adult Yellow-legged Gull in Toft with 7 Redpoll in Toft Shallows. In the pre-roost an adult Caspian Gull. (J Judge R Mays)
December 10th
Green-winged Teal again in Toft early afternoon (early morning work in Toft/Grays Barn had disturbed the Teal flock) and the Great Northern Diver was close in by the Inlet (leucistic Lapwing at the Inlet) Red Kite north over Toft Bay (R Mays) 2 female Common Scoter still in the center of the reservoir with Yellow-legged Gull, Kingfisher and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell R Mays)
December 9th
The Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay and a Great Northern Diver close in to the grassy Bank near the Valve Tower. It is probably a new bird as there has been no reports since 1st December. 2 female Common Scoter in the center and adult Yellow-legged Gull. Single Golden Plover with c300 Lapwing by the Inlet, Peregrine several times over the reservoir, 6 Redpoll at Lin Croft Point, 4 Linnet and a Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell)
December 8th
Green-winged Teal still in Toft, 19 Gadwall and 32 Goldeneye. In the roost were adult Caspian Gull and 6 Yellow-legged Gull (4 adult 2 1st winter) (R Mays)
December 6th
Green-winged Teal still in Toft with female Common Scoter in Rainbow Corner. 6 Goosander off Draycote Bank. (R Mays D Cox)
December 5th
Green-winged Teal in Grays Barn. (J Judge)
December 4th
Merlin over the Valve Tower, 2 Shelduck, 7 Goosander and 50+ Redwing. (R Mays D Cox S Batt)
December 2nd
Green-winged Teal still in Toft with female Common Scoter there and 14 Redpoll Lin Croft Point. In the roost were adult Caspian Gull, adult Med Gull and 8 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (L Johnson)
December 1st
The drake Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay either  in front of the Hide or Grays Barn. Great Northern Diver still mobile. New birds today were female Red-breasted Merganser off Lin Croft Point and female Common Scoter off the Inlet. Male Merlin behind Farborough bank with Sparrowhawk there too. Female Brambling with Chaffinch flock in Toft Shallows, 4 Snipe, 7 Siskin, 400 Redwing, 16 Gadwall and 22 Goldeneye. (R Mays B Hazell)
November 30th
Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay and Great Northern Diver still. (RBA)
November 28th
Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay. (RBA)
November 27th
Green-winged Teal still in front of the Hide and Great Northern Diver still distant and elusive. An adult Yellow-legged Gull was in the field below Farborough bank in the morning with 4 Goosander near the Inlet and 3 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell)
November 26th
The Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay in front of the Hide with the Great Northern Diver still elusive and distant. 2 Redshank at the Inlet with 7 female Goosander, Peregrine over Biggin Bay, Shelduck at the Overflow and 2 Kingfisher on the stream below Draycote Bank. (B Hazell R Mays)
November 25th
The Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay just to the right of the Hide. Great Northern Diver still elusive, 4 Goosander and 5 Green Woodpecker. (B Hazell)
November 24th
Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay and Great Northern Diver still mobile and distant. 1st winter Caspian Gull and adult Kittiwake flew past Farborough Spit (R Mays) 2 Raven over, 4 Redpoll, 10 Goosander of the Inlet and 3 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays)
November 22nd
Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay and Great Northern Diver still present. Peregrine near the Valve Tower. (M Doughty)
November 21st
Great Northern Diver off Farborough bank but very mobile and adult Yellow-legged Gull off the Inlet. (J Judge R Mays)
November 20th
The Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay just to the right of the Hide. Great Northern Diver off Farborough Spit and Goosander now up to 11 (4 male). 5 Grey Wagtail and Kingfisher. (J Judge B Hazell)
November 19th
The Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay. (RBA)
November 18th
No sign of the Green-winged Teal in Toft but it may still be around. Great Northern Diver in front of the Visitor Center and adult Yellow-legged Gull flew towards Rainbow Corner. (J Judge R Mays B Hazell)
November 17th
The Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay just to the right of the Hide. Great Northern Diver still but again mobile and distant. Merlin near the Picnic Area, Rock Pipit Farborough bank and Woodcock Toft Shallows. 2 Raven, 2 Peregrine and 3 Sparrowhawk.12 Bullfinch Dunns Bay and Goldcrest Lin Croft Point. (B Hazell R Mays N Howes M Brendan)
November 15th
The Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay usually on the north shore just up from the Hide. Great Northern Diver still but mobile, Dunlin, Raven and 8 Goosander (4 of each) In the roost were 2 adult Caspian Gull and 15 Yellow-legged Gull (11 adult, 2 2nd winter and 2 1st winter). (J Judge T Marlow J D & P Hall D Hutton)
November 14th
The Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay, Dunlin on Farborough Spit and c500 Lapwing over. (J Judge R Mays)
November 13th
The Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay and Great Northern Diver off Farborough bank. 25 Redpoll, 5 Golden Plover and 224 Lapwing. (T Marlow)
November 12th
A drake Green-winged Teal was in Toft Bay (B Hazell) Only the 3rd record for Draycote it could be the returning bird from March. The Great Northern Diver was off Farborough bank but generally distant, Goosander now up to 4 (1 drake) in Toft, Sparrowhawk and 2 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell D Hutton K Groocock)
November 11th
A Snow Bunting over Rainbow Corner c2pm towards the Sailing Club and possibly landing behind Hensborough bank. (R Mays D Cox) Great Northern Diver generally in the center of the reservoir, 4 Redshank in front of the Visitor Centre then by the Inlet with the adult Yellow-legged Gull and Kingfisher there. 20 Golden Plover over Farborough Bank in the morning and 3 Snipe in Toft. (B Hazell R Mays D Cox)
November 10th
Great Northern Diver off Toft Bank and a pair of Common Scoter in the center. Adult Yellow-legged Gull again at the Inlet with 8 Shelduck briefly. 100 Redwing and 30 Fieldfare off Draycote Bank. (B Hazell R Mays)
November 9th
Great Northern Diver between Toft and the center of the reservoir. Adult Yellow-legged Gull at the Inlet with a pair of Goosander in Toft and Grey Wagtail. 6 Bullfinch near the Treatment Works. (B Hazell)
November 8th 
Pair of Red-crested Pochard. (RBA)
November 7th
No sign of Purple Sandpiper or Great Northern Diver.1 Dunlin, Chiffchaff, Raven and male Goosander.  (RBA M Yapp)
November 6th
A Purple Sandpiper was found near the Overflow (M Silverman) and showed well . The last twitchable one was in 1991 at Draycote. Also at the Overflow were 4 Dunlin with another near the Visitor center. A Great Northern Diver was off Farborough bank (B Hazell) 4 Shelduck in the middle of the reservoir, Goosander still alone off Draycote Bank and Sparrowhawk. (J Judge B Hazell M Silverman D Hutton)
November 5th
At the Inlet were adult Yellow-legged Gull (with another at the Valve Tower) 2 Dunlin and Goosander. A female Blackcap near the Alpaca Field with good numbers of Long-tailed Tit and Goldfinch in Toft. (B Hazell F Thompson)
November 4th
Again no sign of the Lesser Scaup and Tufted Duck numbers are down too. At the Inlet were adult Yellow-legged Gull, 3 Dunlin and Goosander. (B Hazell)
November 3rd
Adult Yellow-legged Gull again at the Inlet with 4 Dunlin there. Goosander and Kingfisher off Draycote Bank with Snipe in Toft. (B Hazell)
November 2nd
The Lesser Scaup was in the Grays Barn area with a Bar-tailed Godwit there. At the Inlet were adult Yellow-legged Gull, 3 Dunlin and male Goosander. 4 Grey Wagtail and Kingfisher. (B Hazell)
November 1st
Yellow-legged Gull near the Inlet, male Goosander off Rainbow Corner and 2 Dunlin there. (K Groocock)
October 31st
The Lesser Scaup was again off Hensborough bank this morning before flying off due to sailing and then being seen in Toft Bay. No sign of the Black Redstart but there was a duck influx with 9+ Pintail, 145 Teal, 59 Pochard, 9 Goldeneye and 68 Wigeon. The male Goosander still off Farborough bank and an adult Yellow-legged Gull on the Fishing Pontoons with another near adult near the Valve Tower. 9 Dunlin and 3 Snipe flew over Hensborough bank. (J Judge R Mays D Hutton R Dawkins)
October 30th
The Lesser Scaup was again off Hensborough bank this morning and a Black Redstart on the roof of the Sailing Club. Male Goosander and Grey Wagtail off Farborough bank. 8 Pochard and 4 Shoveler. (B Hazell R Mays D Cox)
October 29th
The Lesser Scaup was off Hensborough bank this morning with a Yellow-legged Gull there and a Raven over. A male Goosander was off Farborough/Toft Banks, 4 Goldeneye, 4 Kingfisher, Peregrine and Sparrowhawk. (B Hazell R Mays)
October 27th
Female Scaup in Toft Bay with a late House Martin over. Shelduck Biggin Bay and in the Country Park 557 Fieldfare, 17 Redwing, 112 Starling, 234 Skylark and 10 Siskin over in an hour. (R Mays)
October 25th
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay with Goldeneye, 20 Meadow Pipit Farborough bank and Chiffchaff in the Country Park. (R Mays D Cox)
October 23rd
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay with Raven over and 10 Buzzard in the air together off Rainbow Corner. (B Hazell)
October 22nd
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay. (B Hazell)
October 21st
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay. Stonechat and Chiffchaff. (R Mays)
October 20th
Winter plumage Sanderling, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and 3 Green Woodpecker near the Visitor Center. (S Batt R Mays)
October 18th
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay and 2 Snipe from the Hide. Wildfowl included 5 Goldeneye, 10 Pochard, Shelduck and 4 Gadwall.  (S Valentine J Tyler)
October 17th
Lesser Scaup at Lin Croft Point with a pair of Red-crested Pochard. 9 Shelduck. (R Mays)
October 16th
Adult Yellow-legged Gull at the Inlet with23 + Meadow Pipit around the site. 7 Siskin flew over the Valve Tower with a further 12 in Biggin. J Harris B Hazell)
October 15th
Lesser Scaup off Hensborough bank. A very late Tree Pipit along Toft Bank with 60+ Meadow Pipit. Bar-tailed Godwit and 3 Curlew over. (R Mays M Phillips)
October 14th
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay and the Red-crested Pochard now at the Inlet with Redshank, Yellow-legged Gull and 3+ Kingfisher there. 3 Raven and 3 Dunlin (B Hazell)
October 13th
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay and female Red-crested Pochard Dunns Bay. 2 Raven over and also a Ringed Plover over. (B Hazell)
October 12th
A Yellow-legged Gull in Rainbow and at the Windsurfing area Rock Pipit, 2 Ringed Plover and 4 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell S Batt)
October 10th
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay with Rock Pipit, 20+ Meadow Pipit and Snipe (J Wesson)
October 9th
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay. 3 Twite were reported along Farborough Bank (per RBA) with at least 1 being photographed, with 1 seen on April 2nd they appear to be getting more common. Possibly 5 Rock Pipit with 2 Farborough, 2 Hensborough and 1 Draycote Bank. Wheatear Hensborough and 6 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell K Groocock)
October 8th
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay and then to Biggin. A Twite seen flying along Farborough bank (T Marlow) An imm Red-breasted Merganser was in Dunns Bay and a Black-necked Grebe off Draycote Bank. A Snow Bunting flew over c10:10 adult Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Rock Pipit, 3 Redpoll and a Grey Plover. (B Hazell R Mays T Marlow)
October 7th
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay and a count of 5 Rock Pipit (might be a site record) near the Overflow. 3 were seen by the Windsurfing area and another along Farborough bank so there may have been more if these were different birds. 30+ Meadow Pipit and 1 Yellow Wagtail. (B Hazell A Anscomb J Harris)
October 6th
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay and a Red Kite flew over c8:30. Adult Yellow-legged Gull with 180 Meadow Pipit, 160 House Martin and 80 Swallow. 2 Golden Plover, Snipe and Fieldfare. (R Mays C Potter)
October 5th
Lesser Scaup still in Toft Bay between Grays Barn and Lin Croft Point. Little else of note just Wheatear, Kingfisher and 2 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell)
October 4th
The Lesser Scaup again in Grays Barn with Whimbrel in the field next to the Sewage Works early morning and Yellow Wagtail. (R Mays D Cox RBA)
October 3rd
The Lesser Scaup was with a large flock of Tufted Duck just south of the Valve Tower in the morning and then seen in the Grays Barn/Toft area. A drake Common Scoter seen off Farborough bank and 2 Rock Pipit. A Great Skua was seen at the roost. Still 1 Yellow Wagtail 12 Swallow and 20+ House Martin on the north side. (J Judge M Yapp R Mays)
October 2nd
The Lesser Scaup was still present in the Grays Barn area but still very quiet with Wheatear Hensborough Bank, 20 Meadow Pipit Farborough bank, female Goldeneye and Wigeon in Toft, 5 Grey Wagtail and 9 House Martin. (B Hazell J Harris)
October 1st
All the trudging around Draycote finally paid off for Bob Hazell when he located a possible Lesser Scaup in Gray's Barn. He was soon joined by Dave Hutton and later Richard May's and after prolonged but restricted views they were happy with it being a Lesser Scaup. It could be the returning bird from 2007/08 as it is an eclipse drake. Other birds included Dunlin in Toft, Rock Pipit and Wheatear along Farborough bank. Raven over with parties of Swallow (14,6 and 3) heading south, 8 House Martin and a Hobby over the Country park. Female Goldeneye Toft. (B Hazell D Hutton R Mays)
September 30th
2 Dunlin still in Toft, Ringed Plover at the Inlet, single Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank, Kingfisher and 16 Swallow. (B Hazell)
September 29th
Continues to be quiet with 2 Dunlin still in Toft, Ringed Plover by the Overflow and Snipe by the Inlet. 5+ Yellow Wagtail Farborough/Toft Banks and a count of 23 Grey Heron with 19 of them in a field behind the Inlet. Many Jay present with 2 Reed Bunting and 2 House Martin. (B Hazell)
September 28th
Still very quiet with 2 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover, 10+ Yellow Wagtail, Snipe and Kingfisher. (B Hazell)
September 27th
2 Dunlin and a Greenland type Wheatear. (J & P Hall)
September 26th
In the roost were 2 1st winter Med Gull and 3+ adult Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays)
September 24th
Partial summer plumage Black-tailed Godwit near the Inlet and 2 Sanderling at the Overflow. Other waders were 5 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper. Wheatear and c20 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank with 9 Grey Wagtail around the reservoir. 7 Raven over and 14 Buzzard, adult Yellow-legged Gull in front of the Visitor Centre. 3 Kingfisher, Siskin and 12 Bullfinch. 6 Greylag Geese. (R Mays B Hazell J Harris)
September 23rd
Pectoral Sandpiper still at the end of Toft Bank with 3 Dunlin and Rock Pipit again. Draycote's second Manx Shearwater of the year was seen briefly off Farborough Spit c10.45am (M Silverman J Rankin) but never really settled and headed off NE. Greenshank still near the Overflow with 3 juv Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper. At least 15 Yellow Wagtail with 10+ Farborough bank. 3 Raven overhead for c30 mins, 6 Wigeon, Kingfisher and 2 Grey Wagtail. (B Hazell A Anscomb L Johnson M Silverman J Rankin)
September 22nd
Pectoral Sandpiper still at the end of Toft Bank with 2 Dunlin and a Rock Pipit which soon moved off. A Greenshank was by the Overflow with 3 Ringed Plover. Adult Yellow-legged Gull, 10+ Yellow Wagtail and Common Sandpiper. (B Hazell T Marlow R Mays)
September 21st
Pectoral Sandpiper still at the end of Toft Bank with 2 Dunlin and another one near the Picnic Area. Bar-tailed Godwit in Rainbow Corner with 4 Ringed Plover 2 at the Inlet and 2 on Hensborough bank. Wheatear along Toft Bank with 10 Yellow Wagtail (7 juv). Juv Shelduck off Grays Barn and Common Sandpiper at the Inlet. (B Hazell)
September 20th
Pectoral Sandpiper at the end of Toft Bank with 3 Dunlin and Ringed Plover. A drake Mandarin was near the Valve Tower with Bar-tailed Godwit still near the Inlet and Ruff still Hensborough bank. 9+ Yellow Wagtail below Toft/Farborough bank. (S Valentine M Doughty D Hutton HK & DW Moonlight)
September 19th
Pectoral Sandpiper still Toft Bank with Wood Sandpiper and 2 Dunlin early morning. Bar-tailed Godwit near the Inlet, Ruff Hensborough Bank and 2 Ringed Plover near the Inlet. Adult Yellow-legged Gull near Sailing Club and 10+Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank. Redstart reported. (L Johnson D Hutton R Dawkins R Mays)
September 18th
Pectoral Sandpiper still along Toft Bank with 2 Dunlin (another by Picnic area). Bar-tailed Godwit in Rainbow Corner and other waders 4 Ringed Plover, Ruff and 2 Common Sandpiper. A Merlin flew over the Country Park. 2 Wheatear along Farborough bank with 5+ Yellow Wagtail and 2 Grey Wagtail. imm and adult Shelduck and 2 Kingfisher. (T Marlow B Hazell L Johnson)
September 17th
The Pectoral Sandpiper again showing well off the end of Toft Bank with 2 Dunlin a further 8 Dunlin flew straight through east in the morning. A juv Bar-tailed Godwit and 2 Ringed Plover in Rainbow Corner also Ruff still present and Common Sandpiper. A Rock Pipit was on the rocks along Farborough Bank with Wheatear, 10 rising to 20 Yellow Wagtail and 50+ Meadow Pipit. Juv Shelduck still in Toft, Common Tern, Hobby and 2 Grey Wagtail present. (J Judge T Marlow J Harris R Mays)
September 16th
Pectoral Sandpiper still along Toft Bank with 2 Dunlin (another 2 opposite in Toft Shallows) and Ringed Plover. Ruff along Hensborough Bank with 25+ Yellow Wagtail and 12+ Meadow Pipit along Farborough bank. Imm Shelduck still in Toft with Hobby over the Country Park. Still 1 Lesser Whitethroat below Farborough Bank and Reed Bunting there. (A Anscomb)
September 15th
Pectoral Sandpiper still along Toft Bank and showing well. Other waders were Curlew Sandpiper, 3 Sanderling, Ruff, 3 Dunlin, Little Ringed Plover and 3 Ringed Plover. An imm Pied Flycatcher was seen below Farborough bank with 3 Lesser Whitethroat. Adult Caspian Gull and 3 Yellow-legged Gull (2 ad and 2nd year) with Black Tern early morning. Along the banks were 3 Wheatear, 40+ Yellow Wagtail, 30+ Meadow Pipit and 8 Grey Wagtail. (R Mays)
September 14th
The Pectoral Sandpiper still in Toft Bay and showing very well along Toft Bank all day till at least 7:30pm. 2 Curlew Sandpiper joined it briefly before flying off. Other waders were 3 Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. 50+ Yellow Wagtail and 30+ Meadow Pipit along Farborough and Toft Banks with 2 Wheatear. (J Judge K Groocock D Hutton)
September 13th
The Pectoral Sandpiper still in Toft Bay and showing very well along Toft Bank this morning. 3 juv Curlew Sandpiper in Toft Bay till late morning. Other waders were a fly-over Green Sandpiper, Dunlin, 4 Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. Juv Shelduck still in Toft and 20+ Yellow Wagtail along Farborough bank with 4+ Lesser Whitethroat there. (J Judge R Mays D Cox J D & P Hall M Doughty T Marlow S Seal D Hutton)
September 12th
A juv Curlew Sandpiper would have been bird of the day if it had not been for the juv Pectoral Sandpiper that joined it at c5.30pm.(R Tyler) This is the 7th record for Draycote with all but 2 of the others stopping for more than a day so fingers crossed for tomorrow. Also in Toft were Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, juv Shelduck, Kingfisher and Shoveler. Whimbrel flew over calling. Wheatear below Farborough spit and several Yellow Wagtail being pushed by a photographer along the lower parts of Farborough Bank. Spotted Flycatcher and Peregrine. (J Judge R Mays R Tyler T Marlow L Johnson P & L Price M Brendan)
September 10th
10+ Yellow Wagtail along Farborough Bank. 2 Dunlin and Ringed Plover off Hensborough Bank with Grey Wagtail there. (M Phillips)
September 9th
Waders today were Redshank, Oystercatcher, Little Ringed Plover, 5 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpiper. Still 30+ Yellow Wagtail and 3 Meadow Pipit along Farborough Bank with a Wheatear along Toft Bank. 5 Buzzard souring over Toft with a Wigeon still present there. Imm Hobby and 13 Snipe over the Country Park. In the roost were 1st and 2nd year Yellow-legged Gull. (T Marlow L Johnson A Anscomb)
September 8th
A juv Curlew Sandpiper seen in Biggin Bay late evening was the first since September 2007, other waders were Ruff, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpiper and a Snipe. 23 Arctic Tern (4 adult) were present occasionally all landing on the water off the Overflow. Along Farborough and Toft Banks were juv Whinchat, 5 Wheatear, 70+ Yellow Wagtail, 15 Meadow Pipit and a White Wagtail which must have looked like a dinner table for imm Merlin and Hobby. 2 Raven over the Country Park and 4 Yellow Legged Gull in the roost. (R Mays T Marlow)
September 7th
A juv Honey Buzzard was seen to fly from Toft towards Thurlaston where it settled for a few minutes in a tree before flying back over the Alpaca field. 4 Wheatear were on Farborough Bank with over 40 Yellow Wagtail and 7 Meadow Pipit a further 6 Yellow Wagtail on Draycote Bank. 5 Common Tern present (2 adult) and 2nd year Yellow-legged Gull. 2 juv Ringed Plover in Toft with 4 Common Sandpiper dotted around the reservoir. 3 early Wigeon (2 drakes) and a Swift. (L Johnson B Hazell)
September 6th
2 juv Knot along Farborough Bank with Whimbrel flying over calling. 2 Ringed Plover and 3 Common Sandpiper still present with 2 Wheatear and 8 Yellow Wagtail. In the roost were at least 2 adult and a sub adult Yellow-legged Gull and 1 Common Gull. (J Judge R Mays J D & P Hall J Richardson D Cox C Potter)
September 5th
Not surprisingly no sign of the Manx this morning. Juv Black Tern, juv Med Gull and 2 Yellow-legged Gull (adult and 2nd year) present early morning. Only the second Tree Sparrow of the year was seen below Farborough Bank with 2 Wheatear there 4 Meadow Pipit  and 12 Yellow Wagtail early morning on Toft Bank with 25 over the Country Park later. Spotted Flycatcher were present in Toft and the Country Park. Waders were Dunlin, 3 Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpiper with 4 Golden Plover over the Alpaca Filed (Hobby there too) and 27 Lapwing Toft. Female Pintail and Goosander off the Inlet with 6 Swift and c200 Sand Martin. (J Judge R Mays D & B Hunt)
September 4th
Finally with all the recent winds a seabird turned up in the shape of a Manx Shearwater the last being seen on 30th August 2007. An Osprey flew over at 12.35 and Black Tern present with 2nd year Yellow-legged Gull.. 2 Goosander near the Inlet then flew to the Valve Tower. 4 juv Ringed Plover, 2 Wheatear, Common Sandpiper, Hobby, 10 Yellow Wagtail, Spotted Flycatcher and 4 Swift. (J Judge T Marlow S Valentine M Doughty D Hutton B Hazell R Mays D Cox)
September 3rd
Just outside the boundary a female Redstart along the footpath from Thurlaston. 4 Wheatear Farborough spit with c20 Yellow Wagtail and c 20 Pied Wagtail along Farborough ant Toft Banks. 2 juv Ringed Plover in Toft with 2 Common Sandpiper there and another in Biggin Bay. 3 Swift with a hirundine passage of over 1000 Swallow. Treecreeper and 2 Goldcrest Grays Barn. (B Hazell J Harris)
September 1st
An imm male Montagu's Harrier straight through at c3.20. Juv Black Tern throughout the day, adult Yellow-legged Gull in the afternoon. 2 Wheatear and c20 Yellow Wagtail. Oystercatcher, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpiper and Goosander still present. 6 Swift still over the Country Park. (R Mays L Johnson J Richardson)
August 31st
2 juv Black Tern again in the middle of the reservoir with waders comprising 2 Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper. 3 Wheatear along Farborough Bank with 30+ Yellow Wagtail and 100+ Pied Wagtail around the reservoir. 4 Swift and a mixed flock of c1000 hirundines, Hobby, Goosander, 3 Lesser Whitethroat and 5 Whitethroat. (R Mays D Cox J Richardson D & B Hunt M & J Phillips)
August 30th
2 juv Black Tern in the middle of the reservoir but departed by 8am, adult Yellow-legged Gull off Farborough Bank with 3 Wheatear there and 7 Yellow Wagtail, another 2 Yellow Wagtail along Draycote Bank. Ringed Plover and 5 Common Sandpiper with Goosander still present off Draycote Bank. 3 Swift and 2 Lesser Whitethroat. (J Richardson)
August 29th
A dark morph Arctic Skua at c7.40am and a juv Little Tern were the best birds of the day. Juv Black Tern off Hensborough Bank with 3 Yellow Wagtail and 3 Wheatear on Farborough Bank with another Wheatear on Draycote Bank. Waders were Dunlin, Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper. Goosander still and a movement of hirundines had c500 Swallow, c500 House Martin, c50 Sand Martin and 12 Swift. Raven over the Valve Tower. (R Mays K Groocock D Jones)
August 28th
Juv Black Tern off the Overflow, 3 Wheatear on Farborough Bank with 8 Yellow Wagtail and a further 3 Yellow Wagtail along Hensborough Bank. Ringed Plover along Farborough Bank, Little Ringed Plover and 5 Common Sandpiper (2 Toft 3 Biggin) Goosander still near the Valve Tower. (K Groocock L Johnson)
August 27th
Black Tern off Rainbow Corner. A Whinchat was just outside the reservoir between Toft Shallows and the M45 bridge with 3 Wheatear (2 juv) along Farborough Bank and 8 Yellow Wagtail there. Warblers were in evidence with Reed Warbler, 4 Lesser Whitethroat, 9 Whitethroat and 4 Garden Warbler. 2 Spotted Flycatcher below Farborough Bank with another in the Country Park, Curlew, 2 Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover and 5 Common Sandpiper. Goosander still near the Inlet. In the roost the best bird was an adult Yellow-legged Gull with a 2nd year bird seen earlier in the day.  (J Judge R Mays B Hazell T Marlow D Jones)
August 26th
Juv Kittiwake and 2 juv Black Tern present in the morning ( 3 adult and a juv Black Tern in the evening) A group of waders along Farborough Bank had a Sanderling, Turnstone and 6 Dunlin. A Spotted Flycatcher in the Country Park with Little Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper present. (R Mays L Johnson)
(With 3 Sabine's Gull in Worcestershire today tomorrow may be a good day for Draycote)
August 25th
Greenshank Grays Barn, Little Ringed Plover by the Overflow and 2 Common Sandpiper in Toft. 5 Yellow Wagtail along Farborough Bank and another/same 5 along Draycote Bank. Goosander still near the Inlet, 3 Lesser Whitethroat below Farborough Bank, 15 Shoveler, Pochard and Swift. (B Hazell)
August 24th
Early morning produced an imm Garganey and 20 Black Tern. 2 Wheatear and 26 Yellow Wagtail along Farborough and Toft Banks were soon flushed by the public. 2 Ruff were also flushed from the Inlet. Spotted Flycatcher near the Overflow. Goosander still, 9 Shoveler, 25 Teal and 3 Kingfisher. (R Mays)
August 22nd
Juv Ruff along Farborough Bank in the evening with at least 2 Yellow-legged Gull in the field below at pre-roost. In the roost were adult and juv Med Gull and 6 Yellow-legged Gull. Also present were Dunlin and Goosander. (R Knightbridge R Mays)
August 21st
2 Summer plumage Golden Plover over, 8 Swift and a Buzzard. (R Mays D Cox)
August 20th
A juv Knot was in Rainbow Corner and like the Ruff only the second for the year and first for the autumn. The only other wader was a Greenshank. A juv Merlin was a very early record over Farborough Spit with juv Black Tern on the Fishing Pontoons, Spotted Flycatcher at the Country Park and Goosander still near the Valve Tower. (R Mays)
August 19th
Juv Shag seen again in the center on a buoy. Ringed Plover and Dunlin Draycote Bank.4 Yellow Wagtail along Farborough bank and 3 Raven over the Country Park. Goosander still near the Valve Tower. 2 Common Sandpiper in Toft with 4 Bullfinch there. (J Richardson D Hutton)
August 18th
A Ruff and a Turnstone along Farborough Bank, 3 Dunlin circled Toft before heading south. Common Sandpiper 2 in Toft 3 in Biggin and 1 at the Inlet with 7 in Biggin early evening. Goosander still near the Valve Tower with 2 juv Grey Wagtail there and in the hedge behind the Inlet were Spotted Flycatcher and 3 Lesser Whitethroat. 2 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank and another along Hensborough Bank. Common Tern still present. (J Richardson J Harris B Duckhouse)
August 17th
Still a juv Shag near the Valve Tower and a juv Ruff along Farborough Bank was only the second record this year and the first for the autumn. A Little Egret was seen early evening heading towards Biggin Bay. Other waders were a Dunlin near the Inlet and at least 7 Common Sandpiper in Biggin with others/same at various locations around the reservoir. 7 Yellow Wagtail present 4 along Draycote Bank and 3 along Farborough Bank with a Lesser Whitethroat below Farborough Bank. Spotted Flycatcher in the Country Park, Goosander still near the Valve Tower and Common Tern. (B Hazell J Richardson R Knightbridge)
August 15th
The 2 juv Shag still along Draycote Bank with 2 Dunlin and Common Sandpiper with a further 4 Common Sandpiper in Biggin bay and 1 in Toft. Goosander still near the Inlet with 2 Yellow Wagtail. Willow Tit near the Rangers Office and Peregrine over. (J Judge D Hutton J Harris)
August 14th
Now 2 juv Shag near the Valve Tower with a Whimbrel calling over. Other birds between the Valve Tower and Inlet were juv Wheatear, Goosander, 4 Common Sandpiper and Ringed Plover. Little Ringed Plover in Toft with 2 Common Sandpiper and possibly another 2 in Biggin but these may have come from Draycote Bank. 5 Shoveler in Toft with Kingfisher, 7 Greylag Goose, Common Tern and a party of 6 Blackcap between Grays Barn and Lin Croft Point. (B Hazel D Hutton)
August 13th
A juv Shag was on the Fishing Pontoons in the morning and near the Inlet later in the afternoon. Waders were 4 Dunlin 2 Draycote Bank and 2 Toft Bank, 2 Little Ringed Plover in Toft, Ringed Plover Draycote Bank and 5 Common Sandpiper 2 Toft 2 Biggin Bay and 1 Draycote Bank. Goosander still at the Inlet, 2 Spotted Flycatcher (adult and juv) near the Boardwalk in Toft and 3 Common Tern (2 juv). (B Hazell A Anscomb L Johnson)
August 11th
3 Yellow-legged Gull (2 adult and 3rd Summer) on the boats off Farborough Bank this morning. Spotted Flycatcher on the hedgerow below the Inlet with the Goosander still near the Valve Tower. 2 Little Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper in Toft with 4 Yellow Wagtail (3 at Farborough Bank and 1 near the Valve Tower and 2 Grey Wagtail (adult and juv) along Draycote Bank. A Raven drifted west over the Country Park. (J Richardson)
August 10th
Between Farborough Bank and Toft were Yellow-legged Gull, Herring Gull, 2 Common Sandpiper, 3 Yellow Wagtail (2 juv), Buzzard and a Grey Wagtail. (K Groocock)
August 9th
An adult Yellow-legged Gull present this morning with a Green Sandpiper over Hensborough Bank and 2 Common Sandpiper. (R Mays D Cox)
August 8th
The first Greenshank for the year was in Toft early morning with Goosander still at the Valve Tower, Common Tern, Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. (J Judge R Mays)
August 7th
3 Black Tern (2 adult) and 2 Common Tern with Little Ringed Plover in Toft and 6 Common Sandpiper (5 in Toft and 1 Biggin Bay) Goosander again at the Inlet. (B Hazell R Mays D Cox)
August 6th
A fem/imm Garganey was the first since May 2006 but flushed out of Toft by fishing boats. 22 Black Tern with 7 Common Tern. 7 flyover Snipe were a good record for this month with Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper the only other waders. Adult Yellow-legged Gull and Hobby. (R Mays B Hazell)
August 5th
2 Green Sandpiper flew north over the rangers office at c11am. Spotted Flycatcher in the willows at Toft Shallows at c6pm with Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and Goosander still present. (L Johnson)
August 4th
Best bird was the juv Whinchat along Toft Bank (the first record for the year with others being just outside the Reservoir) 14 Common Tern through East, 5 Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtail. (R Mays B Hazell M Phillips)
August 2nd
Sanderling and Dunlin along Farborough bank with Yellow-legged Gull and 2 Common Tern on the boats off there. 4 Common Sandpiper and the Goosander still present off Draycote Bank. (R Knightbridge S Batt)
August 1st
3 Black Tern off Lin Croft Point (2 adult and juv) 8 Yellow-legged Gull and an adult Med Gull early morning. 2 Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, 2 Oystercatcher, 4 Common Sandpiper and Goosander still present. (L Johnson R Mays)
July 31st
5 Yellow-legged Gull on boats off Farborough bank with a Wheatear on Farborough Spit. 3 Little Ringed Plover (2 at Overflow) with a Dunlin there and Common Sandpiper between Biggin and Toft. Kingfisher again below Draycote Bank with a Gadwall at the Valve Tower and 4 Grey Wagtail there. (B Hazell)
July 30th
Little Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper in Toft still with a Dunlin in Dunn's Bay. Goosander still along Draycote Bank with Kingfisher on the pool below. 2 Common Tern. (B Hazell)
July 27th
Still remains quiet. Juv Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and Teal still in Toft. A party or 5 Green Woodpecker near the Valve Tower, Several hundred Swifts and hirundines this am including c100 Sand Martins. 5+ Yellow-legged Gull in pre-roost field off Farborough Bank (B Hazell R Knightbridge)
July 26th
A Turnstone flew over the Sailing Club towards Biggin Bay plus 2 Common Sandpiper and an Oystercatcher over. Common Gull. (L Johnson)
July 24th
Still 1 Yellow-legged Gull present, 2 juv Little Ringed Plover and 4 Common Sandpiper in Toft. Kingfisher again on the pool below Draycote Bank with 2 Grey Wagtail at the Valve Tower, Common Tern and Cape Shelduck at the Overflow. (B Hazell)
July 23rd
2 Little Ringed Plover still in Toft with at least 2 Common Sandpiper. Kingfisher below Draycote Bank and 2 Teal in Toft. Cape Shelduck still at the Inlet. (B Hazell)
July 22nd
2 Yellow-legged Gull off Farborough Bank. Goosander still near the Valve Tower with Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper in Toft. 2 Oystercatcher being pushed to all areas of the reservoir. Also several hundred hirundines (many juv) including c100 Sand Martins. (B Hazell)
July 21st
Yellow-legged Gull in the field below Farborough Bank with 2 juv Little Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper in Toft plus a single Sand Martin. Cape Shelduck still near the Inlet. (B Hazell)
July 20th
3 Common Tern early morning,3 juv Little Ringed Plover in Toft with at least 5 Common Sandpiper (5 in Toft, 3 Farborough bank and 1 Inlet) The Cape Shelduck still Rainbow Corner/Inlet. (J Judge B Hazell L Johnson)
July 19th
Just 3 Common Sandpiper recorded this morning. Late afternoon there were 2 Dunlin a Little Ringed Plover and 5 Common Sandpiper in Toft (R Mays D Cox L Johnson)
July 18th
Barn Owl early morning along Farborough and Toft Banks. The Turnstone had moved to Biggin Bay with other waders recorded 2 Dunlin, 4 Little Ringed Plover, 5 Common Sandpiper and a calling Golden Plover flew over. (J Judge R Mays)
July 17th
Yellow-legged Gull again off Farborough Bank, Goosander still near the Valve Tower. At least 3 Little Ringed Plover and 4+ Common Sandpiper in Toft. A male Wheatear was at an unusual location between Lin Croft Point and Gray's Barn (normally they are found along the man made rocky banks) the Cape Shelduck was still present in the same area. (B Hazell L Johnson)
July 16th
An adult Yellow-legged Gull off the Fishing Pontoons with Turnstone along Farborough bank. Goosander still near the Valve Tower with 3 Dunlin present by the Inlet. In Toft were 4 Little Ringed Plover (1 adult) and 6 Common Sandpiper. (K Groocock B Hazell)
July 15th
Adult and juv Little Ringed Plover in Toft Bay with 2 Common Sandpiper. Turnstone reported and Cape Shelduck still. (L Johnson)
July 14th
Early morning the imm/fem Goosander still present with adult Yellow-legged Gull and adult Med Gull. Waders were Redshank, Little Ringed Plover and 4 Common Sandpiper. Still 1 Common Tern. (R Mays)
July 13th
The imm/fem Goosander still near the Inlet with 4 possibly 6 Common Sandpiper around the reservoir. 2 juv Little Ringed Plover in Toft with 2 female Shoveler. (B Hazell S Batt)
July 10th
A Yellow-legged Gull was on the Fishing Pontoons this morning with 2 Redshank along Farborough bank. 3 Little Ringed Plover along Farborough bank (ad and 2 juv) 2 Common Sandpiper and 3 Common Tern. (K Groocock)
July 9th
Goosander again near The Inlet and the 3rd summer Yellow-legged Gull in Biggin Bay. Toft held juv Little Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpiper with single Treecreeper and Sand Martin. 2 Juv Yellow Wagtail along Draycote Bank, Common Tern and Cape Shelduck still. (B Hazell S Batt)
July 8th
Remains quiet with 2 Yellow-legged Gull (adult and 3rd summer) 3 Common Sandpiper in Toft with a lone Common Tern still present. The escaped Cape Shelduck still in Gray's Barn. (B Hazell)
July 4th
An imm/fem Goosander was a surprise visitor for this time of year at The Valve Tower and then Rainbow Corner. Yellow-legged Gull, 3 Common Sandpiper, 2 Common Tern, Sparrowhawk and 6 Teal present. (L Johnson M Griffiths J Yardley A Horsley)
July 2nd
Red-crested Pochard again in Gray's Barn with the Cape Shelduck. An adult Yellow-legged Gull this morning near Sailing Club with 76 (mainly sub ad) Herring Gull in the field below Farborough bank and juv Yellow Wagtail near the Overflow. (B Hazell)
July 1st
The eclipse drake Red-crested Pochard was in Toft Bay this morning with 3 Teal and a Common Sandpiper. (L Johnson)
June 30th
A partial eclipse drake Red-crested Pochard in Grays Barn (also an escaped female Cape Shelduck there), 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull, Common Sandpiper along Farborough bank and a Common Tern. (B Hazell)
June 29th
Adult Yellow-legged Gull, Common Sandpiper Biggin Bay and a Common Tern. (B Hazell)
June 28th
3rd Summer Yellow-legged Gull on the sailing boats this morning. (L Johnson)
June 26th
Wood Sandpiper late evening in Biggin Bay, 2 Black Tern and 2 ad Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays)
June 11th
Common Tern, 3 Yellow Wagtail, 6 Bullfinch, 2 Jay, 2 Grey Wagtail, 8 Long-tailed Tit and 9 Linnets. (R Mays)
June 7th
Sanderling and Little Ringed Plover Toft. (R Mays)
June 3rd
A Common Tern was off Farborough Bank with Little Ringed Plover over Toft Bay. Yellow Wagtail along Toft Bank with a drake Teal dropping into Toft Shallows. (R Mays B Hazell)
2nd June
Black Tern in the center and Hobby over. 2 Redshank along Toft Bank. (R Mays B Hazell S Batt)
28th May
Hobby over the Country Park, a Dunlin and Lapwing Toft Bank. (B Hazell M & M Phillips)
21st May
2 Sanderling Farborough Bank earlier 1 on Draycote Bank, Little Ringed Plover near the Overflow and 3 Oystercatcher 2 on Hensborough and 1 on Farborough bank. Hobby Hensborough Bank. Little Stint Toft. (B Hazell RBA R Mays)
20th May
A Sandwich Tern till 8:40 then flew off, Common Tern, Oystercatcher and 3 Buzzard. (B Hazell)
19th May
16 Common Scoter (12 male) and the first Spotted Flycatcher of the year. 2 Hobby, Peregrine and 15 Buzzard. Warblers included Grasshopper, Reed and Sedge with c1500 Swift. A Tawny Owl early morning. (R Mays)
18th May
2 Hobby along Hensborough Bank. A Barn Owl seen in the evening( S Batt R Mays)
17th May
Turnstone and Dunlin flew through with Common Tern and c500 Swift. 2 Common Sandpiper.( J D & P Hall S Batt)
16th May
Little, Arctic and Common Tern. Sanderling flew through, the first Knot and Turnstone of the year. (J Judge P&L Price R Mays)
15th May
Drake Common Scoter still in Toft Bay, 4 Common Tern and 4 Yellow Wagtail. (B Hazell)
14th May
Just 1 Black Tern and 3 Common Tern. Drake Common Scoter still in Toft. 4 Dunlin (2 on Draycote Bank 2 in Biggin Bay) 2 Common Sandpiper and a Ringed Plover. 3 Yellow Wagtail. (B Hazell R Mays)
13th May
A White-winged Black Tern was seen c2:20 but didn't stay. At least 16 Black Tern, 14 Arctic and 16 Common .A drake Common Scoter in Toft Bay, 2 Dunlin and 5 Yellow Wagtail. (R Mays B Hazell A Anscomb)
11th May
Wood Sandpiper in Rainbow Corner, Black Tern and 3 Common Tern, Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and 2 Yellow Wagtail. (R Mays)
10th May
A drake Common Scoter was near the Valve Tower. Dunlin and Common Sandpiper between Farborough Spit and Toft. Wheatear and a Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank with 3 Common Tern and 28 Mute Swan noted. (J D & P Hall)
7th May
Ringed Plover near Farborough Spit, at least 3 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank and still good numbers of Swift with c1000 at 8am. (B Hazell)
5th May
2 Dunlin and 2 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank. Common Tern and Common Sandpiper. Good numbers of Swift. (M Phillips S Batt A Temple)
3rd May
4 Common Tern, Common Sandpiper, Yellow Wagtail and Treecreeper. (K Groocock)
2nd May
2 Common Tern, 3 Common Sandpiper, 6 Yellow Wagtail and a Cuckoo. (S Batt)
1st May
5 Yellow Wagtail (3 Farborough 2 Draycote Bank) Wheatear, 5 Common Tern and Grasshopper Warbler. (B Hazell G Stratford)

30th April
Female Blue-headed Wagtail Toft Bank with 4 Yellow Wagtail Farborough Bank. Grasshopper Warbler, 3 Common Tern and Shelduck. (B Hazell)
29th April
3 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Common Tern c300 Swift. (B Hazell)
28th April
2 Yellow Wagtail, Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat 2 Sedge Warbler. (S Batt)
27th April
2 Wheatear Farborough Bank and 6 Yellow Wagtail Draycote Bank. Common Sandpiper Hensborough Peregrine Biggin Bay 20+ Swift. (S Batt)
21st April
Still a Great Northern Diver present, imm Little Gull and Yellow Wagtail. (B Hazell)
20th April
15 Little Gull (10 adult), 2 male Wheatear, 3 Yellow Wagtail, Lesser Whitethroat, 6 Shelduck, and a late drake Goldeneye still. (S Batt B Hazell)
19th April
Great Northern Diver, 24 Little Gull, Curlew, 8 Blackcap and Sedge Warbler. (J D & P Hall)
18th April
8 Shelduck, Peregrine and 2 Yellow Wagtail. (S Batt)
17th April
Great Northern Diver still present in the center. At least 12 Little Gull present throughout the day 14 Arctic Tern and 12 Common Tern. 4 Dunlin on Toft Bank and a Common Sandpiper at the Windsurfing Area. 9 Yellow Wagtail and 1 White Wagtail along Farborough Bank with at least 4 Wheatear there. (B Hazell S Batt R Mays D Cox)
16th April
A great day with unfortunately none of the "major" birds staying. Best bird being Gannet (only the 4th record for Draycote with one of them being released there!!) followed by Great Skua (though it did not linger like the 2006/07 bird) Osprey, Great Northern Diver, 4 early Black Tern, 8 Arctic Tern, 34 adult Little Gull, 1st summer Med Gull, adult Kittiwake, 2 Whimbrel, Sanderling, 7 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover, 10 Yellow Wagtail and 3 Wheatear. (R Mays J Richardson)
15th April
A Great Northern Diver present off Farborough Bank and Common Sandpiper Saddle/Barn Bank. (D McWilliams)
14th April
The Green-winged Teal still in Toft Shallows but very elusive due to tree work being carried out on the Boardwalk. Still at least 1 Great Northern Diver close in by the Valve Tower. Hen Harrier again near Rainbow Corner with a Male Ring Ouzel and at least 2 Little Gull. Male Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtail on Farborough Bank with another Yellow Wagtail on Draycote Bank. Common Sandpiper, Sedge Warbler and Jay present. First Whitethroat (well 4) of the year. (R Mays K Groocock S Batt)
13th April
Green-winged Teal still in Toft Shallows but elusive. 2 Great Northern Diver still present early morning with 5 Little Gull, adult Med Gull, male Wheatear Barn Bank, Yellow Wagtail and White Wagtail Farborough bank. An early Hobby in Toft Shallows. (J D & P Hall M Doughty S Batt R Mays)
12th April
Green-winged Teal still in Toft Shallows and the 2 Great Northern Diver still. 5 imm Little Gull and a Med Gull (no age given) with 2 Arctic Tern later in the evening. The first Whimbrel of the year. 4 (presumed escape) Barnacle Geese over north, 4 Redshank and White Wagtail on Draycote Bank. 5 Yellow Wagtail Farborough bank. (R Mays RBA)
11th April
Green-winged Teal still in Toft Shallows and showing well to the right of the Hide in the afternoon. Still 2 Great Northern Diver but again no sign of the Red-necked Grebe. Sandwich and 5 Arctic Tern were new for the year with 2 Common Tern. 16 imm Little Gull were present. Waders were Little Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpiper and 2 Oystercatcher. A Red-legged Partridge on the wall of Farborough Bank was an unusual sighting (normally they are seen in the surrounding fields and technically not in the boundary of the reservoir) 2 Wheatear  and 12 Yellow Wagtail with the first Sedge Warbler of the year at the Sewage Works. (R Mays A Horsley M & M Phillips)
10th April
The Green-winged Teal was still in Toft Shallows but remained elusive. 2 Great Northern Diver but no sign of the Red-necked Grebe. The Hen Harrier was seen again behind Hensborough Bank with a summer plumage Black-necked Grebe in Biggin Bay and Draycote's first Swift over the Valve Tower. 18 Yellow Wagtail in the Country Park, 2 Wheatear, 2 Shelduck, 200 Sand Martin, 50 Swallow and 50 House Martin. (R Mays D Cox S Batt)
9th April
Drake Green-winged Teal still present in Toft Bay. Red-necked Grebe and 2 Great Northern Diver in the center of the reservoir. Rock Pipit still on Farborough Bank with an Osprey seen at 7:30am over Rainbow Corner. 12 Yellow Wagtail on Toft Bank c3pm, 2 Redshank and 2 Oystercatcher. (R Mays D C Edwards RBA)
8th April
The drake Green-winged Teal still elusive in Toft Shallows with Red-necked Grebe also there. Still 2 Great Northern Diver. The imm Hen Harrier was seen again behind Rainbow Corner. Rock Pipit again on Farborough Bank with 8 Dunlin through, 3 Oystercatcher and 5 Yellow Wagtail. (R Mays B Hazell A Anscomb J Harris)
7th April
A male Citrine Wagtail was seen on Draycote Bank before being flushed by walkers and flew west. The drake Green-winged Teal still in Toft Shallows with Red-necked Grebe and 2 Great Northern Diver still present. Common Tern off Farborough Bank. On the wader front were Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Golden Plover, Common Sandpiper and 2 Oystercatcher. 6 Yellow Wagtail on Farborough Bank. 2 Willow Warbler, 9 Chiffchaff, 18 Blackcap and 18 Buzzard. (S Batt R Mays B Hazell M & M & B Phillips G Jilks)
6th April
Green-winged Teal still in Toft Shallows with Red-necked Grebe and at least 1 Great Northern Diver still present. A Little Gull was in the center of the reservoir, Rock Pipit again on Farborough Bank with Wheatear and 3 Yellow Wagtail. House Martin near the Visitor Center. (B Hazell M & M Phillips)
5th April
Amazingly the Green-winged Teal was again present in Toft Shallows, Red-necked Grebe and still at least 3 Great Northern Diver. The imm Hen Harrier seen again from The Country Park and a Rock Pipit flew over Farborough Bank (possibly a littoralis) New birds for the year was a Ruff near Farborough Spit then  flew over the Sewage Works and a Common Tern. 8 Shelduck off Draycote Bank, 2 drake Shoveler, 13 Meadow Pipit along Farborough Bank, 3 Yellow Wagtail and at least 3 Willow Warbler. In the roost were adult Med Gull and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (J D & P Hall L Johnson K Groocock R Mays)
4th April
The Green-winged Teal again had to fight off the fishing boats in Toft Shallows and the boats eventually won when it flew off to the Inlet at c12.30 and was not seen again by dusk. A Black-throated Diver was seen circling the reservoir but never landed, Red-necked Grebe braved the boats in Toft for most of the day and still 4 Great Northern Diver. Other new birds for the year were Little Ringed Plover and Grey Plover. Imm Hen Harrier again seen from the Country Park and then later behind Rainbow Corner before drifting back to the Granborough Valley. Also Redshank, Curlew, 6 Yellow Wagtail and female Pintail. (Most of the Warwickshire birders including guest appearances from ex Warwickshire birders S Seal and D Morgan)
3rd April
Green-winged Teal again in Toft Shallows this afternoon but elusive. Still Red-necked Grebe and 4 Great Northern Diver present. 2 Oystercatcher near Gray's Barn, 2 Yellow Wagtail and 2 Bullfinch. (B Hazell M Phillips J D & P Hall)
2nd April
Bird of the day must be the Twite along Draycote Bank at c9am being pushed around by walkers/joggers. No sign of the Green-winged Teal in Toft Shallows which was no surprise as a fishing boat decided to get as close as possible to the Hide and apparently succeeded!! It was eventually spotted off the Inlet later in the day. Red-necked Grebe still and 4 Great Northern Diver. Redshank near Saddle Bank, a pair of Pintail out in the center of the reservoir and female Brambling near the Picnic Area by the Windsurfing car park. 6 Swallow off Draycote Bank. (R Mays D McWilliams J Richardson)
1st April
Green-winged Teal still in Toft Bay, Red-necked Grebe and 4 Great Northern Diver. An unprecedented 7 Black-necked Grebe off the Inlet and an Avocet in the center of the reservoir till 4pm at least.  A Red Kite again flew over plus an Osprey, firsts for the year were Yellow Wagtail and Willow Warbler. Female Wheatear along Farborough/Toft Banks, c20 Wigeon, 2 female Goldeneye, 2 female Pochard, female Goosander plus 10 male Shoveler. (R Mays L Johnson B Hazell T Marlow A Anscomb A Temple)
March 31st
The Green-winged Teal was seen again from mid morning in Toft Shallows. Red-necked Grebe off Farborough Bank and 4 Great Northern Diver seen together. New birds for the year were Black-tailed Godwit and House Martin. Male Wheatear along Farborough Bank. 5 Swallow and 100+ Sand Martin in the center of the reservoir early evening. (R Mays B Hazell D Hutton S Batt J Richardson)
March 30th
A drake Green-winged Teal was in Toft Shallow till at least 6pm. This is only the second record for Draycote the first record was on February 4th 1990 staying for just one day. Red-necked Grebe still in Toft Bay and at least 1 Great Northern Diver. 2 Grey Wagtail. (A Hale B Duckhouse B Hazell R Mays M Doughty D McWilliams)
March 29th
Red-necked Grebe off Farborough Spit before flying into Toft Bay. Again 4 Great Northern Diver together and calling frequently between the Inlet and the Valve Tower. An Osprey over at c7pm before flying off east with White Wagtail, 19 Sand Martin, Swallow and 4 Snipe. (J D & P Hall K Groocock)
March 28th
Red-necked Grebe in Toft Bay. Still 2 Great Northern Diver early morning with 1 seen flying high North. The first Osprey of the year took a fish off the windsurfing area in the morning. 30 Sand Martin, 3 Swallow and White Wagtail. (L Johnson R Mays)
March 27th
Red-necked Grebe still in Toft Bay and 2 Great Northern Diver. Juv Iceland Gull in the roost. (R Mays D Cox S Valentine)
March 26th
Red-necked Grebe still Farborough Bank/Toft Bay and at least 1 Great Northern Diver. In the roost were juv Iceland Gull and a 2nd winter Kumlien's/Iceland Gull (distant and brief views ) and 3rd winter Yellow-legged Gull. (T Marlow)
March 25th
Still at least 2 Great Northern Diver off Draycote Bank. 45 Wigeon in Toft Bay. (A Anscomb)
March 24th
Red-necked Grebe still in Toft Bay but elusive and the 3 Great Northern Diver still present. Rock Pipit and Wheatear along Toft Bank, 50+ Meadow Pipit and the first Swallow of the year. (R Mays)
March 23rd
Red-necked Grebe in Toft Bay and still 3 Great Northern Diver. In the strong winds were adult Kittiwake and 2 Med Gull a 1st summer and second summer. Sand Martin numbers increasing with at least 30 birds. (R Mays L Johnson D McWilliams)
March 22nd
3 Great Northern Diver still present in the center with Shelduck. Redshank and Wheatear along Toft Bank with 7 Sand Martin in Toft Bay. In the roost were juv Iceland Gull, adult Med Gull and adult and 2nd winter Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays J Richardson)
March 21st
2nd winter Kumlien's Gull was seen to fly out of the roost at c5:40 am this morning and an Avocet seen circling the reservoir. Red-necked Grebe still present in Toft Bay, 3 Great Northern Diver in the center and adult Yellow-legged Gull on a buoy in front of the Sailing Club. Redshank and Snipe in Toft with at least 10 Chiffchaff singing and 12 Meadow Pipit along Farborough Bank. First White Wagtail of the year near the Valve Tower along with a male Wheatear.  (R Mays J Richardson A Horsley)
March 18th
Red-necked Grebe and 2 Great Northern Diver still present. 2 Oystercatcher. In the roost were 2nd winter Kumlien's Gull (it has been present at Shawell Tip since 6th March and presumed roosting at Draycote but usually leaving the tip very late in the day, it was also reported second hand in Saturday's roost) juv Iceland Gull and 1st winter and adult Yellow-legged Gull (R Mays)
March 17th
Red-necked Grebe still in Toft Bay and 3 Great Northern Diver off Draycote Bank. A summer plumage Med Gull off the windsurfing area. A very good day to say the least for raptors today with imm Hen Harrier, female Marsh Harrier, Red Kite, female Merlin, Peregrine and hybrid, 11 Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and 3 Kestrel. Male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in Toft Shallows. (R Mays B Hazell)
March 16th
Red-necked Grebe in Toft Bay  still and 3 Great Northern Diver. Female Marsh Harrier flew west at c4pm and 2 male Wheatear on Farborough Bank. 4 Sand Martin in Toft and waterfowl included 10 Goosander ( 2 male ) Shelduck, Pintail 3 Shoveler with still some Wigeon and Teal left. In the roost were 2nd winter Iceland Gull, adult Caspian Gull and 2nd winter Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays T Marlow M Doughty D McWilliams)
March 15th
Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank and 3 Great Northern Diver in the center. Male Wheatear along Toft Bank and Oystercatcher near the Valve Tower. (R Mays D Cox)
March 14th
Red-necked Grebe and 3 Great Northern Diver still. The first Wheatear of the year near Rainbow Corner and first Tree Sparrow off Draycote Bank.2 Chiffchaff Biggin Bay and Treecreeper Lin Croft Point. (R Mays S Batt)
March 13th
Red-necked Grebe and 1+ Great Northern Diver. A Merlin and Sand Martin over Toft in the morning. 40+ Meadow Pipit. (R Mays D Cox L Johnson)
March 12th
Red-necked Grebe and still 2+ Great Northern Diver. The first Stonechat of the year (others have been reported just outside Draycote) a female at Rainbow Corner and Sand Martin there. 7 Goosander and Buzzard. Juv Iceland Gull and adult Med Gull in the roost. (K Groocock R Mays)
March 10th
Red-necked Grebe off Farborough Bank and still 3 Great Northern Diver off Draycote Bank where Rock Pipit was present.2 Sand Martin and on the wader front were 3 Curlew, Ringed Plover and Oystercatcher. Still 80+ Wigeon. In the roost were juv and 2nd winter Iceland Gull, 1st winter Caspian Gull and near summer plumage Med Gull. (R Mays D McWilliams)
March 7th
Red-necked Grebe off Farborough Bank and then Toft Bay, 3 Great Northern Diver 2 off Farborough and 1 near the Valve Tower. An adult Med Gull in the fields below Farborough Bank and presumed the same off the Valve Tower, adult Yellow-legged Gull near the Visitor Center,  Rock Pipit along Farborough Bank. Still 14 Goosander present and in Toft 5 Bullfinch, Treecreeper and Snipe. (J Judge J Richardson S Batt)
March 6th
Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank early morning, 3 Great Northern Diver with 2 off Farborough Bank and 1 in Biggin Bay, Chiffchaff by the Inlet and male and female Blackcap along the northern hedgerows. 3 Grey Wagtail. In the roost were 2 Iceland Gull juv and 2nd winter and adult Med Gull. (M Phillips S Batt RBA)
March 5th
Red-necked Grebe off Toft Bank and 3 Great Northern Diver off Draycote Bank. The first Curlew of the year below Farborough Bank. (A Anscomb R Mays)
March 4th
Red-necked Grebe off Farborough Bank with at lest 2 Great Northern Diver present. The drake Smew was seen in Toft Bay and Sand Martin still. A Woodcock flew over the Valve Tower and the first Redshank of the year. In the roost were juv Glaucous Gull, juv Iceland Gull, adult and 1st summer Med Gull, adult and 1st winter Yellow-legged Gull and adult Kittiwake. (R Mays K Groocock)
March 3rd
Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank and 3 Great Northern Diver in the center. Drake Smew off Draycote Bank. The sickly adult Yellow-legged Gull was found dead below Farborough Bank (R Mays L Johnson)
March 2nd
Red-necked Grebe off Farborough Bank, all 4 Great northern Diver in Dunn's Bay and drake Smew in Toft Bay. 2 Woodcock were seen by the rangers and an early Sand Martin was seen off Draycote Bank. In the roost were juv Glaucous Gull, juv and 2nd winter Iceland Gull and 2 adult Med Gull. (R Mays L Johnson)
March 1st
Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank with female Merlin, drake Smew and adult Yellow-legged Gull. Still 3 Great Northern Diver seen at dusk. Water Rail below the new Boardwalk in Toft Shallows. A rather sickly adult Yellow-legged Gull was seen on the Fishing Pontoons. In the roost were juv and 2nd winter Iceland Gull and 2nd winter Yellow-legged gull. (K Groocock T Marlow N Weston)
February 28th
Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank and all 4 Great Northern Diver seen today (1 off Farborough and 3 off Draycote Bank) Drake Smew still present and adult Yellow-legged Gull on the pontoons. 3 Buzzard. Rock Pipit along Farborough Bank and the first Common Scoter of the year in Toft. In the roost were juv Glaucous and Iceland Gull plus 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (A Horsley R Mays RBA)
February 27th
Red-necked Grebe and at least 2 Great Northern Diver still present. A Rock Pipit was along Farborough Bank and drake Smew still, 10 Buzzard. In the roost were juv Glaucous Gull possibly 2 and 3rd winter Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays D Cox T Marlow RBA)
February 26th
Red-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver and drake Smew off Farborough bank with another 2 Great Northern off Draycote Bank. Adult Med Gull late afternoon and Peregrine. Oystercatcher and 2 Dunlin over. (B Hazell R Mays)
February 25th
Red-necked Grebe again off Farborough Bank also venturing to Toft Bay, at lest 3 Great Northern Diver still present and the drake Smew reported off Farborough Bank, Gray's Barn and Draycote Bank so mobile. Stonechat seen from the Country Park with 3 Grey Partridge, 12 Goosander by the Inlet and still several Siskin along the north shore. In the roost were juv Glaucous Gull, juv Iceland Gull and adult Med Gull a different bird to the pic from 24th. (B Hazell A Anscomb R Mays)
February 24th
The Red-necked Grebe, drake Smew and 2 Great Northern Diver off Farborough Bank with another Diver off Draycote Bank. An adult Med Gull off the Overflow at c12.30, 2 Lesser Redpoll near the Hide, 4 Shoveler in Toft Bay, 10 Goosander near the Valve Tower with Grey Wagtail by the Overflow and off Farborough Bank. In the roost were 2 Iceland Gull adult and juv, juv Glaucous Gull and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell D Hutton S Batt R Mays)
February 23rd
3 Great Northern Diver off Draycote Bank where the hybrid falcon was again seen putting everything in its path up in the air before flying off high east. The drake Smew was seen in Gray's Barn, Grey Wagtail along Draycote Bank and Treecreeper in Toft Shallows. In the roost were 3 Iceland Gull adult juv and 2nd winter, juv Glaucous Gull, adult Med Gull and 3 Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays)
February 22nd
Red-necked Grebe and 2 Great Northern Diver off Farborough Bank. A juv Iceland Gull was in the field below Farborough Bank so would probably have been in the roost last night making 3, the juv Glaucous Gull was seen to leave the roost in the morning. (R Mays D Cox)
February 21st
Red-necked Grebe and drake Smew still off Farborough Bank. 3 Great Northern Diver still present with 1 calling at dusk. 2 Shelduck and an Oystercatcher in the morning. In the roost (and believe it or not we had to battle with the heat haze!) were 2 Iceland Gull adult and 2nd winter, juv Glaucous Gull, adult Med Gull and 3 adult Yellow-legged Gull. 2 Tundra Bean Geese seen at c11.45 from Draycote Bank and flew west. (J Judge R Mays J D & P Hall T Marlow S Roper)
February 20th
Red-necked Grebe, 2 Great Northern Diver and drake Smew off Farborough Bank with another Great Northern Diver off Draycote Bank. 6 Goosander still near the Valve Tower and a Kingfisher below Draycote Bank. (B Hazell R Mays D Cox P Hall)
February 19th
Again Red-necked Grebe and drake Smew off Farborough Bank with all 4 Great Northern Diver seen again together. 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull with one in the field below Farborough Bank, 12 Shoveler and a Dunlin. In the roost were juv and 2nd winter Iceland Gull (R Mays B Hazell)
February 18th
Red-necked Grebe off Farborough Bank, 3 Great Northern Diver and drake Smew still. In the roost were 1st winter Iceland Gull and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays)
February 17th
All the usual suspects present Red-necked Grebe, 3 Great Northern Diver and drake Smew. Highlight of the day must have been the imm Hen Harrier flying along Farborough Bank. A pair of Red-crested Pochard in Toft Bay. (R Mays B Hazell)
February 16th
Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank with 3 Great Northern Diver. The drake Smew still present and the first Ringed Plover of the year. In the roost were 2 adult Med Gull, 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull and an albino Common Gull. (R Mays RBA)
February 15th
Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank with 3 Great Northern Diver. Drake Smew off Toft Bank then flew towards the Inlet and adult Yellow-legged Gull. c20 Siskin and 2 Treecreeper in Toft with a very large female Sparrowhawk over, 15 Meadow Pipit and c200 Lapwing. (J D &P Hall)
14th February
Red-necked Grebe off Farborough bank with again 4 Great Northern Diver together in the center mid afternoon and drake Smew. (J Judge T Marlow P&L Price)
13th February
Red-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 200 Stock Dove and a Buzzard off Farborough Bank. (R Mays D Cox)
12th February
Red-necked Grebe off Farborough Bank with 3 Great Northern Diver seen today. 2 Bewick's Swan made a brief stop. Shag still near the Valve Tower with adult Yellow-legged Gull and adult Med Gull in the post roost this morning. 50+ Snipe around the fields with most in the field below Farborough Bank where there were 14 Golden Plover. (R Mays B Hazell)
11th February
Entrance gate open at 11am today but access depends on ice on approach road to car park so could be shut again at any time. Red-necked Grebe still and at least 1 Great Northern Diver. Shag still present by the Valve Tower. (B Hazell)
10th February
Gate closed today, Access on foot only, Red-necked Grebe and 2 Great Northern Diver, Shag and Short-eared Owl off Draycote Bank with Jack Snipe Toft Bay. Peregrine and Raven. (R Mays B Hazell)
9th February
Gate closed today, Access on foot only, Red-necked Grebe and 2 Great Northern Diver, in the roost 2nd winter Iceland, juv Glaucous Gull adult Med Gull and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays)
8th February
Gate closed today, Access on foot only, Great Northern Diver and Red-breasted Merganser. (R Mays)
7th February
Gate closed todayAccess on foot only.
6th February
Gate closed today, Access on foot only, Rock Pipit on Farborough Bank and 2 Snipe. Large number of wildfowl.  (D Edwards)
5th February
2 Great Northern Diver still, Willow Tit and Tawny Owl heard in Biggin Bay and Water Rail in Grays Barn. (R Mays)
4th February
Red-necked Grebe along Farborough Bank and Shag still near the Valve Tower. 2 Great Northern Diver in the center and elusive. The adult Yellow-legged Gull again on the Fishing Pontoons c10:15am, 10 Snipe and 8 Goosander (4 males) (B Hazell)
3rd February
The long staying Red-necked Grebe still present off Farborough Bank with 4 Great Northern Diver again seen together at dusk. Shag present near the Valve Tower. 11 + Snipe with at least 9+ in the field Below Farborough Spit, flocks of 12 and 5 Siskin in Toft Shallows and Gray's Barn, 9 Goosander (6 male), 2 Jay by the Valve Tower, 16 Stock Dove off Draycote Bank, 3 Green Woodpecker, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Buzzard. In the roost were 2nd winter Iceland, juv Glaucous Gull adult Med Gull and 2 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (B Hazell R Mays)
2nd February
2 Great Northern Diver and Shag still present with a Rock Pipit on Draycote Bank. (R Mays)
1st February
Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank with at least 3 Great Northern Diver present. In the roost a 2nd winter Iceland Gull and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (R Harbird)

Jan 31st
Red-necked Grebe and imm Shag off Farborough Bank. There are now  4 Great Northern Diver all near Draycote Bank today. In the roost were adult and 1st winter Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge R Mays B Duckhouse)
Jan 30th
Red-necked Grebe Farborough Bank with the imm Shag on the Fishing Pontoons. Still 3 Great Northern Diver near the Valve Tower in the morning. 2 flocks of Siskin 20 and 15 in Toft with 3 Redpoll. 2 Yellow-legged Gull reported on the pager. (B Hazell M Phillips RBA)
Jan 29th
Red-necked Grebe again off Farborough Bank, with Shag on the Fishing Pontoons and 2 Great Northern Diver. A Jack Snipe was seen in Toft by the rangers whilst working there. 3 Treecreeper and 15+ Siskin. (B Hazell L Johnson)
Jan 28th
The Red-necked Grebe was back along Farborough Bank with a Shag on the fishing Pontoons. 2 Great Northern Diver remain and mobile around the reservoir. An adult Med Gull was off Farborough Bank in the morning before the mist came down. c20 Siskin Lin Croft Point and 4 Goosander off the Inlet. (B Hazell)
Jan 26th
The Red-necked Grebe has moved to near the Valve Tower, 2 Great Northern Diver off Dunns Bay with 2 Shag still present one near the Valve Tower and the other on the Fishing Pontoons. No sign of the Smew today and no wildfowl in Toft Bay as they continue to put a boardwalk near Toft Shallows so once this is finished it could render the hide useless due to disturbance. Yellow-legged Gull in the field below Farborough Bank and 8 Siskin in Toft. (B Hazell)
Jan 25th
Red-necked Grebe still along Farborough Bank and showing well with imm Shag on the Fishing Pontoons and drake Smew near Farborough Spit. At least 2 Great Northern Diver near the center and the streaky headed Yellow-legged Gull in front of the Sailing Club till the boats went out. (J Judge)
Jan 24th
Just Shag, Yellow-legged Gull, Great Northern Diver and drake Smew reported on the pager today. (RBA)
Jan 23rd
The Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank with drake Smew. Shag on the Fishing Pontoons with the other one near the Valve Tower. 5 Siskin by the golf course and 9 Goosander. The 3 Great Northern Diver were all together near the Valve Tower at dusk and in the roost were 3 Yellow-legged Gull adult, sub adult and 2nd winter. (J Judge T Marlow B Hazell)
Jan 22nd
Red-necked Grebe and drake Smew off Farborough Bank. 2 Great Northern Diver and Shag near the Valve Tower with another Great Northern in the center. Grey Wagtail near the Valve Tower and Treecreeper at Lin Croft Point. (B Hazell)
Jan 21st
The Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank with imm Shag on the Fishing Pontoons, adult Yellow-legged Gull on the pontoon in front of the Sailing Club, drake Smew off Farborough Bank. 3 Great Northern Diver with 2 by the Valve Tower the other in the center of the reservoir. 4 Buzzard, 6 Siskin in Gray's Barn and a Kingfisher by the Valve Tower. (B Hazell)
Jan 20th
Red-necked Grebe imm Shag and drake Smew off Farborough Bank with the Little Egret again in the field below Farborough Spit till c2pm. Still 3 Great Northern Diver seen all together in the roost but just 1 adult Yellow-legged Gull with no sign of the juv Iceland, 1st winter Med or 1st winter Kittiwake seen in the morning. (J Judge T Marlow R Mays B Hazell M Phillips F Farrington)
Jan 19th
Again Red-necked Grebe, Shag, Great Northern Diver, drake Smew.
Jan 18th
Still Red-necked Grebe, Shag, Great Northern Diver, drake Smew and 15 Meadow Pipit along or off Farborough Bank. The Little Egret again in the field adjacent the sewage works, female Merlin flew from entrance to Farborough Bank, Yellow-legged Gull reported and 20+ Siskin. (R Mays D Cox J Wesson RBA)
Jan 17th
The Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank with imm Shag on the Fishing Pontoons, drake Smew and 1st winter Little Gull reported off there at 11.30. The Little Egret again briefly at 2.50 on the small pools below Farborough Bank. Still at least 3 Great Northern Diver with one flying around the reservoir over the gull roost before settling down again near Farborough Bank. In the roost were adult Med Gull and 4 adult Yellow-legged Gull. (J Judge R Mays J Hall D Hall T Marlow M Smiles RBA)
Jan 16th
Red-necked Grebe, at least 2 Great Northern Diver, Shag and drake Smew. Pink-footed Goose still, 3 Buzzard and 200 Lapwing. (R Mays D Cox B Hazell RBA)
Jan 15th
The Red-throated Diver was found dead today between the Valve Tower and Dunn's Bay a sad end to a great bird. Red-necked Grebe still off Farborough Bank with 4 Great Northern Diver, 2 Shag and drake Smew still present. Pink-footed Goose and a Little Egret flew across the reservoir with Oystercatcher and Dunlin new in. Little Owl, Common Sandpiper and Corn Bunting. In the roost were juv Iceland Gull, adult Caspian Gull and 4 Yellow-legged Gull. (T Marlow M Elliot R Mays RBA)
Jan 14th
Red-necked Grebe still but no sign of the Red-throated Diver today. Still 2 Shag, 3 Great Northern Diver and drake Smew. A Pink-footed Goose was seen in with the Canada Geese so could be feral bird. A juv Iceland Gull in the roost. Golden Plover and 12 Goosander. (R Mays B Hazell T Marlow)
Jan 13th
The Red-throated Diver, Red-necked Grebe, Shag, 3 Great Northern Diver and drake Smew still present. (G Stratford R Mays)
Jan 11th
Still Red-necked Grebe, imm Shag and 3 Great Northern Diver present and Grey Wagtail. (R Mays D Cox G Jilks)
Jan 10th
Still Red-throated Diver, Red-necked Grebe, 4 Great Northern Diver, Shag, adult Med Gull and drake Smew reported on the pager today. (RBA)
Jan 9th
All the long stayers still Red-throated Diver, Red-necked Grebe, 4 Great Northern Diver, Shag and drake Smew. Male Merlin near the Inlet, 2 Common Sandpiper, 30+ Siskin in Toft, male Blackcap, Kingfisher and 6 Snipe. (R Mays D Cox K Groocock B Hazell)
Jan 8th
Red-throated Diver still present along with Red-necked Grebe, 3 Great Northern Diver, 2 Shag and drake Smew. The 1st winter drake Scaup was in Biggin Bay with an elusive Jack Snipe. 77 Snipe counted around the various fields with 33 in one. In the roost were adult Caspian Gull, juv Iceland Gull, adult and 1st winter Med Gull and adult Yellow-legged Gull. (R Mays D Hutton R Dawkins)
Jan 7th
Red-throated Diver, Red-necked Grebe, 2 Great Northern Diver, Shag and Smew still reported on the pager. Jack Snipe flying around Biggin Bay and a male Brambling in the Country Park. In the roost were juv Iceland Gull, adult Caspian Gull, 4 adult Yellow-legged Gull, Little Gull and 3 Med Gull adult and 2 1st winter. (R Mays RBA)
Jan 6th
Red-throated Diver, Red-necked Grebe, 4 Great Northern Diver, 2 Shag and drake Smew still with the 1st winter Scaup in Biggin Bay. 2 Whooper Swan early morning before departing at 10am. A Male Merlin perched off Hensborough Bank and imm Peregrine over Toft Bay. Drake Pintail off Draycote Bank, with Shelduck and 47 Goosander. A Green Sandpiper was seen over the Country Park, Common Sandpiper still present and an impressive count of 44 Snipe. Also seen were Willow Tit, Coal Tit, 9 Meadow Pipit, 24 Siskin, 560 Canada Geese, 3 Greylag Goose, 2 Shoveler, 2 Kingfisher , Raven, Buzzard and Grey Wagtail. (R Mays B Hazell F Farrington D Hutton)
Jan 5th
Red-throated Diver, Red-necked Grebe, 4 Great Northern Diver, 2 Shag and drake Smew still. A 1st winter drake Scaup (reported on 1st) seen in Toft Bay. In the roost were adult Caspian Gull, 5 Yellow-legged Gull (4 adult and 1st winter) and an adult Med Gull (R Mays)
Jan 4th
Still Red-throated Diver, Red-necked Grebe (down to 2 ft from Farborough Bank) 4 Great Northern Diver, imm Shag, drake Smew and an adult Yellow-legged Gull on the fishing pontoons. (R Dawkins M Maddox RBA)
Jan 3rd
All the usual suspects still there 5 Divers of 2 species, 2 Shag, R N Grebe, Smew. Male Merlin, 2 Med Gull, female Brambling near the picnic area and 50 Yellowhammer Rainbow Corner. (J Judge R Mays G Jilks)
Jan 2nd
Once again many birders at the reservoir today and hope the book in the shop reflects this!! The Red-throated Diver was distant in the center and still Red-necked Grebe, 3 Great Northern Diver (another off the Valve Tower) imm Shag (another off the Valve Tower) and drake Smew off Farborough Bank. On the duck front were 2 drake Pintail, 63 Pochard, 19 Shoveler, 14 Goosander, 40+ Goldeneye, 67 Teal and 179 Wigeon. Common Sandpiper still with 5 Golden Plover and a Snipe on the waders. Passerines were female Brambling, 3 Redpoll, 35 Siskin, 2 Treecreeper, 12 Goldfinch, 4 Mistle Thrush, 12 Yellowhammer and 4 Redwing. At least 2 Kingfisher and male Sparrowhawk. In the pre-roost in Toft were 2 1st winter and 2 adult Med Gull. (J Judge R Mays J Richardson S Nichols D Hunt B Hunt)
Jan 1st
Draycote was full of birders and they were not disappointed as all the goodies had stopped for the new year. The Red-throated Diver was mainly distant in the center with Red-necked Grebe and drake Smew off Farborough Bank. At lest 4 Great Northern Diver still but mobile and 2 imm Shag with 1 present most of the morning around the Valve Tower. Chiffchaff, 2 Raven over and Common Sandpiper still.
